Storm World Paperback Sighting

i-ba721ab87c263141686aeaf45e215590-NewCoverSmall.JPGI'm not quite sure what is up with people...but, they seem to be buying, already, copies of the paperback edition of Storm World on Amazon.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that there's 5 % off on book preorders. I'm not sure.

In any event, given that I am devoting this weekend to writing a scintillating new introductory essay to the paperback edition, seeing some preorders come in was really inspiring.

Now I'd better deliver.

Also, I thought I'd preview, at this point, the new cover image for paperback. What do you think of it?

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LOVE this cover because the image of Katrina gives a sense of what we continue to face and why this subject is so important to explore. (I also love the paperback price). As I said in July, Storm World is an excellent read for everyone with interest in engaging in the great science and policy divide...

What makes this book stand out is that Chris provides a serious look at the politics and players involved in the eye of the storm.

It's a complex topic where the characters are real and the 'story' affects all of us. And now with a sexy new cover--I've already preordered mine!

Nice cover. You can't underestimate a good font. This one's sharp, even compelling. Goes nicely with the bottom frame image. I like it alot.

I really like the storm's size relationship with the Gulf, and how massive it was coming to shore. It's only gonna take a couple more of this size to wake up enough people, I hope.

By tom rogers (not verified) on 02 Feb 2008 #permalink