Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Instability News Sipping from the internet firehose...May 30, 2010 Chuckles, COP16+, Oslo, IPBES, How do we know?, Reforestation, Science-Beliefs, Oily Excuses Bottom Line, Subsidies, Royal Society, Post CRU, Late Comments Melting Arctic, Polar Bears, Geopolitics Food Crisis, Food vs. Biofuel, Land Grabs, Food Production Hurricanes, GHGs, Carbon Cycle,…
There remain more questions than answers at this point, but the BP spin from yesterday that "Top Kill" was working appears to have been a falsehood. BP is not the right source for what the actual data from the well head means, but unfortunately they are the only source of said data. I would like to offer interested readers a couple of better sources of technical information. This is the live feed from 5000 ft below the Gulf of Mexico. Apparently what this is showing now (11:02 AM Pacific time) is alot of drilling mud being ejected. This mud is what is intended to counteract the upward…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Instability News Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck YearsMay 23, 2010 Chuckles, IPCC-5, COP16+, Figueres, Cochabamba, NAS-ACC, Lyman, Ocean Volume Lake Tanganyika, Anthropocene, Carbon Tariffs, Subsidies, TEEB, Malaria, Hartwell, Post CRU Melting Arctic, Geopolitics Food Crisis, Food vs. Biofuel, Food Production Hurricanes, GHGs, Carbon Cycle, Temperatures…
Still back at Keith Kloor's place, Judith Curry seems determined to dig in to her position that governments and the IPCC and consensus minded science bloggers need to take the climate skeptics more seriously. Personally I think she completely misses the boat, because most of these folks have in fact been soundly debunked, or at the very least thouroughly addressed in purely scientific manners. We are talking about Climate Audit and Watts Up With That, these are her candidates. As well as having had their more serious contentions seriously looked at, these sites bury any potentially…
FYI, the thread highlighted here is still continuing, though one wonders if it might be losing utility! The following is offered only as a laugh, and truly no offense intended to the originator. At times, the distance between mind and keyboard can be dauntingly immense: The first forcing is unknown; the second forcing is also unknown; I fail to see where you have an unknown unknown. We suspect that something undefined going on: that we know. If we know that there must be something there, we know at least that. Something is known there. Knowledge is something we know, not something we…
Roy Spencer, darling of the climate skeptic community, says he is not very organized, as Phil Jones said of himself, and that "if you asked me to find original data from 20 years ago I'd have great difficulty too. We just didn't realise in those days how important and controversial this would all become - now it would just all be stored on computer." This is quoted in a BBC article on the recent Heartland climate conference in New York. Spencer goes on to say: "Phil Jones has been looking at climate records for a very long time. Frankly our data set agrees with his, so unless we are all…
Love the title of that post! Keith Kloor tries to defend journalism's role in fiascos like "Swifthack" (aka Climategate) and climate science in general but really ends up simply providing a perfect example of the problem. I urge any and all to read the comment thread, it is an excellent and fascinating one, though I am only about a third of the way through. Great contributions from Things Break and Michael Tobis, appearnces by Andrew Revkin and Judith Curry. It is still going on though I would wager it's utility has diminished to near zero (I could be wrong). I would like very much to…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Instability News Information overload is pattern recognitionMay 16, 2010 Chuckles, Shiva, COP15, COP16, Cochabamba, Oh Oh, Sinervo, GBO-3, Hartwell, QUB Subsidies, Eli's Retirement, Open Letter, Pro-IPCC, IAC Review, Post CRU Melting Arctic, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, CCD, IP Issues, Food Production Hurricanes, GHGs, Temperatures, Aerosols,…
Lord Viscount Monckton of Benchley, it turns out, really is a "swivel-eyed maniac". Or at least it is a fair thing to say. Some month's ago, George Monbiot wrote a bog post about our good friend Monckton that said Monckton has claimed, among other things: ⢠he has read the treaty that will be signed at Copenhagen next week. That's quite a feat of clairvoyance. ⢠The treaty says that "a world government is going to be created". ⢠Greenpeace is "about to impose a communist world government on the world" and President Obama, who sympathises with that aim, will sign up to it. Monckton made a…
Okay, that's sarcasm. Wille Soon is featured in an interview on the Examiner.com website, but grilling is hardy how to describe the pathetic softballs Kir Meyers throws, rather rolls, his way. Here are a few of the questions he asked: Many of the scientists promoting the global warming theory appear to be driven by politics rather than hard scientific data. What are your thoughts? What needs to be done to combat the strong-arm tactics being used against scientists who disagree with the AGW theory? What is your opinion of Al Gore? Really not much more to say about that...
