Chess Intuition

Time Magazine has an interesting profile of Magnus Carlsen, the youngest chess player to achieve a number one world ranking:

Genius can appear anywhere, but the origins of Carlsen's talent are particularly mysterious. He hails from Norway -- a "small, poxy chess nation with almost no history of success," as the English grand master Nigel Short sniffily describes it -- and unlike many chess prodigies who are full-time players by age 12, Carlsen stayed in school until last year. His father Henrik, a soft-spoken engineer, says he has spent more time urging his young son to complete his schoolwork than to play chess. Even now, Henrik will interrupt Carlsen's chess studies to drag him out for a family hike or museum trip. "I still have to pinch my arm," Henrik says. "This certainly is not what we had in mind for Magnus." Even pro chess players -- a population inured to demonstrations of extraordinary intellect -- have been electrified by Carlsen's rise. A grand master at 13 (the third youngest in history) and a conqueror of top players at 15, he is often referred to as the Mozart of chess for the seeming ease of his mastery. In September, he announced a coaching contract with Garry Kasparov, arguably the greatest player of all time, who quit chess in 2005 to pursue a political career in Russia. "Before he is done," Kasparov says, "Carlsen will have changed our ancient game considerably."

One of the fascinating elements of Carlsen's talent is that he's learned the game by playing computer chess, matching his wits against advanced algorithms. The end result is a prodigy who's amassed an unprecedented amount of deliberate practice at an early age, as he's able to play multiple games on the same machine at the same time. Computers, in other words, have accelerated the pace of his chess education. The article then discusses Carlsen's semi-mystical chess "intuition," which allows the youngster to "feel for where to place the pieces":

According to Kasparov, Carlsen has a knack for sensing the potential energy in each move, even if its ultimate effect is too far away for anyone -- even a computer -- to calculate. In the grand-master commentary room, where chess's clerisy gather to analyze play, the experts did not even consider several of Carlsen's moves during his game with Kramnik until they saw them and realized they were perfect. "It's hard to explain," Carlsen says. "Sometimes a move just feels right."

At first glance, there is something surprising about a teenager weaned on chess software extolling the wonders of intuition. It's as if we expect Carlsen to act like his software, to be as explicit in his strategic decisions as Deep Blue, the IBM supercomputer. But that misses the real purpose of practice and the real genius of the human brain. When we practice properly - and this means engaging in deliberate practice - we aren't just accumulating factual knowledge. Instead, we're embedding our experience into our unconscious, so that even insanely complicated calculations - and Carlsen can regularly plan twenty chess moves in advance - become mostly automatic. This is a truism of expertise. Although we tend to think of experts as being weighted down by information, their intelligence dependent on a vast set of facts, experts are actually profoundly intuitive. When experts evaluate a situation, they don't systematically compare all the available options or consciously analyze the relevant information. Carlsen, for instance, doesn't compute the probabilities of winning if he moves his rook to the left rather than the right. Instead, experts naturally depend on the emotions generated by their experience. Their prediction errors - all those mistakes they made in the past - have been translated into useful knowledge, which allows them to tap into a set of accurate feelings they can't begin to explain. Neils Bohr said it best: an expert is "a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field." From the perspective of the brain, Bohr was absolutely right. And this is why we shouldn't be surprised that a chess prodigy raised on chess computer programs would be even more intuitive than traditional grandmasters. The software allows him to play more chess, which allows him to make more mistakes, which allows him to accumulate experience at a prodigious pace.

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Intuition can be implemented in computers. The theory is straightforward; I provide some motivational high level information at and some later results in videos at . The devil is in the details, and the machines we are using at the moment are too small (32 GB RAM; we're aiming at 256GB for our next one). We're looking for funding.

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Maybe it also means that strategic skills are more endemic to our so-called emotional brain than our rational brains are wont to admit.

I can verify this from my personal experience. I used to play Armagetron Advanced massively for a few years, a very simple free Tron-like game.

At times when I was playing all day long, I had rather intense repetitive dreams, where opposing players would box me in over and over again, in short: where I had to relive all the mistakes I made over the day.

The next day, I could anticipate harmful situations from a mile away. I started to notice that the less I concentrated on the game, the better I would play, the more effortless my winning strikes became. When intuition took over, I was perfect.

I remember especially one game where I was playing against eight opponents and got caught up in an on-screen religious discussion with one guy, which only helped my rational mind to focus away from the action - I effortlessly won the game, and I will never forget it. The mind is a wonderful tool.

