
I have posted pictures of my cats before, but I believe never on Fridays. I'll have to succumb to fashion today though, because I cannot wait any longer to show you the pics of the newest member of the family. Introducing (under the fold) - Orange Julius:





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Well, it's been a long time since I posted pictures of my cats, and a month since I last saw them and photographed them, so here they are (under the fold): Last time you saw Orange Julius he was just a tiny little kitten. He is a huge cat now: Marbles looks a little skinny now. I think I'll…
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I was all set to make a snarky comment about catblogging, but hen saw the second picture and was hypnotized by teh cute. Now I feel strangely compelled to send kitty treats...

By afarensis (not verified) on 01 Jun 2007 #permalink

ooh, how cute. is he a plushy baby destined to have a plumed tail? [that's quite the rage in the cat blogging world these days!]

i bet you're having a lot of fun together. May you enjoy many happy years together, and thanks for overcoming your reluctance to post his picture. He's great!

Cute goes without saying, but have you clocked the size of the whiskers? Last time I saw facial hair like that its owner started the first world war. You're going to have to widen the doors in Chateau Coturnix. BTW, for sheer round the house mayhem with a kitten, have you tried a ping-pong ball?