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Sheril R. Kirshenbaum

Posts by this author

October 17, 2007
Never underestimate the impact of the little guys... at least when it comes to fishing practices and North Pacific loggerhead sea turtles. Today in PLoS one, Ocean Conservancy Scientist Wallace J. Nichols and University of California (UC)-Santa Cruz researcher Hoyt Peckham report that small-…
October 16, 2007
There's sure been a lot of hullabaloo over Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize. For an interesting perspective, take a gander over at nanopublic where you'll find lots of thought-provoking links to explore. "Meanwhile, European media are gloating about "a public slap in the face" for President Bush by the…
October 16, 2007
We've been hearing lots in the news about Aquarius - America's Innerspace Station, so I call this photo 'Friends in Low Places. It comes courtesy of my pals at the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. (You may remember these are the very same folks that hosted Capitol Hill Oceans Week in June…
October 15, 2007
'Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity -- in all this vastness -- there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us. It's been said that astronomy is a humbling, and I might add, a character-building experience…
October 14, 2007
I get 'tagged' with these blog memes fairly often and for this one, I'm finally game - but ONLY because it began with my great-great-grandfather PZ to demonstrate something Darwinian. So you know, I'm indulging in 'The Pharyngula Mutating Genre Meme' for the children. Watch kids, today's lesson…
October 12, 2007
'Go read Doris Lessing,' said my favorite Classics professor at Tufts. You see, we both love Vonnegut, Heinlein and all sorts of science fiction, so I visited his office one day asking why there weren't more women writers of the genre catching my fancy. I took his advice and wandered into the…
October 12, 2007
...Al Gore makes no guest appearance.
October 12, 2007
Congratulations to Al Gore and the IPCC! Evidence it's not only the climate that's a changin... Hold on tight for November 2008! The Nobel committee said that Mr Gore and the IPCC should be honoured "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change,…
October 11, 2007
Okay you two legged mutants... Chris and Sheril don't know I'm laptop side again. He's off, I don't know, probably writing about elephants' rear ends (frankly I never understood why all you humans got so excited over that book - with a name like 'Mooney', what did you expect?) And Sheril's…
October 11, 2007
Every now and then, something I write leads to stimulating discussion elsewhere. It seems Razib over at Gene Expression (who happens to be one of my very favorite Sciblings) really enjoyed my New Kids On The Block link on Tuesday to such an extent that he was inspired to remember his favorite boy…
October 10, 2007
In one week, I'll be able to tell you about some incredible research on loggerhead sea turtles which has massive implications for ocean wildlife conservation, worldwide. Before it's published, check out this great piece sent by Wes Rolley featuring the huge leatherback turtles off the coast of San…
October 10, 2007
Another global warming PSA produced by Environmental Defense in conjunction with the Ad Council. Is this a message that resonates with the readers? I expect what's alarmist to some will be poignant to others. But what I can say with certainty is that climate change will be a paramount issue in…
October 9, 2007
Politics aside, one aspect of Hillary's speech last Friday really resonated with me. She describes the feeling of looking up at the night sky for Sputnik as a young girl: And my memory of that, of peering into the sky in our backyard in a suburb of Chicago, I don't think we ever saw it although my…
October 8, 2007
I've already explained I'm nonpartisan. I support R's and D's across the Hill for a myriad of reasons. That said, I've been observing firsthand the way funding for innovative scientific research has been repeatedly cut throughout the current administration's reign. In 2002, I spent months…
October 6, 2007
New life forms in a test tube might not be science fiction anymore now that Craig Venter has created a synthetic chromosome... but breakthrough or threat to humanity? This article in the Guardian hints at both potential for solutions to climate change and new weapons for bio-terrorism. Sounds like…
October 5, 2007
Kicking off your holiday weekend with some lighter fare for Friday. (And as to my thoughts on Columbus and his day.. another time). The Health Section of Tuesday's Science Times featured this article about research out of Michigan State University on 'Friends With Benefits' (or in science speak…
October 4, 2007
As readers know, I'd like to see sound policy in place to protect Florida manatees. Check out what Jennifer and the good folks over at Shifting Baselines Ocean Media Project just made using footage from her internship at the Florida Marine Research Institute: Not for the sqeamish among us, but the…
October 3, 2007
Today's the day! Check out my new blog CORRELATIONS - a collaboration between WIRED Science and PBS. My first post is up introducing myself and foreshadowing some upcoming topics I'll be taking on alongside a very interesting mix of scientists and media experts. And please do let me know what you…
October 2, 2007
[DISCLAIMER: I expect Chris may not like what I'm about to compose because we both generally support the Center for American Progress. Still, you bet I'll speak up when they publish something downright irresponsible - even with the best intentions. That said, readers: What follows in no way…
October 1, 2007
Over at Jennifer's place, check out Carnival of the Blue V. As my west coast marine counterpart explains, it's a synthesis of the best ocean-related blogging. This month is definitely an interesting mix and includes my contribution on global warming's effects on sea turtles. And keep watch here…
October 1, 2007
Sometimes we get so incensed at the big picture, we forget to stop, breath, and most importantly laugh a little. I'm not saying things would be better, just that hey, we'll never know...
September 28, 2007
This is the true story...of eight strangers...picked to share a new science together, and have their research and interests find out what happens when scientists and media experts stop being esoteric...and start getting real...CORRELATIONS. * a collaboration between WIRED…
September 27, 2007
Okay folks, while I'm pleased so many are fascinated by Randy's video, I'm also overwhelmed by the sheer number of science related sex videos flooding my inbox. It's enough to make a marine scientist blush (and I'm starting to wonder if all this content may be setting off some kind of deviant…
September 27, 2007
Yesterday's barnacle video was tremendously popular. So much so, that readers in the world of science have been sending me related links ever since I posted the well-endowed arthropod. Having spent time doing research at sea in the Gulf of Maine, this particular one spoke to my own heart. Ever…
September 26, 2007
Before Flock of Dodos and Shifting Baselines, Randy Olson was inspiring the next generation of marine scientists with educational videos on topics in our field. My first semester in graduate school, I was dazzled by a particular captivating piece from 1991. Craig McClain referenced this project…
September 26, 2007
Kudos to our clever commentors... Well played! You figured out my framing game... I've been sharing my perspective on the media with regard to science and politics over several months now and evidently readers have been paying attention. My post yesterday was an experiment of sorts to see if you…
September 25, 2007
According to the New York Times, loggerhead nestings have recently dropped almost 7 percent in the Gulf of Mexico. With a myriad of threats from stormy oceans and climate change to land development and light pollution, these spectacular animals are in real trouble. After encouraging gains in the…
September 24, 2007
Flashback to the morning of November 8, 2006. My boss, Senator Bill Nelson, has just been reelected beating Katherine Harris by a huge margin. It's a beautiful morning and we're all quite happy down in the Sunshine State. I receive a call from a dear friend working in the office of a prominent…
September 24, 2007
Somehow when it comes to elections, lots of folks seem to get confused into thinking they're watching ESPN. Sure it's fun to feel part of a victory, but what matters politically far outweighs any championship ring, cup, or a trip to Disneyworld - even if the media would have you believe otherwise…
September 24, 2007
Last night, Craig McClain of Deep Sea News visited us in North Carolina for fun with Bora, Anna, Abel Pharmboy, and me. Craig also loves marine inverts so we had lots to discuss. More evidence NC is where the SciBlings are!