What Would PZ Do?

From today's Science Daily:

ScienceDaily (Jun. 9, 2008) -- New evidence that chemical contaminants are finding their way into the deep-sea food web has been found in deep-sea squids and octopods, including the strange-looking "vampire squid".

The troubling findings are about to be published in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin. Researchers collected nine species of cephalopods in the western North Atlantic Ocean and lead author Michael Vecchione explains:

"The fact that we detected a variety of pollutants in specimens collected from more than 3,000 feet deep is evidence that human-produced chemicals are reaching remote areas of the open ocean, accumulating in prey species, and therefore available to higher levels of marine life. Contamination of the deep-sea food web is happening, and it is a real concern."

Translation: We're messing with the big guy's favorite inverts...


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sad we're polluting 'the mysterious unknown' before we begin to understand it

Today is Cousteau's birthday as well. Fitting for this post....

What would PZ do?

Rant about religion.

Certainly he would not do any science.

By Emanuel Goldstein (not verified) on 13 Jun 2008 #permalink