More lemming behavior: An advertising slogan from hell

On the weekend, fellow ScienceBloggers seem prone to mass hysteria, taking various silly Internet tests. Even I, Orac, have succumbed to such temptations. I wasn't going to succumb to this one, as Grrlscientist, PZ, Afarensis, Chris, and Bora have, but then I saw the result.

Using the same Advertising Slogan Generator, I think I have the best advertising slogan of them all:

It Needn't Be Hell With Orac.


I think I'll go with that one.


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Love it. But your link to afarensis also goes to PZ's page.

Sniff. Every Bubble's Passed Its Epador.

Off topic, but have you seen the latest Dr. Who yet? (Part 1 of the two-part series ender.) Day-um, but I am looking forward to Saturday's episode. I shall be sat in front of the telly at 7 o'clock, curtains drawn, beer to hand. RTD wasn't kidding when he told us that they had something spectacular lined up to end the series.

I think it's time to start a campaign to get Russell T. Davies a knighthood for services to Dr Who...

By Graham Douglas (not verified) on 02 Jul 2006 #permalink

Thanks to BitTorrent, I watched it yesterday.

After two lame episodes, this one was a stunner, a great story with a surprise ending that I'm kicking myself for not having figured out before it was revealed in the very last scene. Even if you leave aside the surprise ending, the story was fantastic, with the images of thousands of Cybermen materializing all over the world in London, Paris, India, etc., were stunning.

This two-parter has the potential to be the best Doctor Who story yet since the series was resurrected last year.

Yes, I don't know how I failed to see it coming, either. Oh, boy, 10 million cybermen *plus* all those... ah, maybe I shouldn't give it away :-)

I wonder if the next series will resurrect the Ice Warriors - that would complete the big baddy trifecta of my youth.

By Graham Douglas (not verified) on 03 Jul 2006 #permalink

"Nothing Works Better Than a Thimerosal"

So take nothing.


I don't know about "best"... putting in "Pooflinger" was sort of boring, so I put it "shyte" instead.

The result: "Shyte - It Looks Good On You"

I think I need to make a change to my blog now...

"Come Fly the Friendly Julia"

I like to think of myself as friendly (I'm more so online than IRL, though), but to fly me?

"Things Go Better with Auto-Da-Fe."