Experiencing technical difficulties

I think I hit the wrong thing when trying to install a rotating blogroll, so Neurotopia may look like base model Movable Type template for a while. My apologies...

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It's a tradition in the blogosphere for more popular blogs to help out the little guys. But only once a year. Usually in February. Many blogs have very liberal blogroll policies: you link me, I link you. Since I moved into the new space here, I've been very lazy conservative with my blogroll,…
What's a bloggercon without a discussion of traffic and how to raise it... Continuing the ongoing coverage of ConvergeSouth.... Saturday afternoon - the last session of the day. Michael Cobb Bowen, aka Cobb, is one cool dude. He runs a conservative blog AND a progressive blog. He is a smart African…
This worked fairly well last time around, so let's try it again. If you'd like to have your blog on the Pharyngula blogroll, here's what you should do: Examine your blog with a critical eye. If you are espousing creationism, Intelligent Design creationism, the beauty of unthinking acceptance of…
Since the blogroll amnesty day earlier this month was such a flop, I thought I'd reframe it. Today is Blogroll Open Enrollment day! What that means is that this is your opportunity to get onto the Pharyngula blogroll, after you jump through some hoops. There are a few absolute requirements. For…

Isis: apparently he DID! I have decided if we have to start from scratch, I'm going to redecorate entirely in pink just to make Evil mad. :)