Tool use in Chimpanzees AKA the perils of interspecies dating. NSFW.

Lots of attention has been paid to the capacity of great apes to use objects as tools. Well, here we have an example of a chimpanzee at the Honolulu Zoo using a toad as a "marital aide". I feel bad for the poor toad, it certainly doesn't deserve to be treated like an object.

There's not more I can say about the subject, frankly I'm still simultaneously trying to process it and scrub it from my brain. Again, not safe for work viewing.

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I loled so hard when I saw this-- the 'related videos' at YouTube are also pure gold.

heeeeeeehehehehe! Where do they get all these toads??

I found this blog on a list of top 100 neuro/psych sites. This is the first post I saw of Neurotopia - perfect maiden voyage. I'm going to go drill a hole in my brain now...

(still a great site though ;)

"I feel bad for the poor toad, it certainly doesn't deserve to be treated like an object."

That's not fair, we don't know the whole story- he might have taken the toad out for Chinese food and cocktails for all we know.

Oh. My. I hope that toad is REALLY good at controlling its gag reflex.

This is the first time I've ever felt sympathetic to my grandfather's assertion that you shouldn't go outside your own class for these things.