Scientology Beliefs On Soul

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This is an interview with Tommy Davis, international Scientology spokesman, regarding the tragic death of Jett Travolta due to the medical neglect that their cult demands from its adherents, including Jett's parents. Davis is very scummy because he never gives a straight answer to any question asked. I also have embedded some other videos of Davis, where he reveals his less than angelic side.

Incidentally, Tommy Davis (the guy being interviewed in the above video) was captured on video harassing a BBC reporter (Part 1):

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

I wish there was a really good comedian who would tangle with these wingnuts on secret camera to bring them down in the eyes of the public.

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I found it a little odd that the reporter seemed to make out that Scientology's belief about the soul and eternal life was some how odd, when essentially it's no more crazy (or rather, just as crazy) than what Christians believe.