After about one and a half year into playing Armagetron, I became virtually invincible, no-one wanted to play against me anymore, so I wrote a few tutorials on strategies, which leveled the playing field a bit.

I don't play AA anymore though. The last time I tried, I was out of practice, and people had new tricks up their sleeves - luckily.

For what it's worth, the chess grandmaster Lars Bo Hansen agrees with you. Further, he argues that intuition is going to be an increasingly important part of chess for the next generation as players struggle against opponents armed with computer-prepared opening surprises.

See his recent book Improve your Chess by Learning from the Champions (Gambit, 2009).

"Instead, experts naturally depend on the emotions generated by their experience. "

No, this is deeply wrong.

I think you'll find Carlsen goes deeper and does more efficient calculation than his opponents, and that this looks like 'intuition' but it is not in any way based on 'feel' or 'emotion' or 'it just seems right'. Carlsen has some amazing pattern recognition and move tree pruning heuristics built in to where he does more efficient calculation and can make better predictions in unclear situations. For every move he makes on the board, he has done hundreds of calculations internally, the 'intuitive' part only comes after all of this, the process is nothing like the colloquial usage of the word 'intuition'.

By inboulder (not verified) on 18 Jan 2010 #permalink

This is interesting in reverse as well. With artificial intelligence design, not just to create better chess programs but better digital instincts, the mistake model could be very helpful. Instead of merely programming to remember right answer, having a program which remembers wrong answers, and chooses anything other than those experiences.


For every move he makes on the board, he has done hundreds of calculations internally, the 'intuitive' part only comes after all of this, the process is nothing like the colloquial usage of the word 'intuition'.

This gets it backwards. It's intuition first, then calculation. Garry Kasparov, Carlson's coach, discusses the importance of intuition in his book "How Life Imitates Chess," in a way that is roughly similar to Jonah's analysis. According to Kasparov, first intuition gives the player a candidate move, and then calculations are used to verify the soundness of the intuition. The intuitions themselves come with experience.

Except that "intuition" IS the result and response to an "instinctive" form of learned strategic calculation. The rational brain further analyzes those results to look for flaws. That's what "verify the soundness" refers to, the "logical" soundness of the emotional brain's unconscious calculative process.

Intuition is only a reflection of subconscious calculations. As mentioned above, we may try to validate these subconscious calculations using conscious rational skills.

This also has an interesting relationship (perhaps exactly the same thing?) with the concept of "Flow", a state when someone is fully engaged in a task. All resources are completely focused on the task, so much so the individual may not be conscious of their own body. Their brain is only reacting.

A state of flow comes when great skill meets challenge. This reflects the 'intuition' of an expert mentioned here. The calculations are not conscious acts, and appear to be instinctive reactions by the individual and observers.


Except that "intuition" IS the result and response to an "instinctive" form of learned strategic calculation. The rational brain further analyzes those results to look for flaws. That's what "verify the soundness" refers to, the "logical" soundness of the emotional brain's unconscious calculative process.

By "calculation," I meant conscious calculationâwhich is the ordinary usage. This kind of calculation goes like this: "If I go here, he will go here; if he goes here..." I highly doubt the subconscious mind goes through anything resembling this kind of process. Nor is it likely that the mind runs through each and every possible move to evaluate it. It seems more likely that the mind engages in pattern recognition, i.e., "chunking," which is not the same as "learned strategic calculation."

SJA, the "subconscious" does exactly the type of calculation you propose as the sole purview of the conscious, and more. If it didn't, what else would then account for the effectiveness of intuition?

"Learned strategic calculation" is what instinctive behavior is all about. Pattern recognition is only a mall part of this. Instincts are in effect strategies that evolve through the augmentation of learned experience.

Great article, but I must say Magnus got good at the game not because he has been playing vs chess engines but because he has a deep understanding of a given position. I will not get into the topic of positional chess, if you are anywhere near interested in Chess then you should check out some of Vladmir Kramnik games, he is probably one of the best positional chess players. Back to Magnus, he has learnt a lot over the years and Chess Engines are only good analyzing and in some cases may be helping you become better player but a GM does not need a chess engine to become a better player. Please refer to this great post…


the "subconscious" does exactly the type of calculation you propose as the sole purview of the conscious, and more.

If the subconscious mind executes the type of calculation I sketched, then the brain would be overwhelmed, because so many options are available at any given point in a game. This would also be in conflict with experimental data, which shows that expert chess players expend less energy in their brains when analyzing a position than novices do. This is because expert chess players consider fewer alternatives than novices do. In other words, experts calculate less.

