New Funding for Ocean Research

The Bush Administration announced major budget increases totaling more than $140 million over the fiscal year 2007 request "to support coastal and marine conservation efforts in fiscal year 2008." The press release announcing this new funding can be found here.

Highlights include:

* $123 million to NOAA for sustainable use of ocean resources ($25 million), protection and restoration of marine and coastal areas ($38 million), and enhanced ocean science and research ($60 million).

* $25 million to NSF and USGS to implement the Ocean Research Priority Plan (ORPP), with $3 million of that given to USGS for research, sea floor mapping, forecast models and water quality monitoring in "key coastal areas" like the Gulf of Mexico and the Chesapeake Bay.

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Hey Peter,

Good news, hopefully it all comes through. I was at the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative release of the report card. I am trying my best here to push through HR 21. Take it easy,