An Avian Moonwalk

Well.  I'm off to host a photography workshop.  But in the meantime I can't resist passing along this video. In honor of Michael Jackson, of course.

ht: nyt

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Birds moonwalking, that's it I've seen everything.

By liudvikas (not verified) on 28 Jun 2009 #permalink

I think nature just ran out of ideas of pioneering evolution. Agriculture, Cement, Flight, now they're just insulting us by inventing dance moves. Can't humans do anything original?

By MrILoveTheAnts (not verified) on 28 Jun 2009 #permalink

I think that is way more James Brown than Michael Jackson.

Cool video. I didn't have my sound turned on but I bet that would have gone great with the king of soul.

Ha! Memes in birds. Love it. Bet you spurred a flurry of googling activity.....Where do you find this stuff?!?!