Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Instability News Information overload is pattern recognitionSeptember 19, 2010 Chuckles, COP16+, WEF-Asia, WEC, MDG, MEF, Bug, Pakistan Bottom Line, World Bank, Ecuador, Cook, Post CRU Melting Arctic, Megafauna, Arctic Lows, Geopolitics Food Crisis, Pavlovsk, Higher CO2, AgroBiz, Food vs. Biofuel, Food Riots, Land Grabs, GMOs, Food Production Hurricanes…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Instability News Another Week of Climate Instability News Sipping from the internet firehose...September 12, 2010 Chuckles, ASEM, COP16+, Geneva, World Water Week, Bees:Study, Bees:Spin Future CO2, Boris Worm, Pakistan, Correa, Cook, Post CRU Melting Arctic, Narwhal, Geopolitics, Antarctica Food Crisis, Pavlovsk Experimental Station, Food Riots, Land Grabs,…
Here is a very good TED talk by Johan Rockstrom about human pressures, environmental constraints and possible futures.
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Disruption News September 5, 2010 Chuckles, Geneva, COP16+, Impact Theory, Bryozoans, Alroy, Lee, Pakistan Bottom Line, Environmental Risks, Grumbine, Cook, Lomborg, Input, IAC, Post CRU Melting Arctic, Tanker, Methane, Geopolitics, Cairn, Antarctica Food Crisis, Food vs. Biofuel, Land Grabs, Pavlovsk Agricultural Station Food Riot, Rome Meeting, The…
I just had to highlight a couple of good laughs from this week's GWNews: and this one: (source) h/t to Kate at ClimateSight for highlighting the first one. Be sure to visit this page of hers for a bunch of other good ones inlined by commenters.
(Note: due to blockages in the intertubes, this week's installment is late. Apologies to all whose week ground to a halt while anxiously waiting...) Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Disruption News Information overload is pattern recognitionAugust 29, 2010 Chuckles, COP15, COP16+, COP15 Cash, Overshoot, Thermosphere, The Question, Pakistan Bottom Line, Subsidies, Cook, IAC Leak, Post CRU,…
Any day now could be the start of a quiet period on the blog as my wife and I are expecting our daughter. I have to confess that the general excited anticipation became a bit more nervous when we went to the local hospital and saw this: Yes, that is an actual typewriter! I have not seen one in action for decades so it does not exactly qualify as state-of-the-art technology anymore. Now, in my own defense for not having bolted and booked us tickets on the next train out of our undisclosed eastern european location, they do have computers and ultra-sound machines and excellent birthing beds…
So apparently, according to an "exclusive" in the Guardian, Bjørn Lomborg is about to put his "Cool It"thrusters into full reverse and declare that the world should be spending $100 billion per year towards "resolving the climate change problem by the end of this century". This is a very interesting development to say the least. My question to readers is both why do you think he is doing this and does it matter? Clearly we can only speculate on his motives and sincerity and I am not one to jump to negative conclusions without good reason, but should anyone care why he has changed his tune?…
I haven't played Asteroids(tm) since the days when Atari was computer games King and 124K was an incredible amount of memory. And before any young gamers out there laugh at what an old geezer I must be, I will insist that that says much more about how fast computers have evolved than it does about how old I may or may not be! But as the subject of asteroids was raised here in the comments recently, I thought I might play a climate customized version of that game today. Before we get started, I would like to answer crakar's referenced comment seriously because it may indeed resonate with some…
Spend a few minutes at the link below to fill in an online survey about your attitude to climate change and a variety of other issues. http://www.kwiksurveys.com/online-survey.php?surveyID=HKMKNG_ee191483 Your answers are desired as the reader of a "pro-science" blog, they are confidential and will be used for a research project.
Greenman's latest: Entertaiing and informative, as usual! I did not know there was a "theological" debate about CO2 levels in the atmosphere, interesting.
