Spider creates sculptures

Check out this "sculpure" of a spider discovered by Biologist Phil Torres, created by what may be a new species of Cyclosa found in the Peruvian Amazon. This is not just a pattern weaved by the spider into the web, but instead it is created from debris in the forest (dead insects, leaves, etc.). It is believed the spiders use the sculptures to confuse predators. The real spider can be spotted in the second image below just above the fake spider. In this location, the real spider can actually shake the fake spider to make it appear alive.

Spider sculpture (image credit: Phil Torres, Biologist)

Spider sculpture (image credit: Phil Torres, www.wired.com)

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That's "Some Spider"

By stellarseeker (not verified) on 05 Jan 2013 #permalink

And apparently this spider can count correctly: 8 legs and I guess that's a cephalothorax and abdoment. Close enough, Mr. or Mrs. Cyclosa...

By terrydarc (not verified) on 05 Jan 2013 #permalink

uhm.....creepy! But also awesome!

its like a puppet