Since Monday's foray into the realm of religion, many readers have responded regarding:
I just don't think these [atheist] books provide folks reason to notice they were atheists all along without a shepherd. Wouldn't that liken PZ to Abraham? Or dare I say it, Jesus?
Of course, this was only in jest and PZ knows we thoroughly enjoy his style and wit. But Michelangelo's Creation of Adam in Chris' post yesterday inspired us to recognize another obvious comparison...
It's uncanny. Coincidence? You decide.
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Michelangelo's Creation of Adam
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Yup, Michaelangelo removed the glasses and made the beard longer - artistic licence, I guess.
Good Call Chris! The only difference I can see is that PZ has not told me to sacrifice my son, or kill my neighbors, build a big boat, etc. I have to say that PZ is a LOT more user friendly...
Uncanny! It's him I say!
J-Dog: "Good Call Chris!" I guess means "Good call, Chris, for inviting Sheril to co-blog with you"
But with the tentacles and everything, PZ (and his squidly friends) and the FSM are much harder to tell apart.
"Good call" means - "Good call coturnix for correcting my totally stupid and male-centric post that overlooked the Most Excellent post by The Smart One of the group, Sheril"
Sorry Sheril!
ps: Coturnix - Not that I am mad at you for the correction or anything, but Edwards is going to lose to Obamma. HTH :)
We'll see J-Dog! ;-)
Nah, Aubrey de Gray geys my vote for best beard in the world of modern biology. Darwin's was good too.
Thanks Bora and no problem J-Dog... Take a closer look at my name tag at the SciBling shindig in NYC: 'Sometimes Mistaken for Chris Mooney.'
I don't call for sacrifices and I don't afflict people with boils, but I still demand the tithing, and none of you have sent me a check lately.
You really don't want to feel my wrath. Cough up.
i laughed so hard i had an asthma attack.
Speaking of PZ and beards, check out this cephalopod-inspired stache...