If it didn't, what else would then account for the effectiveness of intuition?

Heightened awareness and pattern recognition ("chunking").

"Learned strategic calculation" is what instinctive behavior is all about.

That's not true at all. Instincts are not learned; they are hard-wired. Intuitions, on the other hand, are learnedâin the sense that we develop them through experience.

Well, if you disagree, you disagree. But ask yourself how the hard wiring came about that, if not at some point learned, was nevertheless so eerily consistent with each species-specific learned experience? And how the wiring seems to change over time with such consistency to adaptive pressures?
And pattern recognition doesn't then give us the strategies that are to be associated with that pattern, and then make by some autonomous process the series of decisions needed to respond to the situation on the ground, so to speak - or does it?

And by the way, in your posited process of learning intuitional "logic" through experience, was there any calculation going on in the emotional brain apparatus, and if so, was it not an "if this, then that" determinative process at the very minimum?
And do not lower forms of animal life that seemingly act intuitively hunt and play using the same "if this, then that" strategic systemological methodology?

But enough with the rhetorical diversion. The pattern of irreducible difference here is clear.

Your piece, and most of the comment stream, seem to imply that intuition is not much more than massively rapid calculations, achieved via massive, deliberate practice. If so, then anyone playing the same number of hours vs. the same algorithms would be Carlsen's equal. Isn't it more likely that particular brains more efficient than others in processing particular types of experience? So the genius, intuitive play that Carlsen displays occurs only when there is a perfect coincidence of ability and subject matter? Or perhaps that ability is universally-applicable, meaning Carlsen could now be the world's greatest chef, if he had spent an equal number of hours with recipe databases? Interested in any insights/suggested reading you or your readers have on these questions.

Perhaps it is not as complicated as it seems.


Instincts, intuitions, experience - all interchangeable, all interplays - flowing back and forth, to and from, up and down, past/present/future, holistically - the result being a synthesis point when all come together to actualise that moment of the decisive move.

Enjoy enjoy enjoy

@royniles, thanks for the stimulating questions, even if you intended them as mere rhetoric.

But ask yourself how the hard wiring came about that, if not at some point learned, was nevertheless so eerily consistent with each species-specific learned experience? And how the wiring seems to change over time with such consistency to adaptive pressures?

I think you're equivocating with the word "learned." Of course, in a sense, instincts are "learned" by a species over generations. But not in the same way that intuitions are learned by a person during that person's life. A person is born with instincts but can develop intuition. Here's how Marilyn vos Savant put it, "the distinction between instinct and intuition is like the difference between the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system." Brain Building, pg. 97.

And pattern recognition doesn't then give us the strategies that are to be associated with that pattern, and then make by some autonomous process the series of decisions needed to respond to the situation on the ground, so to speak - or does it?

I can assure you that Carlsen develops his strategies prior to his games, at least if he is preparing for his games with Kasparov. The process of developing strategies will involve intuition as well, but strategies are not generally "felt" in the way that a good move on the board is felt, which is what Carlsen and Kasparov were talking about in the interview. As for your suggestion that it is absurd to think that pattern recognition might "give us" associated strategies, why not? A set of strategies might be neurologically connected to a given pattern due to past associations.

And by the way, in your posited process of learning intuitional "logic" through experience, was there any calculation going on in the emotional brain apparatus, and if so, was it not an "if this, then that" determinative process at the very minimum?

M point was that, whatever the process, it won't involve calculating each and every option. As for "intuitional 'logic'", I don't know what that is. I talked about "chunking." Here's what it says over at Wikipedia about chunking: "A chunk can then be defined as "a collection of elements having strong associations with one another, but weak associations with elements within other chunks" (Gobet et al., 2001, p. 236). Chase and Simon (1973), and later Gobet, Retschitzki and de Voogt (2004), showed that chunking could explain several phenomena linked to expertise in chess.

And do not lower forms of animal life that seemingly act intuitively hunt and play using the same "if this, then that" strategic systemological methodology?

What is "strategic systemological methodology"? I googled it, and it looks like you may be the first person to have used this term on the internet. Cool.

"Strategic systemological methodology" is what you would use to take advantage of your prior "intelligent choice" selection of "pattern relevant" memory chunks. Which were strategies you had learned and deemed material for their potential value as enhancements to the wired versions that had evolved as the basic modus operandi for human competitive success. Or not.

