President Carter and Keith Olbermann seem to think there is a racialized feature to this anti Obama thing.

This includes Jimmy Carter's comments.

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9/11 puppet
AIPAC puppet
Neocon puppet
Federal Reserve puppet

Uncle Tom or Uncle Sam?

Ventura Sheehan Perot Paul Nader McKinney Kucinich Kaptur Gravel Gonzalez Clemente Choate Carter Baldwin Anderson

By nader paul kuc… (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

I was very hopeful when Obama got elected that it would be a really big step away from racism in the USA. That his success (hopefully) would create a whole new atmosphere.
Well it seems it has, just not the one I hoped for!

Sometimes you have to pull back the covers and let the light shine on what you find. All the extreme rightwing calling him names and using the pics they have IS racism. Why has it taken so many so long to see this?
It is so ugly and needs to stop,now.

(((fear & smear)))

to: All Shills & Trolls
from: AIPAC Neocon Megaphone
re: Demonization of President Carter

Ventura Sheehan Perot Paul Nader McKinney Kucinich Kaptur Gravel Gonzalez Clemente Choate Carter Baldwin Anderson

Israel-first dual-nationals of AIPAC
Willful media disinformation
Federal Reserve Scam
Anthrax intimidation
9/11 sham

By gravel kucinic… (not verified) on 17 Sep 2009 #permalink