tags: Wolfowitz, World Bank, politics
It appears that Wolfowitz, who has been the fearless leader of the World Bank, has been abusing and threatening retaliations on senior World Bank staff if his orders for pay rises and promotions for his girlfriend, Shaha Riza, were revealed. According to testimony by one key witness, Wolfowitz declares: "If they fuck with me or Shaha, I have enough on them to fuck them too." Wow, considering the amount of misbehavior on his part, it's easy to see that he is not a professional at all! How on earth did he even get a job, in the first place?
Under fire for the lavish package given to Shaha Riza, a World Bank employee and Mr Wolfowitz's girlfriend when he became president, an official investigation into the controversy has found that Mr Wolfowitz broke bank rules and violated his own contract - setting off a struggle between US and European governments over Mr Wolfowitz's future. [story]
In addition to all his professional misbehaviors, his tirades make it impossible to take Wolfowitz seriously as anything but a bullying pimply-faced boy bagging groceries at the local supermarket. I hope the World Bank dumps this pretender as soon as humanly possible.
Surprisingly, White House support for Wolfowitz is slipping!
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Wolfie is one of the neocon architects and drumbeaters for the Iraq war. When GWB decided to break up the gang,he needed somewhere to send everyone to, so Negropointe ended up as ambassador to Iraq, Bolton was ambassador to the UN and Wolfie got the World Bank, obstensively to work to counter their "pervasive culture of corruption". I don't think poor Feith got a thing out of the government job pinata.
Once ensconced, Wolfie brought two long time, trusted operatives with him who immediately started making the World Bank into the House of Bush. Many longtime staffers resigned in protest over the attempt to make the Bank a bastion for the GOP.
However, Wolfie forgot to be "Ceasar's wife", you have to be above reproach and he also forgot that the Bank is chock full of hostile type foreigners. So now he is riding off into the sunset, trying to retain a $400,000 bonus he claims he actually earned.
As far as his girlfriend? Who knows where she will turn up next.
It looks like the report released yesterday was a call for him to do the honourable thing and fall on his sword. Alas, he didn't, so I think he'll be sacked today.
This might not be good for the US in the longer-term. I think Bush will have to propose a moderate candidate to appease the World Bank's board, but if he does that it'll look like he's backing down. I'm not sure I can see him do it.
Didn't General Tommy Franks describe his role as "I have to talk every day to the f**king stupidest guy on the face of the planet"? He meant Douglas Feith, but messing with Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and company durely did not help his mood.
Rumsfeld, Gonzales, Wolfowitz, Feith ... not to mention Cheney and POTUS himself. What a collection of talent! Is it my imagination, or is Condy Rice's face acquiring the haunted look of someone who is watching their career and place in history vanish down the toilet, and not being able to do anything about it? Believe it or not, she was once touted as "Bush's heir" and "bearer of the Bush legacy". Ay, carumba!
I actually thought Wolfie would pull in his horns a bit in his new job, but clearly his days close to the top of the Bush administration showed him that lying, bullying and bluster could solve most problems. Its looking like if he tries to stay, the World Bank board will resign. Strange times, indeed!