Great article, I was with you all the way until this part:

"And this is why we shouldn't be surprised that a chess prodigy raised on chess computer programs would be even more intuitive than traditional grandmasters."

That is quite a leap. The truth is we have 0 idea why this young genius is more intuitive, nor do we even have any way of knowing if he is "more intuitive" since it's such a subjective and abstract thing to measure. Unless "intuitive" equals "the best" in which case I suppose you can claim whoever is the best at something is the most intuitive at it.

Nice comment, David. I agree you regarding the leap in logic as to the connection between computer programs and intuition. There are at least two assumptions here: (1) chess players play more games because of computer programs, and (2) playing games on the computer improves intuition at least as much, if not more, than playing over the board.

These assumptions are questionable. Players have traditionally played tons of games over the board in chess clubs or at home with a tutor or in other forums, and there's something to be said for practicing face-to-face with a human opponent. (Josh Waitzkin touches on this subject in his book, "The Art of Learning.") After all, games are played face-to-face in tournaments.

However, I disagree about evidence regarding Carlsen's superior intuition. We do have some evidence. First, we have Kasparov's informed opinionâafter all, he is Carlsen's coach, and he is still widely considered the best player ever. Second, we have Carlsen himself, who has said, "Sometimes a move just feels right"âwhich indicates the operation of intuition. These opinions should not be dismissed.

Astonishingly high level of commentary.

Key issues are whether Carsen's 'something special' was accelerated by computer games and whether they would have a similar effect on ordinary mortals. I understand the Polgar story is being presented as 'nurture over nature'.. My 'intution' senses the case to favour 'nature supported by nurture'.

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This year 2010, there was blitz tournament in Norway, which Carlsen won. The thing is there were one game which even I with my simple 2000elo mind didn't understood why Carlsen sacrificed two pieces, it was total blunder, but second GM didn't see it, it was, well, little bit weird, I thought I was wrong, and next day I have read in chessbase website, that carsled did total blunder, and second Grandmaster 2700+ elo didn't see it. They both were out of time,so they were playing worse than simplest machine algorithm around 800elo would see the blunder like that... So basically that tells something about human nature to do blunders if time doesn't allow to focus experience+calculation...It takes time to do it! Hence, machines is a great thing.

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"I don't think that a blog makes stars less credible. But I don't like how some stars use their blogs to only promote themselves and their movies. The self-promotion turns me off."

By Mikki Vitagliano (not verified) on 05 Aug 2011 #permalink

That Karl guy a couple of entries before me sure does get around. Just google what he says to google and youll see how many sites he commented on saying the exact same thing sometimes with different names. Too bad nobody heres as ignorant as him to actually believe that crap.

Heya! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any issues with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing several weeks of hard work due to no data backup. Do you have any solutions to stop hackers?

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echt gut, daà dieses heikle Thema mittlerweile direkt diskuttiert wird. Ihr Post hat mir gut gefallen, aber teile ich diese Ansicht nicht hundertprozentig. Aber ich denke Gebiet .

I want to start a fashion/lifestyle blog. I love photography, but I want to upgrade my digital camera to a more professional one. I also wanted to start this blog, so which camera would you recommend me. I have a small budget, so if you could find something that is not too pricey, I would appreciate it. Thanks a lot !.

I love photography, but I want to upgrade my digital camera to a more professional one. I also wanted to start this blog, so which camera would you recommend me. I have a small budget, so if you could find something that is not too pricey, I would appreciate it. Thanks a lot !.

excellent publish, very informative. I'm wondering why the opposite specialists of this sector do not understand this. You should continue your writing. I am sure, you have a great readers' base already!

*FREAKIN EXCITED NOW!* I LOVED this tutorial, I can't wait to dig through my fabric scraps to make a million of these. Keep it up girl!

Normally I don?t comment on your posts but I wanted to let you know I have placed a link to your page on my blog. I was thinking that maybe you could benefit from my visitors since we have somewhat similar pages.

Nee, het blijkt dat Maxime niet dood is. Ze gaat Nick terug pakken (vermoorden, wegjagen) en Nick gaat weg uit GTST.... Liever andersom he?

