Frog Jesus

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Just in time for Sunday! This streaming video documents a nostalgic voyage that takes a darker turn, exploring the naiveté of mankind through the eyes of a young boy. [1:17]

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I'm not a Christian but I found that offensive. It's just stupid.

By Shadow Caster (not verified) on 22 Feb 2009 #permalink

No, no, no, you first have to get Frog Judas to betray Frog Jesus in exchange for 30 pieces of housefly and stage a Last Supper of mosquitoes and gnats at which Frog Jesus ribbits about the betrayal. Then you have to parade Frog Jesus in front of the multitude and offer to release him, at which time the other frogs ribbit, "Give us Frogabbas." Then you have to wash your hands in pond water, etc. What is Biblical literacy coming to in this post-Bushian world? Sheesh!

By biosparite (not verified) on 22 Feb 2009 #permalink

I am a Christian, but didn't find it that offensive (then again, "Dogma" is one of my favorite movies. . .). Mostly, just perplexing. Perhaps I'm a bad human being, but most artsy films don't do much for me. Unless you count the old "Sprockets" skits from SNL.

If I'm not mistaken, this originally aired at the Ann Arbor Film Festival last year! I was there!

Awww, poor froggy.

By Gallstones (not verified) on 22 Feb 2009 #permalink

oh...this is good my buddhist friends need it see this