Blog Rolling UDPATED

Here (below the fold) is my new blog roll. If you were expecting to be there and don't see yourself, let me know. I'm trying to keep my blog roll blog roll-like in that it includes mainly people with whom I exchange linking now and then, and especially whose who's blog roll I'm on. I've deleted seemingly defunct blog as well. It is quite possible that I accidentally deleted a blog that I shouldn't have.

July 14th AM version:

  • 10,000 Birds
  • A Blog Around The Clock
  • Almost Diamonds
  • a Nadder!
  • Angry by Choice
  • Archy (John McKay)
  • Armchair Dissident
  • Beagle Project
  • Ben Zvan
  • (((Billy))) The Atheist
  • blogfish
  • blogSci
  • Bug Girl's Blog
  • Camels with Hammers
  • Catalogue of Oganisms
  • Chance and Necessity
  • Class M Planet
  • Cocktail Party Physics
  • Counter Minds
  • Crooks and Liars
  • Crowded Head, Cozy Bed
  • Dead Racist Society
  • Decrepit Old Fool
  • Deep Sea News
  • Dinochick Blogs
  • Dispersal of Darwin
  • Divine Afflatus
  • Dougs Divine Drollery
  • Dougs Dynamic Drivel
  • Dread Tomato Addiction
  • Drowning in the Real
  • Dubito Ergo Sum
  • Evil is Underrated
  • Evolved and Rational
  • Evolving in Kansas
  • Evolving Thoughts
  • Fellman Studio Blog
  • Flying Trilobite
  • Further Thoughts
  • Greg's Weather Blog (Star Tribute)
  • Holocene Hominoid
  • Hoxful Monsters
  • I am the Lizard Queen!
  • ICBS Everywhere
  • Illusory Tenant
  • It's Alive!!
  • Jafcisa
  • Joe. My. God.
  • Lab Cat
  • Latter Day Main street
  • Letters from a Broad
  • Life Before Death
  • Life Cycle Analysis
  • Linux in exile
  • Looking For Detachment
  • Main Street Plaza
  • Matharu's Rants and Raves
  • Mors dei
  • Mystery of Mysteries
  • Natural Reckonings
  • Nature Blog Network
  • Neuroanthropology
  • Observations of a Nerd
  • oldcola
  • Open Access News
  • Pharyngula
  • Providentia
  • Puzzled Ponderer
  • Qeyḥ bÄḥrÄ«
  • Quiche Moraine
  • Religion, Sets, and Politics
  • R.E.S.E.A.R.C.H.E.R.S.
  • Richard Dawkins Net
  • Sandwalk
  • Sarah Zielinski
  • Science is Culture
  • Science Notes
  • Science Pundit
  • Skepchick
  • Spanish Inquisitor
  • Splendid Elles
  • Survival Machine
  • Synapostasy
  • TalkOrigins
  • Tangled Up in Blue Guy
  • Tetrapod Zoology
  • The Flying Trilobite
  • The Inoculated Mind
  • The Intersection
  • The Loom (new)
  • The Scientific Activist
  • The Unexamined Life..
  • The Zone
  • Thinking for Free
  • Think Progress
  • Three Toed Sloth
  • Toomanytribbles
  • Traumatized by Truth
  • Truth Is a Woman
  • udreamofjanie
  • Uncommon Liberty
  • When Pigs Fly Returns
  • Writer's Daily Grind
  • More like this

    I am glad to see that I am not the only one who keeps growing my Blogroll instead of purging it - Mike, PZ, skippy and Jon Swift are doing it as well. Here are additions for today: Small Things Considered The Divine Afflatus Cannablog The Thermal Vent The Adventures of Tobasco da Gama ERV I am the…
    The blogroll toward the bottom of the sidebar on the left displays 15 random links from the list below. 10,000 Birds 3 Quarks Daily Abu Aardvark Acephalous Ad Hominin Advances in the History of Psychology All in the Mind Anna's Bones The Annotated Budak Bad Astronomy Bad Science…
    Continuing with asking for your help in fixing my Blogroll: Every couple of days or so, I will post here a list of blogs that start with a particular letter, and you add in the comments if you know of something that is missing from that list. See so far: Numbers and Symbols A B C Today brought to…
    OK, is there a blog missing from this list? Tales from the Microbial Laboratory Talking Points Memo Tall, Dark, and Mysterious The Taming of the Band-Aid Tangled Bank Tart juice TBogg Terra Sigillata (old) Terra Sigillata (new) Terry Tete-tete-tete The Thinking Meat Project Thomasburg Walks Those…

    My blag is not defunct, I'm just very busy at the moment. I hope to pick up with some illegal photos of the Gulf of Mexico in a few weeks.

    # 10,000 Birds

    # A Blog Around The Clock

    # Blog Around the Clock

    # Camels with Hammers

    # Camels with Hammers

    # ICBS Everywhere

    # ICBS Everywhere

    Wow, those ones must be extra-good, you read them twice.

    Oops, sorry, I left an extraneous line there, (and I missed at least one duplication).

    Ah, yes, well, I've adjusted the software I use to maintain the list, and the duplication remover is obviously not working correctly. It will improve!

    Hey, I'm in. Cool. But it's 'Qeyḥ baḥri' not quite 'Qeyh Barhi'

    I take it, you don't speak Tigrinya? :) ...Thanks Greg.

    OK, everything up to this point is fixed (though for some reason I can't get Adam Bly's blog to stick)

    S'ok. *sniff sniff* I didn't want to be on your blogroll anyway. *sniff sniff*

    (of course, I don't *have* a blogroll right now, so I can't put you on mine. You'd be there though, if it existed. Jus' sayin'.)

    My blog doesn't particularly kick ass, and I'm still struggling to figure out a decent blogroll thing - currently my cellphone does the work for me, but that's not always convenient. In any case, just letting you know you're on mine. I'll request being added once my blog starts being...interesting. Or so. ;)

    Thanks! Moved you "up" to Palaeo - Evo, a revised heading title. Added Quiche Moraine to the Other Links category (thought I already had it listed, didn't).

    Thanks! Moved you "up" to Palaeo - Evo, a revised heading title. Added Quiche Moraine to the Other Links category (thought I already had it listed, didn't).

    Hey, I <3 you, Greg, and though I haven't written much lately because of school, I appreciate your link love.

    I've been thinking of getting back to writing again, so bear with me.