What Happened to Scientia Pro Publica?

Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux).

Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power)
-- Sir Francis Bacon.

The writing-about-science-for-the-people blog carnival, Scientia Pro Publica, should have been published this past Monday, 4 January 2010. So what happened to it? Like you, I am curious to know the answer to this question. Despite excellent support from its regular contributors, this carnival has been struggling to survive mostly due to my own life situation.

You might recall, I started this blog carnival in March 2009 to replace the defunct Tangled Bank. You might also recall that, as an unemployed scientist who has been struggling to keep a roof over my head, I've had a rather roller-coaster existence. Sadly, this roller-coaster has affected Scientia, too.

The 2010 inaugural edition of Scientia did not receive any submissions -- not one! Which leads me to ask you; do you want to keep this blog carnival going? It seems that blog carnivals as an internet phenomenon are passing into extinction, so maybe the loss of Scientia is just part of that trend?

I am happy to continue managing this carnival, especially now that I am no longer living on the edge as I've been for the past five-plus years, but this carnival cannot survive without your support and efforts -- advertizing on your blogs and on twitter, your submissions, and hosting. Let me know if you still wish to keep this carnival going!

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Holidays are crazy anyway and many carnivals take a break then.

Let's just keep on going, refreshed.

Rumors of the blog carnival's demise are greatly exaggerated. I entertained similar fears a few months ago but I and the Bird may be stronger than ever today, which is saying quite a bit considering our long (in carnival terms) history.

I'm with Bora. Keep the sci blog carnival rolling.

okay, i am keeping scientia going, and have been scouring the intert00bz for submissions and sending them to the scientia email account. if any of you see something that should be included, or if you've written something that you think should be included, then please do send it in to scientia blog carnival at gmail (remove all spaces, add "com" and you have the email address). the next edition will publish on monday, 18 january.

I can't answer for everyone, but I can tell you that the reason I didn't submit a post for Scientia #19 was because it was not publicized on the Nature Blog Network. It was not in the "Carny Deadlines" post of 12/30, and no Carny Deadlines at all were posted the previous week of Christmas. I depend on NBN for my carnival news.

I am a new blogger, and I have found carnivals to be a fantastic way to get the word out about my blog. You were nice enough to publish my work in Scientia #16 and #18. I submitted a post to Scientia #17, but due to a problem with BlogCarnival.com, it was not published (this problem also affected Friday Ark and Carnival of the Blue).

Anyway, what I am saying is please don't give up the ship. I will email you separately with some dates that I can host.

I am interested in your comment that blog carnivals are passing into extinction. As a new blogger, I would like to know - what is replacing them? I am still learning Facebook and Twitter, so maybe those are the future; but they don't seem to offer what a carnival does in terms of bringing many voices together in one place with a thoughtful editorial summary.

Best of luck in 2010, and I look forward to contributing to keep Scientia going.