Online Opinion has published my post Andrew Bolt gets a perfect score on global warming as part of its Best Blog posts of 2006.

This comment from Jennifer Marohasy is priceless:

Interestingly this piece by Tim Lambert was published at OLO today as it is considered one of the '40 best blogs' written in 2006.

Given its content, I can't imagine the judges of the '40 best blogs' know that much about global warming?

But they should have known Andrew Bolt has a great blog at the Herald Sun ... and they could have probably found a much better written and more factually correct piece at his site.

Maybe they will consider a piece from Andrew Bolt for the 2007 'best blog' anthology?

Heck, why not get Bolt, Khilyuk and Chilingar to write the next IPCC report?

There has also been more sour grapes from other bloggers that didn't make it into the list. Mark Bahnisch and skepticlawyer have the details.


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I poke into Jennifer Marohasy's blog from time to time, though I am no longer a regular commenter. I gave that up a couple of years ago but still take any special cases as opportunities to chime in again. She's one of those standard types of sceptics, the "scientist" from another discipline just…

"Given its content, I can't imagine the judges of the '40 best blogs' know that much about global warming?"

That kettle sure is black isn't it?

By Chris O'Neill (not verified) on 18 Jan 2007 #permalink

You can't pay for this type of entertainment.

The most beautiful thing about the internet is that any Tom Dick and Jenny can have their own blog where they are free to write the first (and the second and the third,... and the nth) stupid thing that pops into their head without having to worry about anyone stopping them before they make a fool of themselves.

Jen's just bitter that there was no 'best blog post by a corporate shill' category for her to compete it.

Speaking of global warming denialism, The Age Business 19/1/07 has an article with the same old denialist claptrap.

By Chris O'Neill (not verified) on 19 Jan 2007 #permalink

One of the problems of a democracy is the extent to which business purchases government decisions. It is possible for business to puchase the whole decision making process. Marohasy at the IPA is businesses attempt to pollute the informational aspects of decision making, What do you do about Macquarie bank , for instance , which politicians regard as part of their superannuation package i.e. on political retirement they work there. These things need to be thought about as businesses are dragged kicking and screaming towards CO2 abatement measures . There will be many last ditch efforts from especially energy companies , legislative requiremnt to expose shills connections might be a first step.

By Bill O'Slatter (not verified) on 19 Jan 2007 #permalink

My comments about the absurdity of Blog competitions still applies , though they one useful effect : Blair starts complaining (he missed out again the moron).

By Bill O'Slatter (not verified) on 19 Jan 2007 #permalink