A note about comments

As of late, a number of comments have been eaten by the SB spam filters. Mostly, they are longer comments with hyperlinks. I try to check the spam folder to catch such incorrectly identified comments, but if you notice your comment not showing up in the discussion, shoot me an email and I can check the folder. I don't want to lessen the spam filter effectively so we don't get inundated with fantastic offers for various products, so hopefully this won't become too much of a problem.

Thanks for all the comments! Keep them coming!

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For the past few weeks, I have allowed commenters to post using their TypeKey account. I didn't want to require commenters to register with TypeKey if they did not want to, so I still allowed comments from unregistered readers. TypeKey allows me to authorize comments much faster, as I do not need…
A bit of blog housekeeping here... Normally, I find out about new comments on my blog through e-mail notifications that get sent to me shortly after you, the reader and commenter, post your comments. I find it much easier simply to scroll through the e-mails and see what the reaction is to my posts…
I forgot to mention in my comment policy yesterday a couple of things that people commenting here should know. Because of our comment spam problem, filters at most of the blogs at ScienceBlogs are set up such that putting more than two hyperlinks in a comment will automatically trigger a filter…
I don't know what is going on, but most new comments seem to be getting held for moderation and/or sent by the spam filter into my junk folder. I have just retrieved a bunch of them from the junk folder (including one of my own) and gotten them published. However, I am about to leave for an…

This is only a test. Do not panic; stay in your homes and wait for the Blog Authorities to arrive.

Just kiddin' -- you've got a great vulcanism blog going on here.

John Seach reports that Nyiragongo Volcano will be erupting.
His reports cover some work that will be undertaken.


"Seismic activity has increased near Nyamuragira volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo. According to scientists at Goma Volcano Observatory, Nyamuragira volcano will be in eruption in the next two or three months."

John Seach has a worthwhile blog - but he only blogs when he is not on an expedition.

By Thomas Donlon (not verified) on 20 Apr 2009 #permalink

Here is a good volcano video on Rabaul that features John Seach as an expert. You can watch online. You have watch a thirty second commercial first.

The video quality is good - and I think it is worth watching. Ten to fifteen minutes of delight for volcano lovers.


By Thomas Donlon (not verified) on 20 Apr 2009 #permalink

Regarding, the video that I linked to above. As often is the case with television they talk about worse case scenarios - and only give a few comments about the relative unlikelihood of that happening in the next thousand years or so.

Erik also has a fine profile of Rabaul:

By Thomas Donlon (not verified) on 20 Apr 2009 #permalink

Thanks for the links, Thomas. If any of you find information and videos like these on the interwebs, feel free to link them here. I know there is much more volcano-related information out there for me alone to handle!

Sorry about the extra spam work.

Do you or anyone have an archived Mt Redoubt links I could print out of NCT_EHZ_AV or any of the Webicorders for Redoubt? My kid is working on a school assignment and we notice we do not have any of the print outs from any of the main eruptions in March.

By theroachman (not verified) on 21 Apr 2009 #permalink


I knew it was there someplace but with all those images to go through and a nine year old and 5 year old asking "is that it?" Lets "look at that instead" it was getting a little dificult to find.

Big thanks!

By theroachman (not verified) on 21 Apr 2009 #permalink