Wolfowitz: Tanks For The Messes

Not only has Wolfowitz dragged the US into that quagmire known as the Iraq War, thereby causing Americans and Iraqis much unnecessary grief, but he also is embarassing America in front of the world since, as head of the World Bank, he gave his girlfriend, Shaha Riza, a job that has a very generous compensation and pay raises. He apologized to the World Bank, but when will he apologize to the families of the 3270+ dead American soldiers and millions of Iraqis who are suffering because of his colossal f*ck-up?

Of course, the White House is stubbornly (and stupidly) voicing its support for this total asshat, despite everything, further sullying the reputation of this country on the World Stage. Which leads me to ask; is there anyone remaining among the senior WH staff who is not a liar, a crook or a flaming idiot?

"In hindsight I wish I had trusted my original instincts and kept myself out of the negotiations," Wolfowitz said. "I made a mistake, for which I am sorry."

The World Bank Group Staff Association is demanding that Wolfowitz step down.

"The president must acknowledge that his conduct has compromised the integrity and effectiveness of the World Bank Group and has destroyed the staff's trust in his leadership," the association said Thursday. "He must act honorably and resign."

Wolfowitz said he met Thursday morning with the World Bank's board and that members were looking into the matter. He declined to discuss what actions, if any, the board could take.

"I proposed to the board that they establish some mechanism to judge whether the agreement reached was a reasonable outcome," he said, referring to Riza's transfer. "I will accept any remedies they propose."

Cited story.


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One of the first things that Paul Wolfowitz did upon entering into his new job as President of the World Bank was to cut a lucrative deal for his girlfriend, Shaha Riza. Riza was working at the World Bank when he arrived so, to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, he arranged that she…
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This turd should be flushed...

It is a possibility few elected politicians in national government tell the truth. Oh, there must be more than a few who do not prevaricate. I am sure of it.

The recently elected member of Congress from my district said shortly after his election that the most important issues for him were education, minimum wage and health care. He did not mention Iraq! Two very puny political parties are holding the country together as we march into the 21st century.

Don't worry about being embarrassed: the only people who will notice this will be aware that Wolfie is a NeoCon, and therefore not representative.

Of course, we'll only recall that after laughing heartily for 10 minutes.


The simple answer is No.

I feel the same way about how T Bliar and his cronies have damaged Britain's standing in the world (especially here in Saudi); though luckilly, as Britain is a minor player it can't do as much damage as the USA.

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 13 Apr 2007 #permalink

I seem to recall Wolfowitz calling for Kofi Annan's head over the UN food for oil program headed by Mr Annan's son. Wolfowitz probably railed against nepotism and personal interest tainting the ability of Mr Annan to do his job. I personally think Wolfowitz should stay on in order to ensure that nobody anywhere has any illusions about the World Bank being anything more than a tool for the oppression of developing nations. The World Bank has done more evil than good.