The Donald Trump War on Science: Pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement and other recent stories

For people who are wondering why I'm not doing more of my patented chronologies or collections of posts, the answer is pretty simple. There's so damn much going on it's hard for me to find the time and mental energy to bring it all together. I'm currently working on posts covering the Trump budget proposal as well as the story about the various issue with the Environmental Protection Agency. I'm not sure when I'll get to complete those, but in both cases the story is on-going. I'm also hoping to do an update on the March for Science post.

I may also compile the story around Paris Agreement and climate change.

In the meantime, here's some of the reporting from the last week or so, quick and dirty. I'll try and do these quicker posts more frequently. I'm saving the links anyway to include in the larger posts, so collecting on the blog shouldn't be too hard to get to.

If I've missed anything significant from the last week or so, please let me know in the comments or at jdupuis at yorku dot ca.

Here's a list of my previous blog posts concerning the Trump War on Science:


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