How Do You Accidentally Delete Years' Worth of Emails?

Is this the same way that one "accidentally" invades a country, "accidently" sets up offshore subsidiaries to avoid US law, and "accidently" profits off the misery and death of the poor and unfortunate? I think that Rove needs to be "accidentally" deleted from his job. He is, afterall, employed by the people of this nation -- or so the rumor goes.

Below the fold are details of how the White House is "accidentally" stretching the boundaries of credulity ...

Karl Rove's lawyer on Friday dismissed the notion that President Bush's chief political adviser intentionally deleted his own e-mails from a Republican-sponsored server, saying Rove believed the communications were being preserved in accordance with the law.

The issue arose because the White House and Republican National Committee have said they may have lost e-mails from Rove and other administration officials. Democratically chaired congressional committees want those e-mails for their probe of the firings of eight federal prosecutors.

"His understanding starting very, very early in the administration was that those e-mails were being archived," Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, said.

The prosecutor probing the Valerie Plame spy case saw and copied all of Rove's e-mails from his various accounts after searching Rove's laptop, his home computer, and the handheld computer devices he used for both the White House and Republican National Committee, Luskin said. [story]


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Veeerrrrryyyy carefully!

One more example of the thieving, lying bastards who surround this president. They have told so many lies to date that they can only deny complicity, and hope the headlines disappear. Why not just say I am sorry, that seems to let everyone off the hook these days.
However; when you finally get to the ultimate destination, sorry is not going to work, because your plea will be recognized for the permnanent stain on you soul ie; you are only sorry because you were caught.

By john rigazio (not verified) on 13 Apr 2007 #permalink

Those emails would still be on his computer unless he securely deleted them or burned the hard drive.

Why would he do that?

By conrruption (not verified) on 13 Apr 2007 #permalink

How Do You Accidentally Delete Years' Worth of Emails?

It's really simple in Linux. "rm -rf *" should do it. I doubt that Rove uses Linux though. I'll bet he got a really good deal on Windows after the Bush administration dropped the Microsoft monopoloy case. I'm sure it's just a complete coincidence that the Discovery Institute's Cascadia division picked up a $10 million grant to study traffic from hte Gates Foundation.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 13 Apr 2007 #permalink

When you have some of the best security IT (DOD),(NSA),and FBI
working for you, things and people just vanish!

By Forrest Hughes (not verified) on 13 Apr 2007 #permalink

Mustafa, why should I read all that stuff when I can just type 'shred /dev/victim' ?

Now, now, let's be reasonable. Erasing years' worth of email is entirely plausible and fairly easy to do. It's far too early to begin making accusations of cover-ups and deception.

If the emails can't be recovered, then it would be time to make accusations. And criminal cases. Patience is a virtue, people.

By Caledonian (not verified) on 14 Apr 2007 #permalink