Offered without comment: (Thanks Morten Morland for the laugh, and h/t to Jeffrey Hill)
This is very interesting! It was only after returning to shore and closely examining the photographs they had taken that the researchers allowed themselves to acknowledge that what they had seen was, in fact, a gray whale. There was only one problem. There are no gray whales off Israel. There are no gray whales in the Mediterranean. There are, in fact, no gray whales in the Atlantic The prevailing hypothesis is this whale got lost in the Northwest Passage and confused the east west coast of Europe with the east west coast of North America. (oops) Added Dr. Aviad Scheinin of IMMRAC: Due to the…
Some old news here and some new, all of it about my favorite climate contrarian, Lord Cristopher Monkton. He is my favorite because he is a clown and the more he is put forth as denialism's "Septical Champion" the better. First the old news. You may recall Tim Lambert debated Cristopher Monckton in Sydney a couple of months ago. Well that debate is up on YouTube in full. It is a 15 part playlist, but Tim tells us his presentation is part 3 and 4. I watched most of it and it is worth the time. I think it is kind of amusing, and revealing, that Monkton claims some rather intimate knowledge…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Instability News Sipping from the internet firehose...May 9, 2010 Chuckles, COP15 Leak, Bonn, COP16, Cochabamba, IPCC Review, EPO, Rabett, Beck Bottom Line, Carbon Tariffs, Per Capita Quotas, Open Letter, Post CRU Melting Arctic, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Colony Collapse, Land Grabs, IP Issues, Food Production Hurricanes, GHGs, Nitrogen Cycle,…
Science has published a letter with 250 signatories protesting the recent and extreme attacks on scientists, climate scientists in particular. I agree with Michael, this letter should not be behind a paywall. I think the fact that it is, is disturbingly revealing of the disadvantage science has in the PR arenas. It is very well done, though to be honest I wish they had not pushed the creationist button and had instead used an entirely different example of well established science to make their point. As scientifically non-controvesial as the age of the earth is, we need to reach even those…
A regular here recently offered us this PDF from Willie Soon and Lord Monkton's Science and Public Policy Institute and asks what is wrong with the graph in there. As it happens, Michael Tobis has already taken a look at another very similar construction and identified three deceptions (he kindly called "bugs") in what is technically correct data. different smoothing is used on the two types of data. Temperature is presented in monthly mean whereas CO2 looks to have had the seasonal rise and fall removed. This gives the impression of a steady rise in CO2 in stark contrast to the jitters…
A = $6.08 billion B = $75 million Profits for the single last quarter for BP were 6.08 Billion dollars. Under current US law, their total liability for non-cleanup and containment damages is .075 Billion dollars. Would any free market supporters like to defend this thinly veiled example of corporate welfare? See also Things Break for some early estimates of how bad the worst case scenario could get, including implications for the entire US economy. Like Katrina, global warming did not cause this disaster. But also like Katrina, it is an excellent illustration of issues relating to risk…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Instability News Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck YearsMay 2, 2010 Chuckles, COP15, COP16, Cochabamba, SAARC, BASIC, Mediterranean 5+5, Melting Icebergs, Economists Bottom Line, Medupi, Subsidies, Aus ETS, Per-person Quotas, Post CRU, Anthropocene, Volcano, Earth Day Melting Arctic, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Food vs. Biofuel, Land Grabs,…
So the blogosphere has been abuzz over a recent Q&A Keith Kloor did with Judy Curry, the lengthy comment thread is where most of the interesting stuff is. I actually wish to opine on the whole sorry mess but that will be in a later post. Her biggest beef is about what she sees as "tribalism", but I only want to highlight with this post a comment on a follow up thread that really jumped out at me: Kate says: This is the fight that will define the twenty-first century as either a time when mankind advances due to honest enterprise, quality science, and technical achievement...or we are…
This really must be read to be believed. IANAL, but surely this is over the top, to use the legal jargon. It is a clearly an impossible demand. Untitled Anyone have a link to an unembedded document? [UPDATE: never mind, it is here[PDF]]