Latest McCain Campaign Ad

Oh wait, that wasn't a campaign ad. Whatever.


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Greg, you should warn people that it's Keith Olberman. I almost watched that...ewwww.


You should watch it. You might learn how much of a piece-of-shit scum-bag Gramps McCombover really is.

By Woody Tanaka (not verified) on 27 Aug 2008 #permalink

I think Olbermann is missing the point. The gorilla joke was crude, it was tasteless, it was cruel. But the main problem with it is that it isn't funny.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 27 Aug 2008 #permalink

No, the point is that he knows absolutely nothing about gorilla anatomy.

And it isn't funny. and it's offensive. And we don't like him anyway, he's kinda creepy.

Bad biology - check

Not funny - check

Offensive - check

As a member of one of the largest unenfranchised groups* standing to be affected by the US election, I find the concept of this being "authentic McCain" terrifying, especially in view of the latest polls.

* Canadians