Gonzales Going Down in Flames

Well, well, well, it looks like Bush's Attorney General, Alberto R. Gonzales, is scared: he accepted his top aide's resignation in an attempt to divert attention from his firings of eight federal prosecutors. These dismissals appeared to be politically motivated since these prosecutors said they felt pressured by powerful Republicans in their home states to rush investigations of potential voter fraud involving Democrats.

Rove emerged as the Democrats' newest target after weekend news reports said the New Mexico Republican Party's chairman urged deputy chief of staff Karl Rove, the president's top political adviser, to fire David Iglesias, then the state's U.S. attorney.

In a statement Monday, Conyers said stories about Rove's alleged link to Iglesias' dismissal "raise even more alarm bells for us."

"As a result, we would want to ensure that Karl Rove was one of the White House staff that we interview in connection with our investigation," said Conyers.

Cited story.

Another story that isn't changing on an hourly basis.


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Kyle Sampson tells the senate that Gonzo lied regarding the dismissals of the eight US prosecutors. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrongly stated he was not involved in discussions about the firings of federal prosecutors, his former chief of staff told the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday…
tags: Alberto Gonzales, Gonzo, US Attorney General, politics "I will stay as long as I believe I can be effective," said Gonzales. Wrecking the constitution, no doubt. How many congresscritters have to demand his resignation before he finally gives it up as a lost cause? And worse, does Bush adore…

We all know that this comes from the very top. We all know that Karl Rove advises the boob at the very top. All we need is for someone with the balls and wherewithall to stick to their guns and bring this shit to an end!!! Get these people out of power before irreparable damage is done to our country, if it is not too late already!!!!

By tom pondysh (not verified) on 13 Mar 2007 #permalink

Schumer: Gonzales has forgotten his oath

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has "either forgotten the oath he took to uphold the Constitution or doesn't understand that his duty to uphold the law is greater than his duty to protect the president," Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., just told reporters on Capitol Hill.
Schumer, who on Sunday called for Gonzales to resign, says today's reports of White House involvement in the firing of eight U.S. attorneys add to a "startling amount of information" that indicates "the only bad actors in this case were top officials at the White House and Justice Department, not the U.S. attorneys."
The senator -- No. 3 on the list of Democratic leaders in the Senate -- also called the firings of the prosecutors an "unprecedented breach of trust and abuse of power."

Unprecedented? C'mon, they've done worse things than this in the last 6 years.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 13 Mar 2007 #permalink

Where was all the complainers of abuse of power when Clinton
fired all 93 of federal prosecutors.

Where was all the complainers of abuse of power when Clinton
fired all 93 of federal prosecutors.

Every President requests and gets the resignations of all 93 federal prosecutors on taking office. Clinton did, and Bush did.

What's unprecedented about this is that it is not occurring at the change of office, and is pretty clearly politically driven. Neither Reagan nor Clinton purged prosecutors in mid-term.

Bush's lapdog at Justice may have wet the carpet too many times . . .

By biosparite (not verified) on 13 Mar 2007 #permalink

Holy Cr*p, whats the next Bush scandal going to be.

I saw the newshour on PBS and even the republican congressmen are mad at Gonzales. The reporter said the only people still supporting Gonzales are the Bush administration.

From the Guardian's story:

The White House counsellor, Dan Bartlett, said the president stood by Mr Gonzales. "He is a stand-up guy," he said.

Your Attorney General's a comedian?


Sununu calls for Gonzales firing

WASHINGTON - Sen. John Sununu of New Hampshire on Wednesday became the first Republican in Congress to call for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' dismissal, hours after President Bush expressed confidence in his embattled Cabinet officer.

Bush expressed confidence in him. That's the kiss of death.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 14 Mar 2007 #permalink