Am I The Only One Not Traveling This Weekend??


Many of my SciBlings are traveling this weekend -- to NYC! They all are coming to visit me, as a matter of fact! This is why I have not been writing much recently, although I peek in here often because I miss all of you and wish you could all be here for the festivities. Oh, wait, you can be here because we plan to reveal our precise location this Saturday afternoon on a few of our blogs so those of you who are in the NYC area can come by to meet us, and to worship some of us while no doubt, smirking at others of us. I do want to remind you that several of us SciBlings are actually not real people, but only those of you who show up in person to meet us will know who the iferi among us are.

Stay tuned for more news as it happens.

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Wish I could be there to buy a round for you, PZ, etc.

A pity I've abandoned NYC for Virginia... I was actually back up there last weekend, but only briefly for a wedding (which was very nice).

By David Harmon (not verified) on 17 Aug 2007 #permalink