
Thanks everyone for visiting my humble blog -- more than 300,000 people have visited this blog since 12 January! This is the best gift I could have, especially since my hospital discharge date, which was supposed to be tomorrow, was pushed back to the 15th of November. I appreciate your patience with me, especially since I have been unable to regularly access the internet these past months. But I will be back and writing soon.

If I add in the numbers of visitors from my original blog, as of this moment, I have enjoyed nearly 450,000 total readers' visits since 4 August 2004, when I first began keeping a public blog.

Thanks everyone for your support and especially for your comments!

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It's a pitty that the discharge date was delayed, but nice that it will be at my birthday. It will be a happy day!
Bon courage!!

By dileffante (not verified) on 01 Nov 2006 #permalink

I'm sorry to hear that you will be confined for another two weeks. But I am glad to see you blogging actively again. In the meantime, here is a bird blogging story for your amusement.