SciBlings Do Durham


Last night, Craig McClain of Deep Sea News visited us in North Carolina for fun with Bora, Anna, Abel Pharmboy, and me. Craig also loves marine inverts so we had lots to discuss. More evidence NC is where the SciBlings are!


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Are there multiple Bora's, who pop up in various disparate geographical locations!? He seems to be everywhere!

Nice photo "Me"

For the life of me, I can't guess the restaurant. Is it on 9th St.?

By Peter Etnoyer (not verified) on 24 Sep 2007 #permalink

Yes, I am omnipresent! I am working on other godly attributes but it's not easy.

No offence, Coturnix, but t-shirts tucked into trousers make me giggle! ;)

Speaking of being everywhere at once, it would appear from this photograph that Coturnix is actually none other than the BBC geographer Nicholas Crane. Same glasses any everything.

Ha! You got me. By folding the maps I manage to be in multiple places at the same time. And t-shirts....different places and times (not to mention social groups and classes) have different tastes.