Newsletter 8 from CenSeam

The Census of Marine Life on Seamounts (CenSeam) project released Newsletter No 8 earlier this month. Visit their website to download this and other editions. This particular issue is one of their most extensive newsletters ever, featuring interesting stories and articles about:

-A photographic image collection and analysis workshop in Great Britain
-MBARI's open-source Video and Annotation Reference System (VARS)
-The deepwater "fish spas" of the Kermadec-Tonga Arc
-Longline sampling for deep-sea fishes on seamounts near the Azores
-A new online data portal from Global Biodiversity Information Facility
-Creature Feature: Black Cardinalfish
-Stalked crinoids
-Traveling exhibit called "Deeper than Light"
-Scientist Profile: Tim O'Hara and his latest publication on ophiuroids
-WWF-News Zealand's new online inventory and exhibit "Treasures of the Sea"

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