Too bad some of these pictures look to have been doctored. I have been researching Giantism in the human race for over a year now. Very interesting findings worldwide, and the Smithsonian Institute doesnt want to hear about them, or even admit they exist. What a shame, and it is held up by our Govt. to be the last word on Archeology, History, etc. Just goes to show that you cannot put your Trust in Man. So if you feel burned because once again you go Conned by these pictures, just remember Jesus Christ gave us all a Gift to end all Gifts, Salvation, and all we have to do is believe on his Name, and ask that he Cleanse us from our Sins, and accept his Salvation. No need to believe in true pictures, or any other product of man. For you who are genuinely interested in the study of the existence of Giants, check out a Biography of the Early Years of Wild Bill Hickok, I believe its on page 254, but I could be wrong, anyway a tribe of Indians brings him a Giant sized Human Femur bone, which a medical doctor of that time readily identifies as a very large human femur bone, and read the Lore of the Indians as told to Hickok way back in 1871 about the Giants. Very interesting, and no doctored photographs. Just the word of an enterprising Indian Scout, Pony Express rider, Indian Fighter, and Wild West Show entrepreneur, what could be more trustworthy? Mike Kelly

You come up with a great point in your final paragraph. I couldn't agree more with your conclusion. With today's modern world, your scene on this issue is without in today's youths. We must make sure that our kids read more about this topic so we don't lose our ways.

Hmm is anyone else experiencing problems with the images on this blog loading? I'm trying to figure out if its a problem on my end or if it's the blog. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

Hello. impressive job. I did not imagine this. This is a impressive story. Thanks!

By Disklavier (not verified) on 18 Sep 2011 #permalink

awesome website. this style is actually horrible whilst. if you need new one you possibly can download a lot of payment on the internet, it should seem improved.

Hey Trey, I am sooo glad to hear that you never dated Lauren and that you didn`t get her pregnant. When I read bout both I was almost in tears. I Love You Boo and always will. Your Wifey!

Good luck trying to advertise on facebook though - they have insane guidelines you have to follow.
But yes there is no denying the massive power of social media in current times. Even the old bbc is referencing twitter and facebook now on a regular basis

Now THAT'S what you get for being a wanna-be badass out for revenge. You wanted to be a smartass. When that cell door slams on you you'll just be an ass.

the massive power of social media in current times. Even the old bbc is referencing twitter and facebook now on a regular basis

Magnificent goods from you, man. Chess Intuition : The Frontal Cortex I have understand your stuff previous to and you are just too wonderful. I really like what you have acquired here, really like what you're stating and the way in which you say it. You make it enjoyable and you still take care of to keep it sensible. I can't wait to read much more from you. This is actually a terrific Chess Intuition : The Frontal Cortex informations.

Too bad some of these pictures look to have been doctored. I have been researching Giantism in the human race for over a year now. Very interesting findings worldwide, and the Smithsonian Institute doesnt want to hear about them, or even admit they exist. What a shame, and it is held up by our Govt.This is actually a terrific Chess Intuition : The Frontal Cortex informations.

I tend to some what agree with what was said but in hindsight I don't follow the subject very well. You probably have a much better grasp than I.

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Its like you read my mind! You appear to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with some pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than that, this is wonderful blog. A great read. I will certainly be back.

Hey matey, thanks again for another fabulous post I really enjoyed going through it. I take it that you know what you are doing in terms of web creation and content creation because your website looks fabulous. I have been taking a brief look at your website in terms of SEO and you currently only have around 300 backlinks (quality backlinks) because of the nature of the niche you are in you should really be looking for some SEO services. I own my own seo company and we offer free competition analysis's and quotes so if your interested please feel free to submit your details to us and I will take a proper look for you. My website is cyberrankings(dot)com :) which can also be found by clicking on my name above this post, I am sure you know what I mean..Oh and by the way your advertisement seems to appear at the top of the page covering some on your content (in firefox) and yet it seems to work fine in internet explorer as I have just checked for you. It may be worth putting the html coding in again as I have had the same problem with one of my websites before and for some reason re-installing the coding seemed to do the job! Just thought I should let you know

Hello! I know this is kinda off topic however , I'd figured I'd ask. Would you be interested in trading links or maybe guest authoring a blog article or vice-versa? My site addresses a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other. If you might be interested feel free to shoot me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you! Superb blog by the way!

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"we should bring back (the) Glass-Steagall Act that separated commercial banking from investment banking, and let the banker's bank." from John C. Bogle.

I am curious why you suggest the energy demands of a pitcher as being closer to an elite sprinter than an olympic lifter. A pitch is a single (or double) core to extremity wave of contractionlasting roughly the same amount of time it would take to snatch or clean a load from the ground. The time domains that sprinters excel at are rarely found, except on ground balls to the right side and backing up a throw from the outfield, which happens rarely in comparison to the amount of pitches thrown in an AB, inning or game.

