May Crows Eat From Your Skull! Praise God!

Has anyone been following Doonsbury?


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And since 9/11 the FBI has been trying to hire enough Arabic speakers -- because none of their existing agents wants to bother learning the language.

I understand the military has let quite a number of Arabic translators go because they were gay.

This series on Doonesbury has been awesome. And even Funky Winkerbean is getting into the act. Cartoonists, wielding the pen.

Wellllll, I did see the cartoon and with the surfing I do I see sooo many commments from the middle easterns making remarks as such...altho it should say " Praise Allah" instead of "Praise God". Does it make them feel powerful to insult that way? Hmmmmmm...

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 01 Mar 2007 #permalink

A colleague of mine here published a book on Arabic grammar a few years ago, and over lunch we persuaded him to send a copy to G.W. Bush. I suspect he never read it, though.


Diane, "Allah" is Arabic for "God", so the translation is accurate.

(Technically, it literally means "the one to be worshipped", apparently, but it's close enough.)

Thanks Cairarvon! Doonsbury is such "dry humor" maybe thats' what makes this a funny?!! Went right over my head!!....another blonde moment,haha...enjoyed your site and the bigger print! Was easier to read with my aging eyes. :o)

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 03 Mar 2007 #permalink