Disney's new film, The Crimson Wing -- Mystery of the Flamingos tells the story of the birth, life and death of a million Lesser Flamingos, Phoeniconaias minor. Life at Natron is tough for the flamingos, with many predators threatening their daily survival. According to Aeberhard: "they have a number of predators such as Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumeniferus, hyenas and jackals... The contrast here between life and death is very stark" [1:50]
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As always, fell free to rip apart either the papers or the pre-releases in the comments (if they deserve that, of course - some are OK:
Code Pink: Extreme Weather Leaves Flamingos Hungry:
Lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) at Lake Bogoria, Kenya, are suffering from malnutrition, report…
A marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumeniferus), photographed at the Bronx Zoo.
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter
Lesser flamingo, Phoenicopterus minor, in flight.
Lake Natron in Tanzania, Africa, is the only site in East Africa where Lesser Flamingos reliably breed.
Image: James Warwick[wallpaper size].
Birds in Science
The changing…
Oh, cool. The music accompanying the trailer is "To Build a Home" from The Cinematic Orchestra's Ma Fleur album. When I'm not obsessing over The Weepies, Ma Fleur is one of my favorite things to listen to lately. :-)
cute bird photo