tags: hammy the hamster, cute overload, funny, golden hamster, streaming video
This streaming video shows Hammy the Golden Hamster choosing organic food more often than regular non-organic food -- of course, "Hammy" isn't paying the bills for his expensive food choices, a point that is conveniently left out of this video .. ho-hum! [1:30]
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Aaagh! My feeling for cute is fighting with my inner statistician over that one...
Looks like the lesson learned is "the hamster eats the first food item he checks out" rather than "the hamster eats the organic food". Didn't see him sniff one, then the other, then decide.
maybe the hamster is left "handed" and so chooses the left over the right more often
maybe in raising the hamster it's food was always over to the left of the cage so naturally it seeks in that direction firs.
maybe it's just a poorly trained or mostly untrainable) hamster and they trained it to choose the left over the right