How to make your mother sick with worry in 2007.

Don't update your blog for a few days.

Seriously, the fact that I left a message on the machine to let her know that the Free-Ride family made it home safely was apparently not persuasive in the absence of new blog entries since our return.

I was totally offline for a few days. I got some groceries, took the kids for haircuts and doctors appointments, did a little gardening, did a little reading. I promise I'm still alive and everyone is reasonably healthy.

The prospects are even pretty good for a post on ethics and/or science in the next 24 hours.

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I think your Mom realizes that as long as the Discovery Institute is still open, they are a threat to people that care about ethics and science. And she's right!

Thank you. In your voice mail message, it sounded a bit like your cold was winning which added to my concern.

Luckily (?) I have serveral other pressing distractions, but I'm glad to know that you and yours are sound of body and mind. Well, maybe that extrapolation stretches a bit too far.

Blog on.

By Super Sally (not verified) on 04 Jan 2007 #permalink

so in some ways, your mom is thoroughly modern, requiring blog activity in place of a pulse. [my mother would have no idea what a blog is]

on the other hand she is thoroughly old fashioned, strictly requiring a pulse or something in its stead.