Two of the Hardest Substances Known ...

Bush's head may be hard, but his brains are complete mush.


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Typo, there -- 'mush'. I'm sure you meant 'muck', which is the nice word around the horse barn.

No, no, it's not that Bush 2's head is hard (off of which common sense, logic, decency, facts, and the rule of law bounce), but that there's nothing there (through which common sense, decency, logic, facts, and the rule of law pass without making an impact).

Which means there are no brains at all...

He always seems soft in the head to me.

Grouch - I don't think "mush" is a typo, and it's better than "muck". Mush says that Bush's brain is soft, which contrasts with the hardness of the rest of his head. Muck just says that it's dirty, which isn't as funny.


So if his brain has turned the mush, shouldn't he come back from vacation and sign an executive order to have the feeding tube removed?