As in the example I just highlighted, we climate mitigation advocates are frequently attacked for alledgedly not wanting to do anything to promote or help people adapt to changes that are after all already underway. This post is meant to change that lack of balance on A Few Things Ill Considered. To all and sundry, I bring to your attention the definitive guide to adaptation in the face of global climate disruption: (This is a real book, by the way!) For those who like to skip to the end, here is the back cover. And speaking of skip, thanks to him for bringing this to my attention, a good…
So over at Keith Kloor's place, we see Keith read a comment of Michael Tobis', (read it for your self here) in which he says: "Adaptation is crucial" and "adaptation and mitigation are not a tradeoff. They are two faces of the same coin." along with a whole bunch of, typical for Tobis, nuanced and intelligent points. What does Keith want his readers to take away from that? That Michael Tobis is a hypocrite who does not really care about suffering humanity and his whole schtick is "the typical zero-sum talking point, that mitigation (curbing carbon emissions) has to take precedence over…
I know we have a few denizens of the lands down under (I include New Zeland in that) so I thought there might be some interest in this analysis by George Monbiot of the recent national elections in Australia. Apropos for this blog his take is all about climate change policy. Be sure to read to the end for this well supported clincher: "Right-wingers are making monkeys of themselves over climate change not just because their beliefs take precedence over the evidence, but also because their interests take precedence over their beliefs." Amen! Mandas, crakar, Deepwater, adelady, does he get…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Disruption News Sipping from the internet firehose...August 22, 2010 Chuckles, COP16+, Geneva, Kathmandu, AAS Report, McShane & Wyner, Zhao & Running The Question, China, Russia, Pakistan, World Bank, Overshoot, Basic Versions, IAC, Post CRU, Montford Melting Arctic, Antarctica Food Crisis, GMOs, Pavlovsk Agricultural Station, Food Production…
Via a new blog started up this summer, Fool me Once (sounds like wishful thinking ;-), proprieter Alden has graciously permitted me to embed a most excellent video he has produced on arctic sea ice. He is covering a standard denialist talking point, that arctic sea ice has/is recovering, so the concepts will not be unfamiliar to any regulars here, but the very clear trains of argument and great use of data and graphics make this well worth watching. The original posting is here. His other post from about a month ago, is similarily clear and compelling. (Warning: video starts automatically,…
The question: Do you believe that human-caused global warming exists? If so, how do you propose reducing the amount of carbon that enters the atmosphere. If not, please explain why you do not believe it exists. And Tom Mullins' answer: No. Carbon is organic and carbon is the basis of all life. Our federal government is attempting to regulate not just the breath we exhale, but is also infringing upon our very livelihood. Affordable energy is a critical component of New Mexico's economic development. The residence of CO2 in the troposphere is about 5 years, rather than the 50 to 200 years…
Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck Years This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H. E. Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup skip to bottom Another week of Climate Instability News Logging the Onset of The Bottleneck YearsAugust 15, 2010 Chuckles, Post Bonn, COP16+, KlimaForum10, Jet Stream, The Question, China, Russia, Pakistan Bottom Line, Ecuadorian Oil, 1 Sky's Question, Post CRU, Late Comments Melting Arctic, Megafauna, Methane Food Crisis, Pavlovsk Experimental Station, Food vs. Biofuel, GMOs, Food Production…
It seems, like Galileo before him, Lord Monckton is facing persecution from the established institutions of his day. This has Mike Mann's fingerprints all over it. Will "The Team" stop at nothing?
Regular readers will recall a recent post pointing to Dr Roy Spencer being cannabalized cannibalized over his stubborn insistence that the Greenhouse Effect does not violate the laws of thermodynamics. Well, he seems to be a glutton for punishment as he is taking another crack at it. This time, I am only pointing it out because he has taken a high tech experimental approach to observe the actual atmospheric back radiation and an interesting post results (hi tech compared to his last hotplate device!). I just skimmed the comments, like last time, and while the die-hards are still hard to…