The Boneyard #22



Welcome to the 22nd edition of The Boneyard, marking the long-awaited return of the blog carnival all about paleontology. Much has happened since the last iteration, so there's plenty of new blogospheric specimens to peruse;

  • Are there different "rules" of classification at work for fossil mammals than for. non-avian dinosaurs? Zach considers lumping and splitting at When Pigs Fly Returns.



  • Louis wasn't too happy with last week's installment of Jurassic Fight Club. Maybe we should have a scientific accuracy face off...


A juvenile Gorgosaurus

  • Museums hold lots of treasures just waiting to be studied. Hadropithecus stenognathus is a good example, and Greg Laden has a first look at the skull of this extinct lemur.



That does it for this edition of The Boneyard. Samples from the next round of excavations will be on display on September 2nd, 2008, but they need an internet institution to host them. If you're interested, please contact me for details, otherwise keep sending in those great paleo posts.

[All the photographs posted above were taken on August 9, 2008 at the AMNH.]

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Hi Brian, funny how 95% of animal life is only 4.3% of the paleoposts... Might have to do something about this. I can host Oct. 1 at The Other 95%.

Nice to have the carnival back thanks for putting it together Brian!

The microecos link appears to point to catalogue of organisms..although I'm reluctant to point this out since I'd happily take credit for Christopher's work any day...

Nice to see this carnival back up and running. I see that fossil insects are particularly under-represented... I suppose I should really do something about that!