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2) now that my identity may or may not be compromised, i feel that my ability to call you out when you make non-sensical (yet grammatically excellent) arguments is in jeopardyi guess i have no choice but to turn to the biggest patriots fan (and family turncoat) that i know for advice as how to proceed

Wow You do have issues! Ill bet you are a plant that says these sort of things on a conservative website to see how much you can stir up! Do you know why conservatives are referred to as the right? Because they are.

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Yet another reason why David Stern want the lakers to win this title!!! Bill Kennedy ( Celtic hater ) assigned to officiate game 3 and now Eddi F-ck Rush ( celtic hater and a fan of the lakers ) assigned for game 4. This is a joke , yall. It couldnt be more blatant who Stern and his crooks in the league office want to se win the championship and its not the Boston Cletics!!!Im hoping our fans will give Eddie F-ck Rush the treatment tonight because if we dont , you just know that he will find a way to help the lakers.THE NBA IS THE MOST CORRUPT LEAGUE IN AMERICA!!!!

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By http://arab.up… (not verified) on 28 Oct 2011 #permalink

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What a really neat kid! Also, the fact that computers accelerated his learning is pretty neat. Also, I think it's cool that his parents required him to stay in school, and that they still keep him involved in family life. Even more importantly, they agreed to do this. My brother was getting to be really good at chess, and my parents couldn't agree how to handle it; in school, out of school; chess tutor (or not), etc. It was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back and they ended up getting a divorce.

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Getting back to this Brown election, though, I must say that it truly prickles my pines the way the Democrats have sent all those vote thieves into Massachusetts to undo what the people of that great state think its time to do: vote in a Republican.

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1. Sobra el tono coloquial y persuasivo, que probablemente desconocen.2) No es posible el razonamiento, pues tampoco suelen conocerlo.3) No se les puede escuchar porque te gritan ( y no dejan hablar)4) No hay forma tantas veces de valorar lo positivo. NO SABENCOSASEA.5) Suele ser imposible el racionalismo, no razonan, embisten. (Machado)6) No conocen la ilusión en el trabajo, lo suelen detestar o ignorar.7) La palabra respeto no entra en su diccionario.

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Fantastic goods from you, man. Chess Intuition : The Frontal Cortex I've understand your stuff previous to and you are just extremely wonderful. I really like what you have acquired here, really like what you are stating and the way in which you say it. You make it enjoyable and you still take care of to keep it sensible. I can't wait to read far more from you. This is actually a terrific Chess Intuition : The Frontal Cortex informations.

Fantastic blog! Do you have any helpful hints for aspiring writers? I'm planning to start my own blog soon but I'm a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like Wordpress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I'm totally confused .. Any recommendations? Cheers!

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You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be actually something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and very broad for me. I'm looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!

Thanks for sharing!

By момиÑеÑа… (not verified) on 08 Dec 2011 #permalink

Thanks for sharing!

By кеÑÑе (not verified) on 08 Dec 2011 #permalink

THANK YOU for this! Even though I work a desk job, I try to get out for a walk over lunch and I work out about 5 days a week (either weights, running, or yoga). My boyfriend lives with his friend and his friends gf this girl will tell me that she only had yogurt for lunch, buuut she never works out and is a little bit overweight. When it comes time to sit down for dinner, I always eat more than her. What used to make me a little self-conscious now just makes sense! I need to EAT to fuel my active body!!

I am frequently to blogging and i really enjoy your content material. The write-up has genuinely peaks my interest. I am going to bookmark your internet site and maintain checking for new details.

As a true independent economically conservative, socially liberal I am at my wits end with both parties. Im waiting for one or the other to apologize to the nation and rededicate itself to good, constitutional governance. Given the current political climate, that might take a while. I cant cast a vote in your election, of course, but Im hoping and praying that Scott Brown wins, and that the Pubs absolutely obliterate the Dems this November. Then, both parties will have a choice to make: do we keep playing to our loony-tune bases, or do we truly sit back and acknowledge that theres not a red America nor a blue America, but one America? That was another quote that resonated with me during last years campaign. Heres hoping the person who said it decides he meant it.

I have to confess that i generally get bored to read the whole thing but i feel you'll be able to add some value. Bravo !

Yesterday, though I used to be at do the trick, my sister stole my iPad and examined to observe if it may possibly endure a forty foot drop, just so she may be a youtube feeling. My iPad is now destroyed and she has 83 views. I understand it is fully off theme but I needed to share it with an individual!

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