Tuesday ant links

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This week the blogosphere is busy recapping 2007 with lists of top stories in politics, news, and celebrity haircuts. In all the hoopla surrounding year's end, somehow everyone seems to have forgotten the ants, even though the, um, fast-paced world of Myrmecology has made plenty of discoveries…
Pheidole creightoni major worker, California After reading a couple times through Corrie Moreau's hot-off-the-press Pheidole evolution paper, I am pleased to give it a thumbs-up. The paper is behind a subscription barrier, so I have distilled the results into an informal summary: Pheidole is…
Another year passes.  The economy is in the toilet.  Violence spreads in the middle east.  In these trying times, one question must weigh on the minds of concerned citizens: "What's happening in world of ant science?" Of course.  Here are the myrmecological highlights of 2008: The Demise of…
Darwin Was Right About How Evolution Can Affect Whole Group: Worker ants of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your fertility. The highly specialized worker castes in ants represent the pinnacle of social organization in the insect world. As in any society, however, ant colonies are…

That ant mimic ("Not an ant!") looks like the Bow-Legged Bug nymphs we have here in Florida! Maybe Hyalymenus sp. (Hemiptera: Alydidae)?

Check out this similar photo on bugguide.net: http://bugguide.net/node/view/218529/bgimage

By Lissamphibia (not verified) on 27 Apr 2010 #permalink

Alex, thank you for the link! Pogolumina is just getting started - I am refining, correcting, and adding to the content daily. We're having a spate of cold rainy weather in Washington state at the moment, but when it clears I will be experimenting some new lighting techniques, and video.

The anthropomorph in me immediately thought of the teaser trailer for The Ant Bully, where a distinctly non-hymenopteran insect is auditioning for a role as an ant:

Casting director: "We need an ant."
Hopeful actor: "I can do ant!"
Casting director: "A RED ant!"
Hopeful actor: "I can do red, too!"

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink