
I have a horrendous series of connections to get home — Bloomington → Atlanta → Detroit → Minneapolis — and I'm getting these annoying email alerts from the airline every 20 minutes warning me of problems and delays in my various connections. Apparently, there's some storm in Atlanta that is messing up schedules all over the place. So maybe I won't get home. Maybe I'll be trapped in airports for days on end. The best result at this point is that I drag my tired frame home late, late tonight.

So…Open Thread! Fill the void caused by my absence with interesting conversation about whatever you want! I'm sure a creationist or two will show up to hammered at, so have fun.

(On a related note, we do have a surfeit of fools arguing futilely and ignorantly for creationism right now, and maybe it's time to cull the herd a bit. One suggestion is to play Survivor: Pharyngula for a while and vote off a few. Can you come up with challenges our contestants must meet in order to be permitted to preserve their posting privileges?)

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You're flying from Bloomington to Minneapolis by way of Atlanta? Wouldn't you have been better off just taking a train?

I vote off Barb the creationist harpie. She's already used up all of her chances.

By Jeff Eyges (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

If intelligent aliens visited the Earth and looked very similar to humans, what effect would that have on evolutionary theory and the idea of a creator?

I suggest that Alan Clarke explain how the Earth is only 6,000 years old yet the source he gave (talking about sedimentary rocks on Mt. Everest) said the Himalayas have been rising for 40 million years.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Good timing. I just found something that is good for open threads. Did you all catch the Non Sequitur today? ;)

I suggest that Alan Clarke explain how the Earth is only 6,000 years old yet the source he gave (talking about sedimentary rocks on Mt. Everest) said the Himalayas have been rising for 40 million years.


Sometimes while listening to music I'll think to myself, "This singer sounds like he/she has really bad breath.", at which point I just have to turn it off

By I Need Help (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Oh no! PZ isn't here to tell us what to do! Without an external source of authority we'll all descend into madness, chaos, and (hopefully) cannibalism.

Ooh-ooh! Let's exchange recipes!

Apparently, there's some storm in Atlanta that is messing up schedules all over the place.

Oh, I see. Blame the storm. Suuuure.

Atlanta's very existence messes up schedules all over the place.

So.... Anyone see any good movies lately?

By Timebender13 (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Stupid storm is making it nasty in Chimpland too.

My big plans for the weekend have been reduced to sitting in front of the computer and watching basketball.

I will vote for Barb. I will admit that it is personal.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I have a highly intelligent friend I play chess with who practically wins every time. Perhaps in the last 2 months of playing over 30 games, I've won 7 or 8 of them. Yet, he consistently believes in a personal god that comes to him in times of need. He works in AI, has two Doctorate degrees, and otherwise seems as rational as possible. Is it perhaps his work related to computer architecture or some form of framework that makes him think the world is similarly under some kind of divine influence? Does he think that there's a master programmer called god?

The depths of indoctrination are unbelievable, and naturally, every discussion we've ever had has spiraled into how science cannot explain everything, how we need something to believe in, and you can't live on evidence alone. Well, it stumps me to this day that someone so rational and cohesive, who also continuously destroys my chess-ego, remains in the irrational fools camp.

What also comes to mind is my father, who was a physicist in his youth, now a self-employed businessman, completely abandoning the scientific method, and because of his distrust of the government, is willing to believe any conspiracy theory that's "hidden" by the mainstream media? He's bought into the 2012 nonsense, and nothing you can do can dissuade him from that belief. Thanks to confirmation bias, he feels all his little pieces of erroneously sourced information is evidence for some major global catastrophe. It's a blind road once you discard evidence, and follow faith. A blind, ridiculously obtuse road that leads farther and farther from the truth. Fuck you blind faith.

By Helioprogenus (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Upcoming conference: Ancient of Days / 2009 Roswell UFO Conference, a "Christian Symposium on Aliens". Some of the lectures:

"Why an Extra-Terrestrial God Appeals to Today's Culture"
"Aliens & Demonology: A Study Throughout History and Scripture"
"Unholy Communion : The Spiritual Nature of Abduction Reports"
"ET's Message To Humanity - A False Gospel"
"Ministry to the UFO Community; One Pastor's Story"
"Bible Physics & The Abilities of Fallen Angels"
"Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection"
"Communications with Non-Terrestrial Beings: Biblical & Historical Warnings"

Also, new Christian research findings: Alien abductions can be thwarted by invoking the name of Jesus Christ!

Bacon < bacon + cheese
-> there is no god. Discuss

Also cheeses != e.t. Except the moon.

Ooh-ooh! Let's exchange recipes!

Rustic Pear Tart

Note: Can be made with apples, too (sprinkle w/ dried cranberries before baking.

Makes 2 servings

ACTIVE TIME: 25 minutes

TOTAL TIME: 1 1/4 hours


1 large ripe but firm pear, peeled and thinly sliced
1 teaspoon plus 1/3 cup all-purpose flour, divided, plus additional for dusting
2 tablespoons sugar, divided
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup whole-wheat pastry flour
1 tablespoon cold unsalted butter
2 tablespoons walnut oil or canola oil
1-2 tablespoons cold water

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Toss pear slices, 1 teaspoon all-purpose flour, 1 tablespoon sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in a medium bowl.

3. Whisk 1/3 cup all-purpose flour, whole-wheat flour and the remaining 1 tablespoon sugar in a medium bowl. Cut in butter with a pastry cutter or a fork until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Sprinkle oil over the mixture and stir with a fork until evenly combined. Add 1 tablespoon water and stir until the dough just stays together when pressed with a fork; add up to 1 additional tablespoon of water if the dough seems too dry.

4. Line a work surface with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat, generously dust with flour and turn the dough out onto it. Form the dough into a small patty, dust the top with flour and roll into a rustic 10-inch circle, adding more flour if necessary to prevent sticking. Transfer the crust to a baking sheet with parchment paper or baking mat in place.

5. Lay the pear slices in decorative, overlapping circles on top of the crust, leaving a 1-inch border around the edge [IOW, make a pinwheel]. Spoon any remaining pear juice over the slices. Pick up the edges of the crust using a spatula and fold over the pears. The crust will not meet in the center.

6. Bake the tart until lightly browned and bubbling, about 40 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Janine of the numerous and varying titles has an excellent reason for having Barb go bye-bye. In solidarity with a fellow human being, I switch my vote to kicking Barb the Odious off the universe/

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Also, new Christian research findings: Alien abductions can be thwarted by invoking the name of Jesus Christ!

Christian UFO conspiracy theorists. What next?

(Goddamn Christians, infiltrating everything...)

By Jeff Eyges (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

PZ -

I'm not superstitious myself, but wouldn't it be hilarious if GOD is "punishing" you for your inane declaration that Ken Miller is a creationist (Though if this is "punishment", then it pales in comparison to the fact that Bill Dembski has an autistic child.).

On a more serious note, I hope you do get home safely.



By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

mmmmmmmmm...... bacon. You called it chimp!


Intelligent life from other forms would disprove organized religion further because, well, various religious books didn't talk about the existence of foreign lands containing natives like North America that we now know existed so intelligent life from a planet in space equals EPIC RELIGIOUS FAIL. The "word" has been grossly insufficient in describing what acutally occurs in the universe, choosing instead to stick to a vary narrow view fashioned allegorically through the stone and bronze ages.

Evolution is a fact, even if their is a creator of somekind (which is doubtful based on the evidence and what people say about said creator). The alien morphological studies would be interesting. However looking like humans and being phenotypically similar to humans is completely different. How do we define similar? 4 limbs and a head? I'm sure there would be more to it than that. Evolution still stands, I doubt there would be any advances in proving a creator. If people are going to start resorting to arguements of "when the aliens come it'll prove Jesus!" I'm going to laugh harder than ever.

By IceFarmer (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Posted by: eddie | March 14, 2009

Bacon -> there is no god. Discuss

Perhaps pigs think that bacon if proof that evil exists.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I'm not superstitious myself

It's bad luck to be superstitious.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

BDC said:

Bacon > everything else.

True. In fact, whenever I encounter someone who doesn't like bacon, I immediately question both their patriotism and their morals.

By PlaydoPlato (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Janine has posited a convincing argument for the bannination of Barb. My virtually worthless vote shall help.

Mmmm... sacrilicious... aaargh[drool]... [/homer]

By Jeff Eyges (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Without an external source of authority we'll all descend into madness, chaos, and (hopefully) cannibalism.

Ooh-ooh! Let's exchange recipes!

Recipe suggestion:
People + Ketchup.

Speaking of Bacon, why is it that many people who are supposedly chosen by God aren't allowed to eat it? I think bacon may truly be my main objection to religion! How could you trust someone that doesn't like/eat bacon? Chimp, you are a genius!!!!

By IceFarmer (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I immediately question both their patriotism and their morals.

We're mainly liburl atheists here, our patriotism and morals get questioned every day.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

If we humans off ourselves sometime in the next 200 years, and say, 250 million years from now, some intelligent species of cephalopod becomes the next technological civilization on earth, how much of their understanding of evolution be impeded/affected by the consequences of our activities?

What would they make of:

Discovering the remnants of some human museum, with the rabbit exhibit jumbled with the Ediacaran section? Or say the fossil of some unfortunate curator holding a pikaia specimen in his hand?

The descendants of zebra mussels in North America, brown tree snakes in Guam, etc?

The free-living, unicellular amoeboid descendents of immortalized mammalian cell lines (like HeLa) that escaped from laboratories and managed to survive?

Or the descendents of full-blown synthetic organisms that escaped from some near-future lab?

Surviving descendents or fossils of any domestic species upon which we've done substantial genetic modification?

Assume, to make things harder for them, that by 250 million years there is virtually no recognizable remaining evidence of human technological activity, just the biological consequences of our various meddlings. (And assume to make it even harder, that by chance, they are not lucky enough to have discovered any fossils of human skulls, with our tellingly large braincases.)

In short, how would an honest scientist determine the existence of real intelligent design at some point in the history of an otherwise naturally evolved biosphere?

Had some Jehovah's witnesses knock at my front door this morning. Fun :-D

Think i got most of my ammo from reading discussions on here too, especially on the origins of the lethal attitudes to blood transfusions. They even raised intelligent design, told them that from my perspective as a PhD student in virology that I see it more as malevolent design.

Also, local supermarket had nice bacon on offer. Yay tasty soup.

How about a SIMPLE recipe?

Easy Stewed Chicken for the Non-Cook

In large slow-cooker pot, put:

1 can Campbell's Cream of Celery
1 can Campbell's Cream of Mushroom
1 can Campbell's Cream of Broccoli
1/2 the liquid recommended on the cans, milk or water
2 lb. or so boneless, skinless chicken breasts and/or thighs

Cook for 6-8 hours on low, stirring occasionally. Serve over rice.

Unbelievably good. Cheap. Also good reheated.

Heed the College Roomie Rule for Doing Dishes:

Him that cooketh, he washeth not.

Ooh-ooh! Let's exchange recipes!

Toad In The Hole

* 1 1/2 cup plain flour
* 2 eggs
* 1 1/2 cup milk
* 1 tbsp oil
* 1 lb pork sausage (long pork, if you have it)
* salt and pepper

Pre-heat oven to 425ºF. Sift flour into a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper. Make a well in the center of the flour. Whisk the eggs and the milk into the center of the well in the flour, gradually to smooth out lumps. Cover and let stand 30 minutes.

Brown the sausages in oil and cook through, about 10 minutes

Put sausages in a roasting pan, pour the batter over the sausages and place in oven. Cook for about 20 minutes or until the batter is risen and golden. Serve at once.

Serves 4-6

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Kwok vomited:

I'm not superstitious myself, but wouldn't it be hilarious if GOD is "punishing" you for your inane declaration that Ken Miller is a creationist...

So Miller is not religious after all and does not believe that his god was involved in anyway in the origins of life and the universe ?

I have listed to Miller and that does not seem to be what he says. Sure you got it right ?

Just to give you a clue, the term creationist does apply only to people who think the earth is 6000 years old. It applies to anyone who thinks that god had a role in the process.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Well since I have successfully steered a good portion of this discussion to the one true god, bacon...

Here is my recipe for making bacon.

And here are the top ten quotes about bacon, from Homer Simpson. A man who my wife thinks I am patterned after.

1. “(Lisa) “I’m going to become a vegetarian” (Homer) “Does that mean you’re not going to eat any pork?” “Yes” “Bacon?” “Yes Dad” Ham?” “Dad all those meats come from the same animal” “Right Lisa, some wonderful, magical animal!”"
2. “Porkchops and bacon, my two favorite animals.”
3. “When you’re in my house you shall do as I do and believe who I believe in. So Bart butter your bacon.”
4. “Is it Bacon Day?”
5. “Mmmm. Move over, eggs. Bacon just got a new best friend - fudge.”
6. “Not again! First you took away my Philly Fudgesteak. And then my Bacon Balls. Then my Whatchamachicken. You monster!”
7. Homer: I’ll have the smiley face breakfast special. Uhh, but could you add a bacon nose? Plus bacon hair, bacon mustache, five o’clock shadow made of bacon bits and a bacon body.
Waitress: How about I just shove a pig down your throat?
(Homer looks excited)
Waitress: I was kidding.
Homer: Fine, but the bacon man lives in a bacon house!
Waitress: No he doesn’t!
8. “[strained] You know that feeling you get when a thousand knives of fire are stabbing you in the heart? I’m having that right now…[normal] Ooh, bacon!”
9. “Mmm … bacon”
10. “Mmm … unexplained bacon”

Porkchops and bacon, my two favorite animals!
-- Homer Simpson

Let’s see... Farmer Billy’s smoke-fed bacon, Farmer Billy’s bacon-fed bacon, Farmer Billy’s travel bacon… Mr. Simpson, if you really want to kill yourself, I also sell handguns!
-- Apu Nahasapeemapetilon

By pdferguson (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

One of those Christian UFO lectures, "Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection", is by Gary Bates, who also has a book out by the same name. You can read more about on his site AlienIntrusion.com (which also offers a cool free anti-alien sticker with book purchase.)

He claims that the Bible is "the best UFO book ever written" and has a quiz on the Bible and UFOs.

He's interviewed in an article titled "Aliens in your bedroom?" published in the creationist peer-reviewed journal Creation:

Their evolutionary worldviews are not incidental. I was amazed, for example, to learn about the virulent atheism and evolutionary beliefs of H.G. Wells, Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke, which influenced their science fiction writings.

"Once you look into it, evolution is the central tenet, whether you look at science fiction, SETI or the Rover missions to Mars", Gary observes. "Belief in an ancient cosmos billions of years old has preconditioned people to expect alien visitations. It is thought that if life evolved on Earth, surely other civilizations would have evolved on distant planets far earlier than ours and, thus, would be more technologically advanced."

Bates also apparently hints that the Intelligent Designer was an alien.

So... has the Discover Institute ever invited this guy to join the ID party?

@ Matt Penfold -

So your definition of "creationist" would include the likes of eminent biologists Francis Collins and Francisco J. Ayala too? Collins has emphasized his interests in both Christianity and evolutionary biology; Ayala substantially less so.

@ PZ -

BTW, Abbie Smith thinks I'm "bent" already. That's too bad, since I'd love to sing to her this Katy Perry song, "I kissed Abbie Smith.... and I liked it".

By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Man does not live by bacon alone. Some chocolate must come into the diet as well.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Banning - Barb, facilis, and...John Kwok? The first two because they put forward deeply offensive opinions about other people and their morality which they frequently conflate with sexuality, and John because he's just a wanker. Watch out with John, though, PZ because even if he never mentions it, he has powerful and influential friends.

@ Matt Penfold -

On a more serious note, I regard my friend Ken Miller as a theistic evolutionist. So would I regard both Francis Collins and Francisco J. Ayala too.

I don't subscribe at all to Ken's religious views, and I have substantial misgivings about how he strives to connect his religious views towards his understanding as to what is - and what isn't - valid science. But, unlike you or PZ, I haven't jumped to the conclusion that Ken is indeed a creationist.


By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Doesn't the phrase, "Get bent" get rendered meaningless by the fact that people cannot choose their sexuality? Just nitpicking, PZ. :P

So, we've got a chance to name conditions for the theist trolls here to avoid getting voted off the pharyngula petrie dish, or risk the wrath of the Banninator? Can we start considering who goes monkey walk into the surf with weights on after we ban Barb?

Alan Clarke has his work set out for him already. I'd like to see Facilis retain his posting privileges if and only if he can show us that he can construct a valid argument. I won't hold my breath.

I'm makin' bacon-topped pizza today.

I hand-ground my flour this morning while Mrs. PlaydoPlato ground some steak up into burger.

The flour is rising as I type this. Once I roll out the dough, I'm going to fold some mozzarella up into the edge of the crust. I plan to add roast bell peppers, the ground beef seasoned with sage and garlic, cheddar and mozzarella, onions, olives, and of course, bacon.

Forget 72 virgins. Just promise me everlasting bacon-pizza and I'll believe anything.

By PlaydoPlato (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

my friend Ken Miller

Just because you went to Jones Beach with him doesn't mean that he's not a creationist. "Theistic evolutionist" = god did evolution = creationist. QE fucking D.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Although there have been many odious intruders, I did not imagine that I would go so far as to add a vote to expell anyone ... until I read Janine's evidence. Boot the Barb moron.

“Uh, “Hello, room service? I’d like some bacon, a couple of cokes, and a bunch of whores.”

Butthead, Beavis and ButtHead

If anyone feels like getting me a present (and you know you want to), I highly suggest the bacon of the month club or anything from here.


I'll keep an eye out for the post man.

Why oh why do I never stick around until after the 600+ postings of a thread? It seems that it takes the deluded that long to show up and be dismantled- so I see (h/t to Janine, of the Marvelously Modified Monikers) that, as usual, I missed all the fun (so to speak)! So thanks, I guess, for pointing out the ravings of Barb, the god-besotted lunatic to me- I agree that she's so evil that she MUST go. I thought I couldn't get any more angry over the subject of that thread- so DUMP HER- I don't need to see any more of that.
Love, Dr K

"You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad!"
-The Family

"It's just a little airbourne, it's still good."

"Ah, my eye! The doctor said I'm not supposed to get pudding in it!"


Lay off Kenneth Miller! Anyone who can compare
the Dover trial to Pickett's charge must be on
our side. Also: BLT = nature's most perfect food.

Go and make bread dough, then, and hence, bread, rolls, and pizza.
It's very relaxing, it's part of the compulsory, practical, child-rearing curriculum (and they love it), it's proper magic, and you get to eat the results.
Now, where's my powdered yeast?

I'm makin' bacon-topped pizza today.

I hand-ground my flour this morning while Mrs. PlaydoPlato ground some steak up into burger.

The flour is rising as I type this. Once I roll out the dough, I'm going to fold some mozzarella up into the edge of the crust. I plan to add roast bell peppers, the ground beef seasoned with sage and garlic, cheddar and mozzarella, onions, olives, and of course, bacon.

Forget 72 virgins. Just promise me everlasting bacon-pizza and I'll believe anything.

If you are ever in Charleston, you need to go here and get the Pork Trifecta.

Life will never be the same.

Kwok said,

I don't subscribe at all to Ken's religious views, and I have substantial misgivings about how he strives to connect his religious views towards his understanding as to what is - and what isn't - valid science. But, unlike you or PZ, I haven't jumped to the conclusion that Ken is indeed a creationist.

So your friend Miller does not believe that hos god can actually do anything in the universe ? Do I have that right ?

Once you allow for god to have any role in how the universe came about you are a creationist.

So you seem to be arguing that as Miller is not a creationist he is also not a theist, since a theist believes in a god who has a role in the universe. But then you call him a theistic evolutionist, which is confusing. Do you think you just make up your mind and stick to it ? Either Miller believes god had a role in the creation of the universe or he did not. If Miller believes the former then he is a creationist whether you like it or not.

Also, leave out all this "my friend crap". You just come over as a name-dropping conceited arsehole.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@ Tis Himself -

I've had the privilege of watching Ken Miller debate creationists live in person twice (The first time was his very first debate against a creationist, when I was an upperclassman at our undergraduate alma mater, and he, a recently arrived assistant professor of biology. In fact, I was the sole skeptical - and "Darwinist" - member of an ad hoc "Origins Committee" which had organized this debate; the other committee members were actively involved in the campus chapter of the Campus Crusade for Christ. The second debate pitted him and philosopher Robert Pennock against leading IDiots Bill Dembski and Mike Behe at, of all places, the American Museum of Natural History. NCSE Executive Director Eugenie Scott moderated it.). Neither time did I hear anything from Ken that would have led me to assume that he is a creationist. Nor have I read anything written by him or quoted from a radio or television interview that would lead me to conclude that he is a creationist.


By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

BTW, Abbie Smith thinks I'm "bent" already. That's too bad, since I'd love to sing to her this Katy Perry song, "I kissed Abbie Smith.... and I liked it".

Bigtime creep.

@65: As soon as my comment was posted, Disassociative by Marilyn Manson began playing on VLC Media Player, and I realized I meant so spell it dissociative. Oh well.

@ Matt Penfold,

AnthonyK is right, I do have some important, notable and influential friends. But I have no need to brag about them, unlike, for example, PZ, who does remind us often that he's a good friend of Clinton Richard Dawkins. Ken Miller teaches introductory biology and cell biology at our undergraduate alma mater. I've attended alumni functions held in his honor. We keep in touch when we can, usually via e-mail. He is my friend.


By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Bacon and blue eggs...mmmmm!

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@64: Argument from ignorance!

You're claiming a lack of evidence of his beliefs allows you to know his beliefs.

'Tis Himself, where are you from?

There are miniature versions of "Toad in a Hole" we have in the south called "pigs in a blanket"....mmmmmmmm....

As long as we've got an open thread, could somebody explain 'Poe's law' for me? I see it mentioned a lot here, but never with any kind of definition. I assume it's something along the lines of 'A sufficiently advanced parody of creationism is indistinguishable from the real thing', right? Also, why is it called a Poe; the Purity Of Essence guy from Dr Strangelove, maybe?

...you're getting from Illinois to Michigan through Atlanta?

That's fucked up. I'm sorry.

Well, enjoy your time in Blo-No! Great talk last night. :)

Ken Miller may be our creationist as contrasted with the buttholery of the Disco Boys, on our side of the thin edge of The Wedge Document, but anybody who thinks the findings of science reveals "what and how Goddidit" is a creationist.

And Francis FCCing Collins might know how to work as an administrator in Big Science, but if you've encountered any of his prating drivel about religion, you already know his critical thinking skills wouldn't pass muster in a third grade classroom. He may have once had a brain, but for all he's using it now it may as well be made of mucus.

@ SC,OM -

Actually this Katy Perry hit is more indicative of my former friendship with Abbie:

"Hot N Cold"

If anyone is a "Bigtime Creep", then it's Mikey Behe for dissing her at Amazon.com, referring to her as a vicious "Mean Girl".

I'm just sorry that we're no longer friends.


By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Who made this a Kwok thread?
Well, can I save us all a lot of time? It doesn't matter if Ken Miller is a "creationist" or not, he's still a good guy. But now we get John blundering in here, throwing around the names of all this famous freinds and mentors, protesting about the abuse he recieves and going on and on and on and on about how shabbily he's treated. And then PZ has to come back and tell him, then it starts all over again.
More recipes, less Kwoking.


You do understand what the term creationist means right ?

If you insist on saying Miller is not a creationist will you confirm that by that Miller does not allow for any role for god in the creation of the universe and the origins and evolution of life. If you cannot confirm that you will need to explain why you been dishonest in your earlier claims.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

#20 is my favorite comment in this thread so far.

And I enthusiastically support the sentiment in #21.

@ # 10: Babby or Adult
Adults are a tougher so tenderizer is an integral part of the recipe.

@# 31: I tried that. Not really a good mixture, honey mustard is much better.

@# 44: chocolate tastes great with people

Bye, I'm unexplainably hungry for bacon now and must go hunt through the fridg.

By menocreationist (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I have nothing intelligent to say about creationism vs evolution... yet. Currently I've got my mind on Jesus bling, but will eventually get around to saying something intelligent about my formative years schooled in creationism... by an creationist uncle who taught HS Science... one of those teachers that fights for creationism to be taught in MN schools... eventually i'll get around to that story.

By the way, I've been off /b/ for a couple of weeks and just suffered a 4chan relapse. If I start to get annoying, someone with an OM say so, because I'm not going to listen to anyone else. :P

Chimp said:

If you are ever in Charleston, you need to go here and get the Pork Trifecta. Life will never be the same.

From the Menu:

pork trifecta: house made sweet sausage, pepperoni, maple smoked bacon, house mozzarella and red sauce

Sweet Jebus on a pogo stick! Now I know why people go on religious pilgrimages. This place sounds like the Mecca of pizza.

By PlaydoPlato (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

John's mom thinks he's cool.

good idea. Maybe they could just coherently answer some simple questions with thoughts rather than just babbling away with straight christofascist talking points and then wishing everyone a cheerful, "You're all going to hell" before bobbing and weaving into the distance.

One simple question. What does creationism and its thinly disguised offspring ID have to do with xianity anyway?

Evolution isn't mentioned in the bible. Or quantum mechanics, relativity, etc. for that matter.

The first xians to question genesis as anything more than mythology was....the founders of the church in 400 AD. St. Augustine and several prominent theologians of the time didn't seem to think much of it except as a story.

The majority of the world's xians don't have a problem with it. If a deity has been striking them down with lightening bolts and sending them all to hell know one has heard about it.

To my mind, as a litmus test it is right up there with the flat earth, witch hunts, and geocentrism. A guaranteed loser that drives people away, but only the brightest and best educated.

@ AnthonyK,

I haven't been mentioning my "mentors", with the notable exception of Ken Miller of course. He's the one responsible for getting me interested in going after the Dishonesty Institute IDiots.

@ Matt Pemfold,

If I didn't understand what a creationist is, then why do you think I've spent a lot of time online elsewhere attacking them?

As for Ken, he's promised me that he'll explain how he reconciles his religious and scientific beliefs. But that's an explanation he will be sharing with me and with one other skeptic. Once I receive it, I won't be divulging it to you or anyone else.

If that's not satisfactory to you, then I suggest you take it up with Ken. You can look up his e-mail address here at:


By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I vote for Barb (against Barb?). Anyway, stick her on a raft and let her find another island to contaminate, with apologies to the inhabitants of whatever island she lands on next.

: Matt
Miller inserts his personal Xtian god at some point in the evolutionary processes, although he never admitts just where. I can never figure out how Miller can demand so much proof for his biological studies for 6 days, then one day a week he demands little or no proof for his religious convictions?

By God Retardent (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

John wrote:

As for Ken, he's promised me that he'll explain how he reconciles his religious and scientific beliefs.

My PhD adviser has been promising me a similar conversation since I was in grad school. I'm still waiting. Maybe Ken will do better.


You failed to answer my question. I must therefore consider you to be dishonest in making the claims you have. Either Miller rejects the role of god in the formation of the universe and since, or he does not. You have claimed he does reject such a role for his god. It is time for you to support that claim or withdraw it.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | March 14, 2009 2:38 PM [kill][hide comment]

Who made this a Kook thread?


This is not a love song!

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Does anyone else thing the use of the phrase "Pork barrel" is slanderous to our porcine palettes?

Very. Those bastards.

“Everything in a pig is good. What ingratitude has permitted his name to become a term of opprobrium?”
Grimod de la Reynière (1758-1838)

The pig is "an encyclopedic animal, a meal on legs."
Grimod de La Reynière

"But I will place this carefully fed pig
Within the crackling oven; and, I pray,
What nicer dish can e'er be given to man."
Aeschylus, ancient Greek poet

Arkady @ #36:

Mind sharing some of your arguments against Jehovah's Witlesses? I have a coworker who keeps dodging most of my arguments (mostly since he rejects the KJV).

By Benjamin Geiger (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

For one extra bacon point - name the breed of The Empress of Blandings.

No fair googling it. Go!

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@ Josh -

I actually did have a good conversation or two with one of my grad school mentors, who is as religiously devout as Ken
(Hint: A highly regarded ecologist who is a professor of ecology at a major Southwestern university.). But we spent a lot more time talking about the "Red Queen", species area effects, and other aspects of ecology and evolutionary biology.

By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Does anyone know of a betting shop that takes wagere on self-fulfilling prophecies?
And somewhere where I can promote my controversial new theory - that Shakespeare ate Bacon?


It's either Berkshire or Shropshire. Which is it? Per my name, I really should know this!

Is it just me or
for fuck's sake..............

Could you bake me a country ham
Honey glazed with a side of yams
Leave it in till it’s golden brown
Pineapples all the way around
Let the sweet smell fill the air
Serve it to me in my easy chair
I’m tired of eating imitation Spam
Could you bake me a country ham

By Benjamin Geiger (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@ Matt Penfold -

I haven't looked at Ken's writings lately, but he seems to take a more Deistic approach regarding GOD's role in shaping the universe, as though GOD merely set everything in motion and then allow things to proceed only via Natural Law. Where Ken is on philosophically unstable ground is his assertion that somehow GOD had an "Anthropic Principle" in anticipating the evolution of humanity. If you want to criticize that as a creationist sentiment, then alas, I would have to agree with you.

By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Whoops, hit "Post" too soon. Meant to add attribution to that: "Bake Me a Country Ham", by Cledus T. Judd.

By Benjamin Geiger (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

And somewhere where I can promote my controversial new theory - that Shakespeare ate Bacon?

I thought Shakespeare wrote Bacon a sonnet or three, but I'm unaware of any evidence for cannibali--oh! I get it!

@John. Mine and I were sitting in a hired car in a warm foreign land and we almost got there. We were returning to our hotel from a substantial meal that was well-lubricated with a pretty good rice wine. We were just getting to the meat of the discussion when we arrived the hotel door. The momentum of the conversation was broken and we ended up retiring to our respective rooms. He's been promising to re-engage ever since. But it was a weird and interesting conversation while it lasted.

@Kobra... thought I recognized you from BC... (infinity symbol)... always stirring the pot on the G-threads... good to see you here.

Rev, get yourself to a second-hand book shop and pick up one of Wodehouse's Blandings books...failing that Whiffle on The Care of the Pig is apparently the porcine Bible.

She was indeed a Berkshire. :)

Chimpy you need to catch up on your P.G. Wodehouse. The Empress of Blandings was one of the greatest pigs ever.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

eddie @#17

"Bacon -> there is no god. Discuss"

P1 Bacon->temptation
P2 temptation->Satan
P3 Satan->evil
C1 Bacon->evil

P4 God->perfect creation
P5 evil-> ~perfect creation
C2 evil-> ~God

C1 Bacon->evil
C2 evil-> ~God
C3 Bacon-> ~God

C3 Bacon-> ~God
P6 Bacon
C4 ~God

Re John Kwok

If birther John Kwok is such a buddy to Prof. Miller, he would know that the good professor explicitly rejects the description theistic evolutionist. His description of himself is one who accepts methodological naturalism and also philosophical theism. I know this, never having met Prof. Miller, because he said so on a thread on Larry Morans' blog.

@ Josh,

Actually reminds me more of a true incident involving a professor of herpetology and his graduate student at my grad school alma mater. They were going out on a hot warm day to collect lizards and the professor told his student not to worry about lunch, since he'd go ahead and buy it. At lunchtime they opened the back of his car and found a partially melted chocolate cake.... which was, of course, the professor's idea of lunch.

By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Storm? In Atlanta? The weather I just had to walk through to get to the Tutankhamun exhibit was just drizzly and windy and somewhat miserable. Wouldn't call it a storm, per se.


Nice. I like Pharyngula better than BC. Two reasons:
1. More rational arguments.
2. People don't flip out over profanity here.

I've had posts removed for saying "crap" before. :S

It's only an 11 hour drive. Just sayin'...

I wonder if Katy Perry has ever heard of Jill Sobule.

Barb? Barb, the close-minded, contemptible fool? She is amusing on some levels, but has made her case clearly (LOL) and has both stated and demonstrated that she is a) not teachable, and b) is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Barb, Barb, Barb. Perhaps she has worn out her welcome.

I would not miss her if she decided not to come here anymore.

I'd love to see a debate pie-throwing context between Vox Day and Siruis Knott. The winner gets to go on a date with Michelle Bachmann.

(Ok, so I'm feeling perverse today. So crucify me. I'll be back tomorrow anyway.)

Miller? Hmmm. I have him on the "good guy" list. I suppose he's clinging to the notion that God started the whole shebang. Is he suggesting that God is, or has been, tinkering with genes?


Just have a sip of ale after every page for medicinal purposes. Maybe you will survive the experience.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@ SLC,

Ken has actually done a bit of dodging and weaving. At one point he did admit to me that he could be construed as a "theistic evolutionist". He may have backed off from that, simply because he didn't want to be compared to legendary French paleontologist - and Roman Catholic priest - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Based on Ken's own writings, I would have to conclude that Ken is indeed a theistic evolutionist, and NOT A CREATIONIST.

By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

'Tis Himself, where are you from?

I was born and raised in Wisconsin. My mother was English (she met my father in England during WW2 and came to the US after the war). I know a fair number of English recipes including how to make vegetables inedible by boiling them for forever.

John Kwok,

I suspect that many of the people here have met first, second or third tier celebrities. But we don't drop names just to appear important. So you have a nodding acquaintance with Ken Miller. I know a place where that and $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee.

Incidentally, I once mentioned on this blog that I know Peter Schiff (if you don't know who he is, don't worry about it, he's not that important) but only because someone with questionable economic knowledge was praising Schiff to the sky. I pointed out that while Schiff was right about one thing, (1) a lot of other people were saying the same thing even before Schiff made his proclamation, and (2) Schiff was wrong about a bunch of other stuff. Other than that, I haven't said anything about the other people I've met. You might consider doing likewise.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@134: Okay, shut up. Answer this question.

Does Miller believe that a creator being had any role in the existence of the universe? If yes, he is a creationist. No ifs ands or buts.


Lovely... I actually had a colleague hand me a package of cold hot-dogs once in the field. That was it. Just local hot-dogs in their plastic wrappings. Essentially: "Here they are. This is lunch. Throw it in your pack. Let's hit the rocks."

There is nothing like fieldwork.

Beer Bread

1 (12 fluid ounce) can or bottle of beer (the type will influence the bread's flavor - experiment!)
3 cups self-rising flour
3 tablespoons white sugar


1. Preheat over to 350 degrees F.

2. In a large bowl, mix together the sugar and flour. Add beer and continue to mix, first using a wooden spoon, then your hands. Batter will be sticky. Pour into a 9 x 5 inch greased loaf pan.

3. Bake at 350 degrees F for 50 for 60 minutes. The top will be crunchy, and the insides will be soft.

4. Serve with bacon or your pork of choice.

PZ said: "Can you come up with challenges our contestants must meet in order to be permitted to preserve their posting privileges?"

I've got one. The creationists must accept the posibility that they might be wrong. Any creationist that starts a comment with "I admit that I might be wrong" can stay.

By ThirdMonkey (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@ Tis Himself -

You're not reading my posts carefully to realize that I am not name dropping. Ken is a friend. End of story, period.

As for my "name dropping" of others, too often I have seen silly, stupid, and quite risible remarks from others who take immense pleasure in "name dropping" my mentors and friends whom I may have noted online elsewhere (I thank GOD that they haven't stopped by my Facebook page. Then they would really have ample food for thought.).

By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I know a fair number of English recipes including how to make vegetables inedible by boiling them for forever.

*wipes coffee off keyboard*

RevBigDumbChimp - The Blandings stories are so funny you won't feel the pain. :)

Stephen Fry is a huge fan of Berkshires, just as a point of trivia.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

People don't flip out over profanity here.

Hear hear! Personally, I am very much pro-fanity.

Posted by: eddie | March 14, 2009 1:39 PM

Bacon -> there is no god. Discuss

Bacon sandwiches very slightly raise one's risk of getting bowel cancer. Surely evidence of the half-assed influence of Satan (et al).

Comment by John Kwok blocked. [unkill][show comment]

Ahhh. That's better.

Now: Bacon wrapped shrimp:
Big shrimps (no shiggering as the oxymoron)
sweet onion (vidalia if you can get it.)
skewers (I use bamboo soaked in water for 1/2 hour)
favorite BBQ sauce (or make your own, but sweet goes well with this)

cut bacon strips so that they go 'round the shrimp once and a bit. Wrap a shrimp and use skewers to pin the bacon in place. Thread a nice chunk of pineapple next then a chunk of sweet onion, then repeat until the skewer is full. I use 2 parallel skewers, so that nothing rotates when I flip it. brush liberally with BBQ sauce and grill a few minutes on each side. Use some wood chips for some nice smoke if you have em.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em, I say.

Bacon is to blame for the most evil commercial ever.

By Janine, Ignora… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

You're not reading my posts carefully

Oh 'Tis, that's you told.

On a bacon related note, not quite a recipe, but a tasty preparation nonetheless. Cook bacon to desired done-ness, chop as coarse or fine as you like. Stir through pancake or waffle batter, cook pancakes/waffles and enjoy.

"Lisa, while you live under my roof you do as I do and believe as I beieve...Bart! Butter that bacon!" Later, "Bart, bacon that sausage."
"But Dad, my heart hurts."

Non pork related recipe/preparation. Obtain a Terry's chocolate orange, milk or dark chocolate to your taste. Chop said choc-o-range and stir through brownie batter and bake like normal.
Pork, chocolate and Simpsons quotes. All in all a good thread.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Janine #148
You can't blame all bacon for the actions of extremists.

By Kitty'sBitch (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Creationist-bashing opportunity! A Young-Earther who is a fan of the RATE studies and likes to cast doubt on fossils. The blog host is an evolutionist, be at least moderately polite.

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Bacon is to blame for the most evil commercial ever.

Oh damn. I had almost forgotten about that.

Poor Darius. Just doesn't know what to do with himself.

Saw him the other day driving his South Carolina gamecock's colored Hummer.

What an asshole.

You can't blame all bacon for the actions of extremists.

No, but I'm sure that Ayn Rind has a lot to answer for.


2 slices cheap white bread
2 schmeers mayo
2 leaves of crunchy Iceberg lettuce
2 1/4" thick slices ripe field-grown tomato
6 slices of well cooked bacon


1. Smear both slices of bread with the mayo.

2. Gently pllace the lettuce leaves and the tomato slices on the bread.

3. Throw away the bread w/ mayo, lettuce, and tomato and eat the bacon.

On the subject of bacon.
I finally found a place that deep-fried it.
It wasn't as good as I'd hoped.

By Kitty'sBitch (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Best bacon sandwich:

I pound bacon
4 slices bread
half pound lard
half pound butter

In cast iron pan, brown the butter in the lard. Brown the four slices of bread in the butter, remove and place in warm oven.

Cook pound of bacon in leftover lard/butter mixture.

Remove cooked bacon directly to bread.

Yield - two sandwichs.

Spray cheese can be added for flavour.


Arrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh, my heart, my hea...

@99: Where? TGLF! How? The monolith! A side-effect of the reorganization of human physiology was an obsession with bacon, not to mention furious winking.

Rev.BigDumbChimp @ 96: Thanks!

You're not reading my posts carefully to realize that I am not name dropping. Ken is a friend. End of story, period.

Bullshit! You've mentioned several times in a couple of threads that you and Miller are bosom buddies. You've told us about the famous high school you went to, about the famous teachers at that high school, the famous people you went to high school with, the famous people you went to college with, etc., etc., etc.

Does the unproven fact that you're supposedly a friend of Ken Miller have anything to do with Miller being a creationist? No, it doesn't. All it does is show that you're a name dropper.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Don't like to read? Get audiobooks. I rip audiobooks to MP3s, load them onto an old speakerphone/cellphone, and put it under my pillow. It is great for nights when the brain just won't stop circling.

Audiobook heaven is Frederick Davidson reading P.G. Wodehouse. Just close your eyes and let it all go.

Speaking of letting go: Kwok, nobody likes you, and the blog owner has told you to get bent. Take a break, and take it far away.

Bacon? My last name should legitimately be Bacon. You guys are creepi . . . umm, bacon.

The more I read (and write) here, the more I realize that life IS evolution, evolution IS life.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Barb's back. Why don't you go and talk to her John? She claims that Ken Miller is gay...

Well, Chimpy, here is a song by a fine Carolina based band, The Fetch' Bones, as lip synced by a drag queen.


That was a fun band.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

After the bacon:
Crinkled Fudge Truffle Cookies

4 ounce bars semi-sweet baking chocolate
2 Tablespoons butter-flavored shortening
1 Teaspoon instant coffee granules
3 Eggs
1 ¼ Cups granulated sugar
Teaspoon vanilla
Cup chopped pecans
2/3 Cup all-purpose flour
1 Teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ Teaspoon baking powder
¼ Teaspoon salt
Nonstick spray coating
Pecan halves (optional)
Powdered sugar (optional)

In a small saucepan heat and stir chocolate and shortening over very low heat until chocolate melts. Remove from heat. Add coffee and stir until smooth. Cool.

Beat eggs and sugar with an electric mixer on medium to high speed until light and lemon colored (3 to 4 minutes). Beat in chocolate mixture and vanilla. On low speed, beat in pecans, flour, cinnamon, baking powder, and salt until combined.

Spray cookie sheets with nonstick coating. Drop teaspoons of dough 2 inches apart on cookie sheets. Place a pecan half atop each cookie, if desired. Bake in a 350-degree oven for 8 to 10 minutes or until just set on surface (do not overbake). Cool for 1 to 2 minutes; transfer to racks. Cool completely. If desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe makes 54-60 cookies.

Note: I only got about 3 ½ dozen cookies from the recipe.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Since Barbaric Barb seems to think that elective abortion is unnatural but when her god does it even more frequently than us humans via spontaneous abortions than abortion is natural, the condition for her to fulfill in order to remain posting here is to reject all manmade conveniences and achievements because of their unnaturalness, LIKE EVERYTHING IN HER FUCKING MISERABLE LIFE, for a month.

No, she does not deserve any chance for she is one of most horrid Christians I have ever encountered--stupid, brainwashed, condescending, and very dangerous.

1) What is with all this shadow life business?

2) PZ said: "Can you come up with challenges our contestants must meet in order to be permitted to preserve their posting privileges?"

Have them write small essays on how gay marriage benefits society, how abortion saves lives, and on the divinity of Kali.

3) Toast, bacon, butter, Open Pit BBQ sauce. Sandwich style.

4) I had lunch with Gina Gershon.

Nearly-vegan bacon soup:

Ingredients (very, very flexible):
500g yellow split peas, dry weight.
packet of bacon
couple of onions
Sweet potato
Any other veg.
Dried apricots
teaspoon curry paste (or spices of your choice)
Fresh coriander

Chuck dried peas in pan of boiling water, and leave to boil while preparing everything else.
Chop up bacon and fry. Chop up onion, transfer cooked bacon out of pan then fry the onion in the bacon fat.
Chop up all other veg. Add all bacon/veg to largest pan you have, then add the peas. Add curry paste, dried apricots and any tough bits of fresh coriander.
Simmer with pan lid on for around 1hr. Stir every once in a while to help break up the peas. When it has reached a good texture with the peas disintegrated, chop up the fresh coriander and add. This quantity has been known to feed up to 8 hungry students, especially if bulked up with potato. Couscous is also good to thicken if it's still a bit runny.

Shockingly, this soup is also quite nice without the bacon when cooking for vegans/vegetarians. The bacon can be cooked separately and added as a topping for those poor souls forced to eat with vegetarians ;-)


Green Beans with Bacon



Fresh green beans, cleaned and snapped.


Fry bacon until crisp and crumble-able, remove from pan.

Pour off some of the grease, fry green beans in remaining bacon grease. Cover with lid to steam, if desired. Cook to preference.

Crumble bacon into green beans. Toss to mix.

Serves: One.

(My mum, bless her, used to drop a single slice of uncooked bacon in with the beans, and end up with a steamed strip of nasty gunk.)

By Menyambal (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Kobra: Just read the posting over at BC... Is vijayanths a real person, or has someone ported the old ELiza program to a blog plugin?



Add sliced shallots.


I've already recommended Barb for plonkitude. There's wrong, there's always wrong, and then there's boringly always wrong. I've had her killfiled long-time, but the response to her blah really crufts up threads.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Maple/Apple Cider Brine for pork chops

2 cups boiling water
2 tablespoons salt
1 cup apple cider
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 teaspoon maple extract
1/4 teaspoon ground Allspice

Stir together the salt and boiling water in a medium bowl until the salt dissolves. Refrigerate until cold. Then stir in other ingredients.

Take four (5 oz.) bone-in pork chops and place them in a leak proof ziplock type bag. Pour in the brine. Refrigerate, turning occasionally, for at least four hours. (I leave them over night.)

Remove the chops from the brine, discard the brine. Pat chops dry with a paper towel, and cook them as you like.

Fried apples are a perfect side dish to go with pork done in this brine.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

There was an interesting article on Digg the other day Why Does Anti-Intellectualism Exist? by Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay. In it he makes some interesting observations that genuine curiosity and creativity are not really all that normal in humans. More often than not, what we do is simply tinker around with stuff and that this is not to be construed with having the attribute of deep curiosity. He makes a case for why anti-intellectualism is so prevalent, and I thought he did a pretty good job it.

(I'm just not into bacon)

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink


Here you go, cholesterol heaven (You even get to sauté the bacon in butter.):

Gratin Savoyard

Prep time: 20-25 minutes. Oven time: 20 minutes


· 2 tbsp. Butter
· 1 1/4 lbs. Potatoes (4 or 5 med. potatoes) (Red unpeeled, or white boilers peeled), cut in 1/2 inch or slighlty larger cubes,
· 1 or 2 medium Onions chopped
· 1/2 lb. Bacon, thick sliced and preferably smoky, cut in 1/4” strips
· 1/2 lb. (or more) coarsely grated cooking cheese - not too strong flavored, but not too bland either.
· 1/2 pt. Heavy Cream
· 1 or 2 cloves of garlic, chopped fine
· 1/2 chicken bouillon cube or 1 tsp. chicken base.
· 1/4 tsp. black pepper (or more)

Pre-heat oven to 425°.

In a sauce pan, cover potatoes with cold water, bring to boil, and cook for 5 minutes. Drain promptly and set aside until called for.

In a heavy bottom non-stick saute pan that can go in the oven ( or use a regular saute pan and transfer to a shallow buttered casserole before adding cheese for finish in oven) melt butter and saute bacon and onions until onions are transparent. Add garlic and pepper and saute one minute more. Add potatoes and toss with bacon and onions to coat with fat. Add cream and bouillon cube/flavor base and bring to a boil, boil rapidly, stirring, for 2 or 3 minutes, until cream is noticeably thickened and reduced. Spread cheese evenly over top, and place immediately into hot oven. Bake for 20 minutes. Let stand about 10 minutes to cool a bit and set up for before serving.

Serves 2 hungry people for dinner, or a lunch/brunch dish for 4.

Possible additions and variations:

· leftover ham, chicken, or sausage, cut in small pieces, added at same time as garlic
· fresh bite sized broccoli or cauliflower florets (about 1/2 lb.), added as above
· fresh mushrooms, sliced and added at end of saute with garlic
· fresh cabbage, sliced thin and added at same time as garlic
· fresh corn, cut from cob (or frozen, defrosted) added with potatoes
· chopped green pepper sauteed with onions & bacon
· sliced ripe olives and/or anchovies added just before cheese
· small amount finely chopped Jalapeño added just before cheese
· omit bouillon and add small can chopped clams (drained) just before cheese
· small dice of pepperoni (not too many) added with garlic

I am way late to the party, but I just needed to say:

Janine @14:

Damn. I haven't been keeping up, hadn't seen that tripe yet Yeah - I will take one less Barb and three more Janine's please.

JC - Straight, but not narrow.

Vegan Bacon Soup? Yummy, sounds delicious!
But where exactly does one get the vegan pigs from?
I'm not strictly a vegitarian, but I do stick to eating animals who were....

I prefer vagitarian myself.

'Tis Himself, where are you from?

There are miniature versions of "Toad in a Hole" we have in the south called "pigs in a blanket"....mmmmmmmm....

No, that's something else. "pigs in a blanket" correspond to what Brits call "sausage rolls". As far as I know, Americans without some sort of British heritage generally haven't encountered toad in the hole (unless my wife makes it for them)...

In toad in the hole, the sausages are in batter, not pastry, and it's typically a large dish of batter with the sausages in it.

Both are good, though ;-)

By Brain Hertz (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I killfiled Barb a long time ago but agree with Sven-- the blowback to her posts is still annoying. I'd missed Janine's eloquent and impassioned take-down before, too, so thanks for the link. In short, I vote Barb off, and think any other creationist trolls should have to produce proof of a miracle by their invisible sky friend. Put up or shut up. A jury of OMs decides if they pass.

Also, tying together almost all the thread's themes: I ate bacon with Randy Newman at breakfast last week. He's an atheist. We discussed science blogs. I mentioned PZ. Uh oh.

I also vote for Barb.

But as for what hurdles she has to jump through to retain posting privileges....one simple coherent post in which she demonstrates an epistemologically valid method that can distinguish between the actions of her deity and the actions of my chosen Deity Of The Week: The Infinite Bunny of Eternal Fluffiness.


SPAETZLE FOR ONE PERSON (Czech/German strip egg dumplings)

INGREDIENTS: eggs, flour, salt, herbs, pepper, butter, Parmesan cheese

TIME: 15-20 minutes.


Place water in a medium pot and put to boil. Beat about 2-3 large eggs in a small mixing bowl. Add and blend enough flour (about a cup) until you get a smooth sticky batter that is too thick to pour but too thin to form into shapes. Add salt, herbs (I use about 1 Tablespoon in total of dried dill, parsley, chives plus one pressed small clove of garlic).

Transfer batter to a flat plate and spread batter out thin to one side of the plate. Using a butter knife, scrap 1.5 to 2 inch long strips of batter into the boiling water (can place butter knife in a glass of cold water from time to time to prevent sticking). In a minute or two they will rise to the surface. Fish them out and put them on your serving plate.

Whip out a small frying pan, melt some butter till it sizzles. Dump the spaetzle in the pan and sautee them for about 3-5 minutes over a moderately high flame/heat until lightly browned.

Return the finished dish back onto the serving plate. Adjust for salt. Add freshly ground pepper (if you are a freshly ground pepper fiend) and/or grated Parmesan. Very tasty, cheap, nutritious, hot, attractively browned, green-speckled, golden, thin dumplings glistening with butter.

Astuce: Be light time-wise with the boiling and sauteeing as they can become like hard rubber, however tasty.

There is nothing that Bloviating Barb could possibly do that would render her more tolerable (though her being rendered might not be a bad thing). She is one of the nastiest, most supercilious, ignorant fools I have ever seen on this blog. We may get a chuckle out of Facilis and Silver Fox, but for weapons grade stupid, no one can beat her. She is beyond the pale, and unteachable. It is all too easy to see her as an Inquisitor, and her personal attack on the Honorable Janine ranks her as despicable as that other representative of pond scum, Ann Coulter. She will never be missed. (My apologies to the original ancestor).

By Lee Picton (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I have to wonder about our evolution and built in genes that cause our gene pool to automatically thin itself out. I wonder this everytime I go to a motor vehicle crash-like earlier today-where two cars plowed into eachother because they both thought they had the right of way.

Could this be a hidden part of natural selection?

By firemancarl (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Susan, you just gave me an excuse to have A Few Words In Defense Of Our Country.

You know it pisses me off a little
That this Supreme Court is gonna outlive me
A couple of young Italian fellas and a brother on the Court now too
But I defy you, anywhere in the world
To find me two Italians as tightass as the two Italians we got

And as for the brother
Well, Pluto’s not a planet anymore either

Halos And Horns is a fine album.

It would be great if Randy Newman would drop by every so often.

God's Song (That's Why I Love Mankind) is one of my all time favorite songs. Surprising, isn't it?

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Oh, and "pigs in a blanket", UK version, is simply sausages wrapped in bacon. It's often served with roasts, and especially at Squidmas.

This page is impossible to read, but just yesterday, I came across chorizo-stuffed figs wrapped in bacon.




Oh - and you are spelling it wrong - there is an "a" in Kwak

:obligatory winkie:

For reasons I don't quite understand, I suddenly want to add bacon to my potato-onion soup I am about to make....


I would be happy to nominate posters for exclusion, expulsion or extermination.

1. Janine
2. Nerd of Redhead
3. Patricia

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Logicel@189, you just saved me looking for a good spaetzle recipe! Thanks!

I ate breakfast at a table next to Dan Blocker once. Also sat discussing BSR devices with Larry Wall (with three others) for over an hour, before someone walked up and asked him to autograph his book - at which point, all 4 of us finally realised who we were sitting with....


Incidentally, has anyone seen Mad Men. Not a portrait of particularly moral people but it did, I think, perfectly explicate the pitfalls of allowing women and men in the workplace alongside each other.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Pete "total fool" Rooke, You have it backwards as usual. You are the troll, and you are on our list of potential bannees. You have no real business for your continued posts. You are not a regular. You have no say in anything.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Pete Rooke> You neglected to add nearly every other poster here, who also find your relentless god-botting drivel to be obnoxious. Not that you don't occasionally post something that might be a legitimate question.

Awww Petey, don't I even make the list?

But but I thought I was gruesome enough......WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


Incidentally, has anyone seen Mad Men. Not a portrait of particularly moral people but it did, I think, perfectly explicate the pitfalls of allowing women and men in the workplace alongside each other.

Pete... you do know it's fictional, right?

Kwok, kudos and LOL I thot something like that too. Well really that the storm was God's sense of humour. But you need to sod off generally, you've gotten tiresome. At least on this thread.

Third Monkey said:
PZ said: "Can you come up with challenges our contestants must meet in order to be permitted to preserve their posting privileges?"

I've got one. The creationists must accept the posibility that they might be wrong. Any creationist that starts a comment with "I admit that I might be wrong" can stay.

Bad Idea. Don't concider it PZ, you need us to keep you honest. With out the creationists commenting, y'all will fall into such puffery as to become a joke.

BTW, I am a creationist and evolutionist. So I see both sides.

@ #9 : "Sometimes while listening to music I'll think to myself, "This singer sounds like he/she has really bad breath.", at which point I just have to turn it off"

You mean like Huey Lewis? I have thought that myself about Huey Lewis.

Open thread!!

Pete... you do know it's fictional, right?

Pete, that type of stupidity is what earns you a place in the finals for being banned. Here's an idea, stop posting here for a couple of weeks, and you won't fulfill the requirement of posting during the week we take the vote. Stretch it out a little just to be safe.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Canaaaadian bacon!!
MEXICAN bacon!!!
Arghgrhrglhlhll *drools*

BTW, John Kwok? You don't happen to have a sister named Susan, do you?

Man, she was one scary college housemate. O.O

I probably don't post enough to deserve a vote, but I'd second Barb... the others at least have a shred of decency about them.

Posted by: Rookie | March 14, 2009

I would be happy to nominate posters for exclusion, expulsion or extermination.

1. Janine
2. Nerd of Redhead
3. Patricia

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Rookie. You are free to nominate but do you think that you will have any support here? Why, I seem to remember when you called us The Gruesome Trio, many people asked to join the Gruesome Gang.

This is why we keep you around, despite your grotesque analogies. You find an accidental way to make us laugh.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I see you with that shit-eatin' grin Nerd of Redhead.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I would also advocate instituting a filtering system for profane/vile language.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I probably don't post enough to deserve a vote, but I'd second Barb... the others at least have a shred of decency about them.

Don't worry about that. The voting will probably be like the Mollies, where everybody, including poor Pete, can vote. His vote may not be counted though, since he will be on the potential banned list.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Any updates on whether the religious anti-sex squads are still preaching against HPV vaccines now that HPV is known to cause oral cancer in men, as well? I haven't heard anything explicit but the anti-vaccine campaign seemed to die down pretty fast.

This means I can recommend my son to get it, which always made sense to me to stop it from spreading.

CSue - it wasn't this person was it? She looks pretty scary. I might have to hold that beer for her - before she drops it.


I see you with that shit-eatin' grin Nerd of Redhead.

Moi? Libation drinking grin definitely. Too much bozo blather from the B.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Posted by: The Rooike | March 14, 2009 4:47 PM

Incidentally, has anyone seen Mad Men. Not a portrait of particularly moral people but it did, I think, perfectly explicate the pitfalls of allowing women and men in the workplace alongside each other.

Rookie, there are two countries you can go to in order to find your ideal of not mixing the genders in the work place, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.

I have not seen the show but I am sure that the problem is more how the men see women as being merely sex objects and not a parable of men and wemen working in the same office.

Rookie, how offended are you by the fact you have to take classes with women. It must be an insult to your superiority.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Oh bullshit Pete. You only mention filtering profane/vile language because you hope it will turn into a bare-breasted mud wrestling match, to see who's the most vile and profane, which someone will throw you into for jollies. Tell us, would that be more fun than looking up mini-skirts?

Inquiring minds want to know?

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I would also advocate instituting a filtering system for profane/vile language.

Cartman says: "What's the big deal? It doesn't hurt anybody. Fuck-fuckitty-fuck-fuck-fuck."

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Here's a challenge for creationists: Put your money where your mouth is. If you really think the biology in a 4000-year-old book is spot on, why don't you and like-minded persons pool your money and form your own bio tech company. You'll make a fortune! You'll be competing against all those Darwinian-trained biologists and they won't stand a chance since they have bought into deluded, anti-biblical thought.

Think of all those bio tech companies who's CEOs are throwing away their billions in research when the answers are right there in the desk drawer, furnished by the Gideons!

By infidel57 (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Easy, healthy veggies--microwaved squash:
Get small squash, e.g. 1/2 acorn squash per person.

Wash the outside.

Place it in a stable position on a cutting board. For an acorn squash, break off the stem, if any, and place blunt end down. Get a large, sturdy knife and cut in half lengthwise. If you want to cut in quarters, place cut side down on the board and cut downwards.

With a spoon, scrape out the seeds & stringy bits.

Arrange, hollow side up, in a dish (that doesn't get hot when microwaved with anything else).

Into each hollow, put a large dab of butter (like a tablespoonful, e.g. size of a small walnut). Add a sprinkle of some herb you like, such as basil, tarragon, or oregano.

How-to pictures are here.

Oh, I see. Blame the storm. Suuuure.

Atlanta's very existence messes up schedules all over the place.

Please explain.

Alan Clarke has his work set out for him already.

Exactly, and the same holds for RogerS: if they read this article on radiometric dating, and then demonstrate that they've understood it, they can stay...

John Kwok can stay if he demonstrates he can make 10 comments without name-dropping or other allusions to how important he would like to be.

"Theistic evolutionist" = god did evolution = creationist.

This is not, however, what Miller believes. Miller believes that God let evolution happen, deistically. Remember Miller uses evolution as a theodicy.

AnthonyK is right, I do have some important, notable and influential friends. But I have no need to brag about them, unlike, for example, PZ, who does remind us often that he's a good friend of Clinton Richard Dawkins.

1) PZ manages to cite Dawkins all the time without even mentioning they know each other personally.
2) It happens less often that PZ mentions he knows Dawkins than that Dawkins himself comes over here and leaves a comment!

Ken Miller teaches introductory biology and cell biology at our undergraduate alma mater.


I've attended alumni functions held in his honor. We keep in touch when we can, usually via e-mail. He is my friend.

In all fairness, there seem to be Americans who call everyone they have any amount of acquaintance with, and who isn't their outright enemy, their friend... that's somewhat confusing for the rest of us.

Bigtime creep.


I'd love to see a debate pie-throwing context between Vox Day and Siruis Knott. The winner gets to go on a date with Michelle Bachmann.


Ксюшочка! I had no idea wwwwwhat... abysses... are lurking... in...

(But it's good that you can spell Michelle. Because her parents couldn't.)

Miller? Hmmm. [...] Is he suggesting that God is, or has been, tinkering with genes?

No, explicitly not. He is suggesting that God washes His Hands in innocence, see above.


Also, bacon. And ham.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Creepy...I happened to be in Champaign on business the day before PZ's talk, and today I'm visiting family in Bloomington...

Posted by: The Rookie | March 14, 2009 4:58 PM [kill][hide comment]

I would also advocate instituting a filtering system for profane/vile language.

You maggot infested pile of shit, if you do not like the language used here, just stay in your own goddamned little hellhole and fuck yourself up the ass with a splintering cross.

Damn but your whining puts colicky six month old babies to shame.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

One thing to try when making bacon is baking it. Alton Brown (sp?) from the food network pointed this out, and it works pretty well. You take (preferably) thick sliced bacon, place it in the oven cold (no preheat - important) and put it at 350 for about 15-20 minutes (or some slight variation for your particular oven/bacon). It takes a little longer but it makes for some damn tasty bacon. The secret is the cold start - it lets the bacon slowly cook in its own fat, so you can get a good feel for how crispy you want it without frying the crap out of it -- a little healthier too.

Worth experimenting!!

As for kwok's lol-a-thon, how is theistic evolution not a form of creationism? You can just say "Science is all true, but God did it". I think you're getting caught up on the fact that there are so many different types of creationism, old and young earth.

Massimo Pigliucci has a nice chart in his book Denying Evolution, summarizing the wide ranging views along a range from Special Creation to Evolution. In descending order from former to latter you get Flat-Earthism, Geocentrism, Young Earth Creationism, then you are into Old Earth ideas, Gap creationism, day-age creationism, progressive creationism, intelligent design, theistic evolution, and finally materialist evolution. There are probably many points you could find yourself on along that line, but until you go all the way to the last one you're still a kind of creationist.

I also vote to exile the bilious Barb.

If Kobra @ #167 can't refrain from making such irrational posts, we may have to put him on a window ledge to cool off.

It is, after all, traditional for the ilk to slice up and even devour those who cannot put two rational thoughts together.

By JohnnieCanuck (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Repent EVIL atheists. Get on your knees and REPENT. or you will BURN in HELL for all eternity... ALL ETERNITY. You athiests maybe too ignorant to understand this, but it is a VERY long time, a VERY LONG TIME TO SUFFER. So accept the LOVE that GOD, THE GOD, is willing to give you if you would mearly get on your knees and REPENT, shed off you're GODLESS, EVIL, NASTY WAYS, and YOU will be forgiven. but NOT utnil you REPENT.

STOP pretending that GOD doesnt exist, and EMBRACE his love. HELL is a VERY REAL place, and UNLESS you EMBRACE his LOVE, you will be cast into tha LAKE OF FIRE that is HELL. YOU WILL BURN, YOU WILL BE TORTURED, YOU WILL SUFFER at the hands of PURE EVIL, aka SATAN. Admit to yourselves that you DON'T want this, and except GOD's LOVE. DO and YOU WILL BE SAVED.

Your DENIAL is the root of ALL EVIL in this world. You pretned that the LORD isn't real, so you can be moral free agents. You rape, pillage, murder, nad NEVER repent. How many PEOPLE DIED at the hands of ATHEISTS like HITLER, STALIN, or MAO? How many MILLIONS of PEOPLE have be murdered and SLAUGHTERED by throughout HUMAN HISTORY, by evildoers too arrogant to embrace GODS love?

ATHEISM and DARWINISM are the true causes of EVIL. You scum constantly repeat your MANTRA by putting the BLAME on religion, but your cognatve projection is MORE THAN obvious.

You people believe a FAIRY-TALE, the fairy-tale of EVOLUTION. You have closed you're mind to the TRUTH, by the DOGMA of SCIENCE. You WORSHIP Darwin as you're GOD, and HAVE VIOLATED the REAL GODs MOST SACRED COMMANDMENT.

How do you expect to be taken seriously when the HIGH PRIEST OF ATHEISM, Richard Dawkins, believes that LIFE was SEEDED here by ALIENS. That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. He truly made a fool of himself, and by extension, all of you, by making such an rediculus claim.

Someday YOU ARE GOING to DIE, and YOU are going to REALIZE that YOU WERE WRONG, but it will have been too late, you will be PUNISHED, you will SUFFER. But REPENT now, BEFORE it's too late and YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN. GOD IS LOVE and WILL FORGIVE, you just need to ask, you just need to get on you're knees and REPENT.

Psalm 14:1 clearly states:

The FOOL hath said in his heart, there is NO GOD. THEY are CORRUPT, they have done ABOMINABLE works, there is NONE that doeth GOOD

Never has such truer statement EVER been made.


By GodIsLove (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

"Do y'all have different books of the bible than I do? Are y'all Gideons? Who are the fuckin' Gideons? Ever met one? No. Ever seen one? No. But they're all over the world putting bibles in hotel rooms. 'THIS BIBLE WAS PLACED HERE BY A GIDEON'. When? I've been here all day I ain't seen shit. I saw the house-keeper come and go, I saw the mini-bar guy come and go. I've never laid eyes on a fuckin' Gideon. What are they ninjas? where are they. Where are they from, Gidea? What the fuck are these people? I'm going to capture a Gideon. I'm going to make that my hobby, I am, I'm going to call the front desk one day, 'Yeah I don't seem to have a bile in my room.'"

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

And of course, I would forget to attribute that quote to it's speaker. Bill Hicks.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

One thing to try when making bacon is baking it

Next time, try broiling.

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

YAWN, I smell a boring troll. Where's the heavy duty bleach?

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Why are the nutters showing up and auditioning for banishment? They probably want to be banned so they can brag about it on christian forums.

Also,Janine and Patricia
If you're at a "bare-breasted mud wrestling match", is it acceptable to view the women as sex objects or should they only be considered atheletes?
And, is it common to tip atheletes?

By Kitty'sBitch (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Survivor : Pharyngula

The following people must past the following tests to continue posting here:

Simon - Must agree to speak to a psychiatrist and provide proof of session. Failing that, simply agree not to breed.

Facilis - Swear on the Bible not to bring up his "proof" for the existence of God through "logic" ever, ever again.

Alan Clarke - Explain how if the universe is indeed only 6,000 years old and all the stars we see are in a 6,000 light year radius why the universe doesn't collapse ?

Barb - Watch and discribe in detail an episode of 'The L Word'.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

#228: Begone, foul troll.

By Ray C. (not Comfort) (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

For a while, I thought all this talk about tasty bacon was unnecessary, then I found this: Joel Osteen Hates Bacon and saw the relevance. If Osteen hates bacon, then I shall find it necessary to emulate Homer Simpson on bacon as well as beer.

Easy, healthy veggies--microwaved squash:
Get small squash, e.g. 1/2 acorn squash per person.

Wash the outside.

Place it in a stable position on a cutting board. For an acorn squash, break off the stem, if any, and place blunt end down. Get a large, sturdy knife and cut in half lengthwise. If you want to cut in quarters, place cut side down on the board and cut downwards.

With a spoon, scrape out the seeds & stringy bits.

Arrange, hollow side up, in a dish (that doesn't get hot when microwaved with anything else).

Into each hollow, put a large dab of butter (like a tablespoonful, e.g. size of a small walnut). Add a sprinkle of some herb you like, such as basil, tarragon, or oregano.

How-to pictures are here.

needs moar bacon

Massimo Pigliucci has a nice chart in his book Denying Evolution,

I'm glad you brought this book up. I popped into a favorite bookshop recently and ran across Denying Evolution while I was there*. I found it to be a terrific book and recommend it. He gets the fossil/geology stuff a little wonky in places, but those are minor nit-picks (he is a bio-type after all). Overall a really good read.

*I also got into it a bit with the manager because he had Icons of Evolution leaning against a copy of The Dinosauria in the same section, but that little dialog doesn't need to be recapped.

some of the current trolls I hate mostest, in order from bad to worse:

Intelligent designer
Alan Clarke
Pete Rooke

If only one to choose, Barb would win hands down, but if it were me, I'd cull the top 4.

Barb and Pete are two of a kind, but while Pete is just nuts, Barb is positively evil. If she actually lived in my neighborhood, I would not even let my dog get near her.

Repent EVIL atheists. Get on your knees and REPENT. or you will BURN in HELL for all eternity... ALL ETERNITY. You athiests maybe too ignorant to understand this, but it is a VERY long time, a VERY LONG TIME TO SUFFER. So accept the LOVE that GOD, THE GOD, is willing to give you if you would mearly get on your knees and REPENT, shed off you're GODLESS, EVIL, NASTY WAYS, and YOU will be forgiven. but NOT utnil you REPENT.

STOP pretending that GOD doesnt exist, and EMBRACE his love. HELL is a VERY REAL place, and UNLESS you EMBRACE his LOVE, you will be cast into tha LAKE OF FIRE that is HELL. YOU WILL BURN, YOU WILL BE TORTURED, YOU WILL SUFFER at the hands of PURE EVIL, aka SATAN. Admit to yourselves that you DON'T want this, and except GOD's LOVE. DO and YOU WILL BE SAVED.

Your DENIAL is the root of ALL EVIL in this world. You pretned that the LORD isn't real, so you can be moral free agents. You rape, pillage, murder, nad NEVER repent. How many PEOPLE DIED at the hands of ATHEISTS like HITLER, STALIN, or MAO? How many MILLIONS of PEOPLE have be murdered and SLAUGHTERED by throughout HUMAN HISTORY, by evildoers too arrogant to embrace GODS love?

ATHEISM and DARWINISM are the true causes of EVIL. You scum constantly repeat your MANTRA by putting the BLAME on religion, but your cognatve projection is MORE THAN obvious.

You people believe a FAIRY-TALE, the fairy-tale of EVOLUTION. You have closed you're mind to the TRUTH, by the DOGMA of SCIENCE. You WORSHIP Darwin as you're GOD, and HAVE VIOLATED the REAL GODs MOST SACRED COMMANDMENT.

How do you expect to be taken seriously when the HIGH PRIEST OF ATHEISM, Richard Dawkins, believes that LIFE was SEEDED here by ALIENS. That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. He truly made a fool of himself, and by extension, all of you, by making such an rediculus claim.

Someday YOU ARE GOING to DIE, and YOU are going to REALIZE that YOU WERE WRONG, but it will have been too late, you will be PUNISHED, you will SUFFER. But REPENT now, BEFORE it's too late and YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN. GOD IS LOVE and WILL FORGIVE, you just need to ask, you just need to get on you're knees and REPENT.

Psalm 14:1 clearly states:

The FOOL hath said in his heart, there is NO GOD. THEY are CORRUPT, they have done ABOMINABLE works, there is NONE that doeth GOOD

Never has such truer statement EVER been made.



...oh, and:

all hail the almighty bacon.

It may have only taken god a week to create the whole world, but it takes at least 8 days to make good bacon.

Among the CAPS-LOCK flecked gibberish up there from "Godislove" said:

How do you expect to be taken seriously when the HIGH PRIEST OF ATHEISM, Richard Dawkins, believes that LIFE was SEEDED here by ALIENS.

Hasn't he the ability to grasp context? Or was this info revealed to him by someone else that can't grasp context either?
Wasn't the panspermia scenario mentioned as a hypothetical in one of the essays from "Devil's Chaplain"?

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Dammit Chimpy! I have GodIsLove killfiled.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Someone bring in the crash cart.
Rev. needs a BLT stat!

It's OK Rev, there's bacon coming. Just take deep breaths and try to relax.

By Kitty'sBitch (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Collins has emphasized his interests in both Christianity and evolutionary biology; Ayala substantially less so.

Collins is a "special" creationist, meaning he believes in a separate creation for humans and "animals".

uh, guess what Johnboy?

that makes him a creationist.

it also makes you a troll.

I have to add you to the list as well.

you have your reasonable times, but mostly you're just fucking inane.


This page is impossible to read, but just yesterday, I came across chorizo-stuffed figs wrapped in bacon.




Oh - and you are spelling it wrong - there is an "a" in Kwak

:obligatory winkie:

For reasons I don't quite understand, I suddenly want to add bacon to my potato-onion soup I am about to make....


I make Clemson Blue Cheese stuffed dates wrapped with prosciutto. Try that, it is awesome,

Although yours has two forms of pork, so... you win.

Feynmaniac, Survivor : Pharyngula

I would like to add:

RogerS, show physical evidence for the alternate plane of knowing.

Pete Rooke, show physical evidence for your god, or, publicly acknowledge we don't give a shit about your opinion and that you have no real purpose in posting here.

Silver Fox, Show that only Yahweh, and not Side-Show Bob, fits your definition of god. (Kel/Wowbagger, adjust as necessary).

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

GodIsLove and Pete Rooke would make hot lovers, I'd bet.
My money is on GodIsLove as the top in that deal. . . . .he uses more capital letters, so he must be real butch.

By waldteufel (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Damn but now I am in a White Album mood. So here is one of the few times an other artist topped a Beatles original.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I'm definitely throwing my vote in for Barb - she makes me want to punch my monitor, glass be damned... And I would say Facilis and Simon, but most of the time they're just fun to laugh at.

If you insist on saying Miller is not a creationist will you confirm that by that Miller does not allow for any role for god in the creation of the universe and the origins and evolution of life

You seem to claim that any deist or theist is a creationist. Wikipedia disagrees

"Creationism is the religious belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their original form by a deity (often the Abrahamic God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam) or deities.[1] In relation to the creation-evolution controversy the term creationism is commonly used to refer to religiously motivated rejection of evolution as an explanation of origins"

By Marc Abian (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

hi, I'm back. did you miss me?

I also brought you all sherry-filled candy, but I eated them all (and the meanies at customs won't let me bring cheese or beer)

Rev @243 for the win.

It's OK Rev, there's bacon coming. Just take deep breaths and try to relax.

I just went to my favorite butcher and picked up a nice big hunk of pork belly that I will be turning into a unctuous, dripping, oozing mass of caramelized porky goodness in a few hours.

I'm set. But thank you for our concern for my needs!

hi, I'm back. did you miss me?

Yeah, we did. You okay?

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

hi, I'm back. did you miss me?

You were missed, and people were wondering about you. Welcome back. Take your time to catch up. Beach Party next week Pharyngula style.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Forgot to add... Janine, are you in love? :-)

SPAETZLE FOR ONE PERSON (Czech/German strip egg dumplings)

Glorified noodles, basically.

But very good. Especially with pork and a good sauce.

I actually had a colleague hand me a package of cold hot-dogs once in the field. That was it. Just local hot-dogs in their plastic wrappings. Essentially: "Here they are. This is lunch. Throw it in your pack. Let's hit the rocks."

Ha! That's nothing!

There's a paleontologist about whose field trips with students it's said he "never bothers cooking. He just brings beer."

3. Throw away the bread w/ mayo, lettuce, and tomato and eat the bacon.


Best bacon sandwich:

I should have read this before eating, rather than afterwards, but yes, it does sound very good... except... perhaps you should use a teflon pan, and only half as much butter and lard for the exact same result?

Barb's back. Why don't you go and talk to her John? She claims that Ken Miller is gay...

Oh no. She denies, nay, cannot even imagine the very existence of both gay and straight people. She implies that everyone is bisexual... like her, evidently.

I am a creationist and evolutionist.

How does that work?

I would also advocate instituting a filtering system for profane/vile language.

English fails me, I shall have to translate from the Viennese:

Have they shit into your brain?

Yes, that's a thoroughly disgusting image that I don't like to throw around nilly-willy. But unfortunately it is the best description of the situation, for you are batshit crazy. If you're afraid of four-letter words, go see a psychiatrist -- I'm completely serious. I honestly wonder whether comment 218 is on to something.

I only got about 3 ½ dozen cookies from the recipe.

Culture shock! It took me a quarter of a minute to figure out what you meant.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Since I haven't voted yet, here goes.
Gotta go with Barb. That woman is just too creepy to be funny. I actually kinda like a few of the trolls around here, but she's not one of them.

By Kitty'sBitch (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I also brought you all sherry-filled candy, but I eated them all (and the meanies at customs won't let me bring cheese or beer)

Where from and what kind of cheese?

me likely illegal unpasturized cheese

As for Ken, he's promised me that he'll explain how he reconciles his religious and scientific beliefs. But that's an explanation he will be sharing with me and with one other skeptic. Once I receive it, I won't be divulging it to you or anyone else.

he already has, you great silly git. I thought you were well read up on the man?

It's in his latest book.

past that, there is nothing to know. Like all others of religious bent, compartmentalization is all that is needed to minimalize the handicap of theistic thought processes.

The problem is that those who employ such compartmentalization are rarely confronted with the fact that this puts an unnecessary burden on their minds.

...and they really should be, as it can cause progressive damage over time.

just ask Michael Egnor, or John Davison. William Dembski or Michael Behe.

religion is at best useless baggage, and at worst a way of fomenting unhealthy group behavior. Miller will never be able to convince anyone with a modicum of logic otherwise.

@230: No worries. Denis Leary forgets to do it all the time.

Take that, Denis Leary!

By Guy Incognito (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

PZ could have driven from Bloomington to Bloomington via Bloomington in the time he will take getting back to his car at MSP.

By Free Lunch (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Godislove @ # 228 Psalm 14:1 clearly states:
The FOOL hath said in his heart, there is NO GOD. THEY are CORRUPT, they have done ABOMINABLE works, there is NONE that doeth GOOD

Never has such truer statement EVER been made.

Why believe what it says in an old book of the collected thoughts of primitive goat-herders, that's been mis-copied, mis-translated, & edited to suit political objectives over thousands of years? You are just plain crazy, fellah, or gal.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Kitty's Bitch - Who knows what form of bare-breasted wrestling ol' sicko Pete is into. As for me, it's the Highland way, or nothing, aka Mad Mad MacAdder.

All forms of cheering are acceptable. I wouldn't sit to close to the edge if I were you, you might just get a *honk* or two yourself. ;)

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

This thread is made of win (though interspersed with small bits of serious FAIL).

Tonight's dinner shall be as explained by chezjake, with broccoli, and tomorrow's dinner as suggested by Patricia, OM, with Menyambal's green bean recipe.

It's going to be a good weekend.

Posted by: Jadehawk | March 14, 2009

hi, I'm back. did you miss me?

Here is your answer. Welcome back, Jadehawk.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Repent EVIL atheists. Get on your knees and REPENT. or you will BURN in HELL for all eternity...

No thanks. But I will take some Cold, cold ground.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@David. Makes sense. Beer is a meal.

Good grief Janine,

the imagery your post inspired was of the most perverted, damnable and dispicable activities imaginable. I asked for your cankerous attention in a way by listing you (attention which then entirely vindicated my view) but please stop haunting my postings. It is DEEPLY offensive and unpleasant.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I recently re-discovered a local butcher.
My first purchase was, of course, very thick cut bacon, handmade sausages, and a couple of nice marbled ribeyes.
Oh man, I really want to punch a vegetarian right now.

By Kitty'sBitch (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Beer is a meal.

Spoken like a true geologist. Or a carbohydrate chemist.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Guy Incognito @ 268

@230: No worries. Denis Leary forgets to do it all the time.

Take that, Denis Leary!

No shit. I found Dennis Leary funny, right up until I heard the purloined material done by it's originator.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

You seem to claim that any deist or theist is a creationist. Wikipedia disagrees

fuck wikipedia.

we use the broadest definition of what an actual creationist is here.

If you believe, that at any time, any deity or supernatural force was responsible for creating any physical law or object within the known universe...

you are a creationist.

it's that simple.

If you wish to separate out creationists from Young Earth Creationists, from Christian Young Earth Creationists, from Old Earth Creationists, etc., be our guest.

a theistic evolutionist, in proposing that was/is a supernatural force that has/is creating(ed) laws or processes, is by our definition, a creationist.

clear now?

Miller, in saying that he thinks there is a divine creator "behind it all in the beginning", is a creationist.

Collins, in saying that humans could not have evolved morality, is saying that humans are special creations, and is therefore a creationist.

by definition, one CANNOT be a creationist and a scientist at the same time. These two ways of approaching how the universe works are not compatible, and must be compartmentalized.


The End Is Not Near!

Hugh Laurie, who now plays the starring role in "House," at one time played Bertie Wooster in a televised series of P.G. Wodehouse comedies.

With the great Stephen Fry as Jeeves. They meet, and get even better. Beautiful, really. Great music, too. Please try.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

A language filter? For real? I find THAT to be an offensive idea sir, and I demand to not be exposed to any offensive ideas about censorship, and all future ideas for censoring fucking language to be censored.

Instead of a language filter, how about a poster-filter for those unwilling to commit....shhhhhhh blasphemy. It can be as simple as

The trinity is a fucking dead joke of a corpse of a tortured idea. Or....The Holy Spirit is a spiritual afterbirth mused into the shape of a dove. Maybe, Damn Jesus to Hell! YHWH is sexually submissive to all Hindu gods, male and female.

Anything will do really, you could even grant immunity to a creationist who manages to squawk the best bit of blasphemin'. Points for the most condensed form of make-believe vulgarity!

Beer may well be a meal, but Guinness is a feast and Guinness with a bacon sandwich on the side is a feast.

Make it a BLT and you have a balanced diet.


OM(nonexistent)G yes! Can we drop Barb down the memory hole?

Oh, btw, I have served my sandwich recipe above to many famous people, including Elvis last week. I know lots of famous people and they all come to the house to have breakfast. Too many to mention here and do not want to make people jealous. Sometimes I grind the sandwichs into paste and serve them on kwokers. :)

Oh, and Peter the Rookie, your mom said to settle down and behave. You might not recognize her when you get home, I shaved her back. Yes, I know that was mean spirited, heartless and cruel to say.

Ciao y'all

Pete Rooke:

get stuffed you projecting pissant.

They're just telling us there's a storm over Atlanta.

Those who know the Truth are aware it's a carefully tangled web of chemtrails deployed to net renegade saucers!

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

ha! being missed by pharyngulites makes me all warm and fuzzy inside :-D

and yes, I'm fine, though about 6 lbs heavier because of 3 weeks of free access to European foods. I was in Germany, visiting my mom, eating lots of tasty, unAmerican French and Dutch cheeses, German sausages, Italian pizzas...

Posted by: The Rookie | March 14, 2009

Good grief Janine,

the imagery your post inspired was of the most perverted, damnable and dispicable activities imaginable. I asked for your cankerous attention in a way by listing you (attention which then entirely vindicated my view) but please stop haunting my postings. It is DEEPLY offensive and unpleasant.

You really are a stupid motherfucker, aren't you. You know what I think of you. You know what will happen. You you keep do it.

Here is some news for you, shithead. This is not your blog. You do not dictate how people act here. You do not like it, keep the fuck out. What can be more fucking easy than that?

Go cry me a fucking river.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Are y'all Gideons? Who are the fuckin' Gideons? Ever met one? No. Ever seen one? No. But they're all over the world putting bibles in hotel rooms.

Nope. Just USA and Canada.

#228: Begone, foul troll.

It's actually a parody, but not a good one. The author used to post hundreds of such parodies per week during the short time when posting parodies was fashionable.

Still annoying, though.

Hugh Laurie, who now plays the starring role in "House," at one time played Bertie Wooster in a televised series of P.G. Wodehouse comedies.

Hugh Laurie played George in Blackadder. That's all you need to know about him!

(In case anyone wonders, that's a compliment. A big compliment.)

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Growing up, pork products were banned in my household. We did have the bible. And conspiracy theories. A bad vhs tape of President Kennedy's 'sploding head is no substitute for bacon.
The last time I visited, I was exposed to aliens=demons and how our government full of Masons engineered 9/11. I was forced to retreat to the restroom at frequent intervals in order to regain mental equilibrium.

Now, I have bacon and reason.
Life is win.

By NervousAboutAngels (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Wikipedia disagrees

I agree entirely with your point but you must remember that the people who frequent this site typically affirm the Myerson type view and are also able to post on Wikipedia.

The mobilization of the faithful on the Internet web has been too slow and many of the postings on Wikipedia are nothing more than propaganda.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I recently re-discovered a local butcher.
My first purchase was, of course, very thick cut bacon, handmade sausages, and a couple of nice marbled ribeyes.
Oh man, I really want to punch a vegetarian right now.


Yeah it really does make a difference. Especially if they know you when you walk in the door.

I <3 ribeyes

I'm fairly sure that wasn't the real Pete Rooke. He's far less direct than that.

Jadehawk - just read your post on the Molly thread; thanks for the congratulations. And good to know your absence wasn't because of anything bad.


The set included the 'Storm' poem that PZ wrote about late last year, plus a couple of other hilarious, specifically anti-religion/anti-woo songs. Plus there was one about a theatre critic he hates, but - since I am one some of the time - I have to pretend I didn't like that one, too.

If he comes near your city/town, get tickets. Seriously worth it.

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Bone Oboe, keep playing me some Tom Waits, especially Swordfishtrombones, Raindogs and Frank's Wild Years and you just might win my black and empty heart.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Why believe what it says in an old book of the collected thoughts of primitive goat-herders, that's been mis-copied, mis-translated, & edited to suit political objectives over thousands of years?

BLASPHEMY. The BIBLE is DIVINELY INSPIRED directly by GOD himself. IT IS INERRANT. Mis-copied? mis-translated? You must be reading one of the FALSE translations, like NIV, NRSV, or the Message. Read KJV, or the original Hebrew/Greek, if your closed puny minds can possibly comprehend it.

The BIBLE is PERFECT in EVERY WAY. What part of that do you HEATHENS NOT UNDERSTAND. I have heard much talk about "contradictions", but they are LIES, LIES spread to DEFAME the sanity of the Followers of CHRIST. Any "contradiction" you may come across, is merely you're ignorance showing. All it proves is that your minds have atrophied to the point that you cannot comprehend HIS DIVINE WORD.

I'm willing to BET that YOU have NEVER READ THE BIBLE (any translation) If you had, you wouldn't have forsaken the LORD, OUR GOD.

REPENT and BE SAVED. Continue to wallow in your willful ignorance and YOU WILL SUFFER, YOU WILL SUFFER FOR ALL ETERNITY.

By GodIsLove (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Where from and what kind of cheese?
me likely illegal unpasturized cheese

me too... I was considering mailing some to myself, but run out of money too early. I wonder if that works? Mail doesn't seem to be checked as diligently as my luggage (and doesn't get lost as often, either)

Pete Rooke,

Good grief Janine,

the imagery your post inspired was of the most perverted, damnable and dispicable activities imaginable

I've heard worse:

"Suppose your are an embalmer. You are busy embalming a person for an open coffin ceremony and you decide to pilfer there lush locks of blonde hair for the construction of high class wigs"

"Suppose you had a very sacred book outlining your philosophy on life. This book also happened to be stitched together and bound in the skin and flesh of a loved one who had recently passed away."

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

One thing to try when making bacon is baking it. Alton Brown (sp?) from the food network pointed this out, and it works pretty well. You take (preferably) thick sliced bacon, place it in the oven cold (no preheat - important) and put it at 350 for about 15-20 minutes (or some slight variation for your particular oven/bacon). It takes a little longer but it makes for some damn tasty bacon. The secret is the cold start - it lets the bacon slowly cook in its own fat, so you can get a good feel for how crispy you want it without frying the crap out of it -- a little healthier too.

This is how bacon is cooked in cafeterias, large scale restaurants, and military mess halls. The cook can bake several pounds (or kilos, if you're a Canadian or a furriner) at one time with minimal fuss.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

The Gideons also make occasional pilgrimages to large college campuses, where they stand on as many busy pedestrian street-corners as they can, passing out tiny New Testaments. They used to, anyway. So I have met them. White men in their 60s and 70s, to my eye.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink


Trust me - your posts do more to defame the sanity of godbots far more than anything that can be said here.

Oh - and it is "your ignorance", not the contraction "you're ignorance".Any votes for this one to be off the island?

I think Petey is less entertaining though. Not as many random caps.

But we spent a lot more time talking about the "Red Queen", species area effects, and other aspects of ecology and evolutionary biology.


did your prof ever explain to you how his knowledge of his deity helped explain any aspect of ecology and evolutionary biology you two discussed on any given day?

let me guess.


In fact, I'd bet that my strongly atheist major prof at UC Berkeley has quite similar discussions with me about the same topics in biology as yours did.

go figure.

stop being so retarded, John, really.

If you can't learn to separate ideas from the people who hold them, you don't belong in either science (where we fight about ideas all the time, w/o regard to holds them), or in the fight to protect science from those who would entirely replace it with ideology.

take a step back, John.

as has been said MANY FUCKING TIMES. nobody here is attacking Ken's expertise wrt to his science, his textbooks, his teaching methods, or even his attacks on creationists.

all we are denying him is his idea that god and science can be linked.

just like we deny that idea to Collins, and Behe, and Dembski.

why should the ideas Ken presents get special treatment simply because he is Ken Miller, eh?

Uhh... Kobra? Has anyone mentioned yet that your Pi pie has a digit out?


if your closed puny minds can possibly comprehend it.

"Your Jellimeat is NOT big enough!"

I think you're right, Rev. BDC. How else can you account for him knowing how to use blockquotes?

All this talk of bacon is bringing up memories. Patricia and/or the Rev. may be familiar with this. The side pork the type Rev. BDC appears to be talking about, sliced thin, rolled in cornmeal, and fried in bacon grease/lard. Breakfast with my grandmother (from Tennessee) when I was growing up. YUM.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

The Gideons usually drop their Bibles off when a hotel has just finished building. They drop their books off plus 10% for replacements if someone takes one (the pages make excellent rolling papers*) The Bibles are distributed to the rooms by housekeeping staff. The supply is generally good for many years.

I was a hotel housekeeping supervisor when in graduate school. I had to check each room once a week for Bibles.

*Or so I've heard.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Here is my grandmothers recipe for farm noodles:

2 cups flour
3 egg yolks
1 egg
2 teaspoons salt
1/4 to 1/2 cup water

Put flour into a mixing bowl. Make well in center of flour and add egg yolks, whole egg, and salt. Add water 1 teaspoon at a time. Add only enough to form dough into a ball. Knead five minutes. Cover, let rest 10 minutes. Divide into four parts. Roll dough out like a pie crust and cut dough into strips. Place strips on a towel to dry - about two hours. Break strips into smaller pieces. Cook in three quarts of hearty, boiling stock. 12 to 15 minutes, or until tender.

These noodles are very good for using with your left over pork, or game such as venison or bear.

We always make the noodles thicker than a pie crust.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

we use the broadest definition of what an actual creationist is here.

Such a policy seems to invite confusion.

Why not simply use theist?

By Marc Abian (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Oh, I am late to this party, and probably too sober, and haven't read all the comments. If we're supposed to vote off all the theists and creationists who come here, methinks our conversations will get dull. I don't mind any of the regular 'trolls,' like some of them, and don't consider them especially troll-like. Some of the back-and-forth makes the best reading.

But it turns out that hey, I can play anyway, because someone just mentioned a new visitor I hadn't seen yet --GodisLove at #228 -- and (yes!) here is a candidate I can heartily endorse as a genuine troll (and quite possibly a Poe.)

So I vote for GodisLove, off the island. Fire is life.


"Bacon and Reason"

That should really be a blog title.

By Kitty'sBitch (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Godislove, please take your medication.

By Richard Harris (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Posted by: debaser | March 14, 2009

I think you're right, Rev. BDC. How else can you account for him knowing how to use blockquotes?

Bad argument. Alan Clarke uses HTLM tags very well. But he is still a huge jar of mixed nuts.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

With apologies to the Rev. for stealing his Comic Sans:

Repent EVIL savers. Get on your knees and SPEND. or you will LANGUISH in WALMART for all eternity... ALL ETERNITY. You savers maybe too ignorant to understand this, but it is a VERY long time, a VERY LONG TIME TO SUFFER. So accept the BOUNTY that SANTA, THE SANTA, is willing to give you if you would mearly get off your knees and SPEND, shed off you're SANTALESS, EVIL, NASTY WAYS, and YOU will be forgiven. but NOT utnil you SPEND ALL THAT YOU HAVE.STOP pretending that SANTA doesnt exist, and EMBRACE his BOUNTY. WALMART is a VERY REAL place, and UNLESS you EMBRACE his BOUNTY, you will be cast into tha LAKE OF TCHACHKAS that is WALMART. YOU WILL LANGUISH, YOU WILL BE BORED, YOU WILL SUFFER at the hands of PURE KITCH, aka SAM WALL. Admit to yourselves that you DON'T want this, and except SANTA's BOUNTY. DO and YOU WILL BE SAVED.Your DENIAL is the root of ALL EVIL in this world. You pretned that SANTA isn't real, so you can be prudent householders. You save, conserve, re-use, nad NEVER BUY. How many PEOPLE DIED at the hands of CAT-LICKS like HITLER, THEOLOGICAL STUDENTS like STALIN, or IDEALISTS like MAO? How many MILLIONS of PEOPLE have be murdered and SLAUGHTERED by throughout HUMAN HISTORY, by evildoers too arrogant to REALIZE THEY MIGHT BE WRONG or embrace SANTAS BOUNTY?SAVING and FRANKLINISM are the true causes of EVIL. You scum constantly repeat your MANTRA by putting the BLAME on religion, but your cognatve projection is MORE THAN obvious.You people believe a FAIRY-TALE, the fairy-tale of EVOLUTION. You have closed you're mind to the TRUTH, by the DOGMA of PRUDENCE. You WORSHIP Benjamin Franklin as you're SANTA, and HAVE VIOLATED the REAL SANTAs MOST SACRED COMMANDMENT. How do you expect to be taken seriously when the HIGH PRIEST OF SAVING, Benjamin Franklin, believes that LIFE exists in OTHER COUNTRIES and came here from UN-AMERICANS. That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. He truly made a fool of himself, and by extension, all of you, by making such an rediculus claim.Someday YOU ARE GOING to TRAVEL. You will reach the EDGE OF THE EARTH and YOU are going to REALIZE that YOU WERE WRONG, but it will have been too late, you will be PUNISHED, you will SUFFER. But BUY now, BEFORE it's too late and YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN. SANTA IS BOUNTY and WILL FORGIVE, you just need to ask, you just need to get on you're knees and ORDER NOW.Poor Richard's Almanack clearly states:>The FOOL hath said in his heart, there is NO SANTA. THEY are CORRUPT, they have abominable SAVING, there is NONE that doeth GOOD.Never has such truer statement EVER been made. I know the Babbel is true because it says so.SPEND, CLEANSE YOURSELVES OF YOUR CORRUPTING PRUDENCDE, RELINQUISH YOURE ABOMINALBE SAVING, and for ONCE in your MEANINGLESS LIVES, BUY OUR RONCO-WRINGER, do SOMETHING THAT BENEFITS MAN-KIND, and SPEND.

Needs more ELVES!

On the subject of noodles I recently ate the the unfortunately named Wagamama. The spicy noodles were divine.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I wanna grow
Grow up to be

She can't help it. The girl can't help it.

By Janine, Ignora… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

The mobilization of the faithful on the Internet web has been too slow and many of the postings on Wikipedia are nothing more than propaganda.


Go to conservapedia and stay there. You and the spawn of Phyllis Schlafly have much to discuss.

Uhh... Kobra? Has anyone mentioned yet that your Pi pie has a digit out?


It looks like the digit was cut out correctly from the dough, but was then place on the pi in the wrong orientation.


By Owlmirror (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

All this talk of bacon is bringing up memories. Patricia and/or the Rev. may be familiar with this. The side pork the type Rev. BDC appears to be talking about, sliced thin, rolled in cornmeal, and fried in bacon grease/lard. Breakfast with my grandmother (from Tennessee) when I was growing up. YUM.

Side meat is a bit different than pork belly. Pork belly is what turns in to traditional "american" bacon after curing and smoking but is great prepared a number of other ways. You'll find pork belly in a number of asian dishes from various countries including china (and various territories within), Vietnam, Thailand etc..

Side meat is, shockingly, from the side of the pig and is a bit different in fat content and meat texture. And yes it is good done exactly like you detail above. A very southern dish indeed. It's one of the many southern dishes that comes from the slave tradition of making the meat scraps into something not just edible but tasty. It can be prepared just like bacon from the belly. It's also known as salt pork.

Now the really amazing cut that can be cured similar to bacon (minus the smoking) into guancialle is hog jowl.

That right there is good shit.

GodIsLove does not represent the religious any more than Dawkins represents the non-religious. It is clearly what is known as a Poe or is insane. Either way it should not be taken seriously.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

re: Godislove

I smell a POE, wrapped in bacon....

By firemancarl (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Why not simply use theist?

why use "creationist" when in the narrow term, you might really mean YEC, OEC, Muslim YEC, etc.?

seems to invite confusion.

better to just call them what they are; by what their own arguments inevitably define them as if they ARE theists.

Posted by: The Rookie | March 14, 2009 6:34 PM

GodIsLove does not represent the religious any more than Dawkins represents the non-religious. It is clearly what is known as a Poe or is insane. Either way it should not be taken seriously.

I cannot be the only person laughing.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Either way it should not be taken seriously.

pot kettle black.

@ 316 -- Yes, I know, it was just a joke. It just doesn't fit with my usual image of angry godbot type, grunting words through clenched teeth, typing extra hard on the keyboard with each all-caps word. That is a pretty cartoony image though. I mean, it could very well be that they are typed in as or and I just don't see the spittle flyin

Nerd - I've had fried side pork, but never rolled in cornmeal.

That reminds me of how good green tomatoes and okra are rolled in corn meal and fried in bacon grease. Mmm Mmm!

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Pete "total fool" Rooke, what part of "we don't give a shit what you say" don't you understand? You are a godbotting troll, not a regular. What part of being the godbotting troll don't your understand? I can explain both concepts to you in words of one syllable or less.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I vote that Pete Rooke be banned until he allows atheists to post on his blog.

And after equivicating Dawkins with GodIsLove, he should have his pointy head examined.

Thus sayeth the Lard.

By GodIsBacon (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink


re: Tom Waits - have you ever heard the Tori Amos cover of Time? It's brilliant - I have to say I like it more than the original. But I still love Rain Dogs. That man's a crazy, crazy genius.

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink


I vote that Pete Rooke be banned until he allows atheists to post on his blog.

An extremely cogent statement, and a true application of Christ's golden rule. I heartily second the motion.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@ 335

Amen Brother.

By BaconIsGod (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Is anyone interested in my recipe for Crucified Trout, or would you prefer some sort of pork atrocity from one of my Chinese cookbooks?

I've read the KJV.

It's not so different from the others really, at least the basic plot remains the same:

In the beginning there was a lot of incest.
Yahweh's proves to be a bit of a deranged cunt.
More incest, rape, pillage, murder, genocide, and all manner of sociopathic nonsense ensues.
... The Interval (time for a beer and a smoke)...
Some smelly bastard can't keep his gob shut and gets himself nailed to a tree.
The end.

My precis doesn't do it justice, there's plenty of humour to be had along the way (unless you believe all that crap, in which case you should be flinching with disgust).

Still, despite being so risible, and getting off to such a flakey start, it was a pretty successful story in the long run. A box office smash, one might say. The damage was done. Roll forward a few hundred years and we get a world infected by a smattering of IDiots whose cognitive processes have been so damaged by the story and its preachers that I doubt they could find their own arseholes with two hands and a torch.

Ho hum.

I gave up on Barb after she stated on the Creationists in Denial thread around #520 that, no, it is not even possible that she is wrong about evolution (ignoring, unsuprisingly, my point about the Dunning-Kruger effect). She's uneducable, a total waste of human potential.

For due process, though, let's see how she fares on on the list of Dungeon-worthy offenses:

Godbotting? Hell yes.
Insipidity? Absolutely.
Slagging? About homosexuality, definitely.
Stupidity? Pure, uncut, weapons-grade.

She should really be spending more time going about her wifely duties, anyway. PZ would be doing her MD/biologist/jesus-freak alpha-male a fucking favor.

Oh, and I know it's bacon, but what have you done to it?

Wowbagger, here it is. Seeing that most of Waits' work is piano based, it is a natural. It is seems like a given it should have been on Strange Little Girls.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Godislove @ 296

The production of the King James Bible was an entirely political project - to establish the status of a new king largely unknown to the powerful in England, to keep as many scholars as possible very, very busy and discourage their tendency to preach against each other and give rise to religious factions - there were enough of those already - and to concentrate the minds of the masses on his christian scholarship rather than the fact that he was flamboyantly gay and not very good at politics.

The fact that the end product turned out to be better than average literature is proof only that seventeenth century christians wrote much better English that their modern counterparts.

Regarding HTML and style:

I've a text file with my moniker, my e-mail address and a bunch of HTML tags that I copy-and-paste from when commenting here. It saves time and reduces errors, and gives my postings some clarity.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

When I was a kid I hated tomatoes. So when my mom made BLTs, she substituded peanut butter.

PBLT!! The best sandwich ever! Peanut butter, bacon, lettuce, and Real Mayonnaise! On rye.


Pete Rooke #324 wrote:

GodIsLove does not represent the religious any more than Dawkins represents the non-religious. It is clearly what is known as a Poe or is insane. Either way it should not be taken seriously.

Very funny. You know very well that Richard Dawkins is not the atheist equivalent of GodIsLove. But I agree that he or she doesn't "represent The Religious" (as if one spokesperson could), and is almost certainly an atheist playing games. Or insane. I doubt anyone is really taking it seriously.

I once read about a convention that was held for street preachers. Seems they have an actual organization, and they came from all over the world, hundreds of them, carrying their signs and pamphlets and (maybe) bullhorns, to get together at a hotel for several days of seminars, helpful tips, camaraderie, and whupping themselves into a white hot fervored frenzy for spreading the Word of the Lord.

I am still undecided on whether I wish I had been there to see it -- or am glad that I did not.

Rev. BDC wrote:

Hell yeah. How can you go wrong with Marc Ribot?

I have to admit I'm not familiar with his work outside of his collaborations with Waits.

Janine - Strange Little Girls is great. Another of her haunting covers is one of Smells Like Teen Spirit, but I don't know where to find it other than file-sharing sites.

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Read KJV, or the original Hebrew/Greek, if your closed puny minds can possibly comprehend it.

I too called Poe on GiL in the early going. This little snippet has me wondering--I'm probably wrong, in which case apologies in advance--has anybody ever seen GiL and Owlmirror together in the same room?

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I'm a poe? No. Surely you jest. Why is it, you always assume the devoted to be mere parodies.

I'm insane? No. In fact I'm one of the only SANE people on this sorry excuse for a blog.

You can mock me all you want HEATHENS. You can DISMISS me, You can question MY SANITY, but you cannot, WILL NOT, escape JUDGEMENT DAY. If you don't YOU WILL SUFFER, but IT NOT too late, YOU CAN BE SAVED, JUST REPENT, HE WILL FORGIVE YOU, JUST GET ON YOUR KNEES AND REPENT.

By GodIsLove (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Sastra | March 14, 2009

I once read about a convention that was held for street preachers. Seems they have an actual organization, and they came from all over the world, hundreds of them, carrying their signs and pamphlets and (maybe) bullhorns, to get together at a hotel for several days of seminars, helpful tips, camaraderie, and whupping themselves into a white hot fervored frenzy for spreading the Word of the Lord.

You have just described one of my personal customized hells.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

When I was a girl we used to make Bacon Chowder in the winter when it was so danged cold you had to breath through a mitten.

Take a large cast iron dutch oven put some butter in the bottom, and saute one large chopped onion. Peel and dice into large pieces about four or five medium potatoes. Drain a quart of home canned sweet corn. Put the potatoes and corn in the pot with the onion, add a couple of quarts or so of pork or chicken stock. We'd let this simmer away on the wood stove until the potatoes were almost done, then add about a pound of chopped bacon. About 10 minutes before you serve it you can add a half pint of heavy cream if you like.

Serve it with hot corn bread & honey.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Er, I mean to use (blockQUOTE) and (BLOCKquote) but used the greater/less-than sign....how noobish of me.

Anyway I've been to a restaurant in Philadelphia called the Continental. They have a sandwich called the "Green Submarine", the all-veggie offering. And it was really good. It was so good I bet it would still have been delicious without the bacon added.

I had a roomate who's now a cook, he liked to talk about taking food to the next level -- which meant adding bacon to it.

Oops, let's do the Ribot link correctly.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Egg and Bacon Pie - my signature dish!

Fry some chopped up bacon rashers until they are crisp.

Drain the fat off, lay the sizzled bacon bits in a savoury pastry flan case (or make your own)

Grate some strong cheddar cheese and lay it over the bacon bits

Mix light cream and/or milk with a beaten egg or two, plus mustard powder and salt and pepper. You can added herbs if liked, but it sounds too healthy to me.

Pour over cheese and bacon, up to the top of the pastry case. Grate some nutmeg over the top.

Bake in a hotish oven for around 30 mins, or until the pie sets and the top browns.

Delicious hot or cold.

By DiscoveredJoys (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Fucking hell - I knew it!
This is what atheists get up to - swapping recipes!
It's a disgrace - you're no better than pig-eating apes! .
On a lighter note, I may save this thread to eat later.
And I loved the pi.
In fact, I came here for the transcendental philosophy, and I stayed for the pie.

but wouldn't it be hilarious if GOD is "punishing" you for your inane declaration that Ken Miller is a creationist

Incredibly, and even more hilarious about the thousands of people who are inconvenienced by the weather just so God can get at PZ...

Yes, the problem with religion in the west is largely that of bad marketing.

It is associated with fanaticism in the same way that science was caricatured by Shelley in the 19th century.

Now science is held as the great moral exemplar of our times and one only has to think of dynamite, carbon emissions, small arms and nuclear weaponry to realize that it isn't all good.

Religion on the other hand accepts even those on the edges of society. You need no education. The poor are welcome. Black or white...

It was seen to be dominated by fanatics with haywire morals. In reality the religious today do an extraordinary amount for people on the edges of society: the poor and the forgotten.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Oh, and the test for people worthy of the honour of being banned - too many capital letters. GodIsLove please note.

By DiscoveredJoys (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Janine, Insulting Sinner. Now that was something. Tom Waits+Tori Amos, playing "Time"="Add to Favorites" and a trip to Bestbuy website for CD purchase, as the record stores suck in the corner of Southern Oregon I'm in.
While I'm at it I should fill the rest of the holes in my Waits collection, all I've got is "Beautiful Maladies: The Island Years", "Blood Money", and "Mule Variations". My copy of "Alice" has gone M.I.A.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Bacon Chowder Serve it with hot corn bread & honey.

Dang, if we didn't have a big roaster pan full of home made lasagna, I would mention this to the Redhead. Oh the suffering...

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Re the censorship fandango: while still in college I earned the remark, "Nothing worse than a foul-mouthed woman." Beady-eyed, lipless white man with a limp dick laid that one on me. It's a moment I still treasure.

I'm up for Crucified Trout.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink


although there are many things worse I agree wholeheartedly in spirit with the statement ("Nothing worse than a foul mouthed woman"). If you can't articulate a point without using profane language it isn't worth articulating.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink


This may be a dumb question, but I'm porcine-challenged due to my Jewish upbringing.

Do you cook the bacon before adding it to the chowder?

I reject the entire concept of "foul-mouthedness." For fair or foul, we all follow our own inner umpire.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Oh, Bone Oboe, you still have so much Tom Waits to explore. Step Right Up. Too cool.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

the imagery your post inspired was of the most perverted, damnable and dispicable activities imaginable.

Pete, consider yourself glad that you have no idea what gut-wrenching activities there are out there.

As Janine said, cry me a fucking river.

Oh, and, I completely forgot about your analogies... excuse me while I go vomit.

But it turns out that hey, I can play anyway, because someone just mentioned a new visitor I hadn't seen yet --GodisLove at #228 -- and (yes!) here is a candidate I can heartily endorse as a genuine troll (and quite possibly a Poe.)

So I vote for GodisLove, off the island. Fire is life.

Repeated for truth.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

And Pete should be cut for inane, self-absorbed tangents like #363 above.

Go in peace to fry and serve the Lard.

By GodIsBacon (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Religion on the other hand accepts even those on the edges of society.

Unless they are gay

If you can't articulate a point without using profane language it isn't worth articulating.


Q. Why did the Romans close the Coliseum?

A. Because the Lions were eating up all the Prohets.

It was seen to be dominated by fanatics with haywire morals. In reality the religious today do an extraordinary amount for people on the edges of society: the poor and the forgotten.

yes, you're right. after all, it's the religious (both the church and the local witch-doctors) who are at the forefront of fighting polio, malaria and aids in africa, while Mother Theresa has personally done everything in her might to lift the poor of India out of poverty


Pete Rooke,

If you can't articulate a point without using profane language it isn't worth articulating.

Sadly, Pete, I don't think you're in the position to be lecturing someone else on articulation - not to mention such a prissy, whining view is the hallmark of a pissant who never has any substantial arguments to present in the first place.

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Posted by: The Rookie | March 14, 2009


although there are many things worse I agree wholeheartedly in spirit with the statement ("Nothing worse than a foul mouthed woman"). If you can't articulate a point without using profane language it isn't worth articulating.

Lynna, do you think that The Rookie could also be a beady-eyed, lipless white man with a limp dick?

If you do not have a thought worth articulating, please shut the fuck up.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Lowell - We never cooked our bacon first, but remember when I was a girl our bacon was home grown and then smoked by grandpa. (yes, wise asses I know) So it cooked a little different than today's bacon.

When I make Bacon Chowder now I still dump in uncooked bacon. If you want less fat, I'd cook the bacon about half way done and drain it. :)

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Crucified Trout

1 trout, 2+ lbs
1/4th cup melted butter
dry mustard
brown sugar

Split the trout but not through the skin, Do not kite or debone after splitting as the bones will keep the fish intact. Nail Crucify fish around edges to an oak, or hickory plank. Brush with melted butter and dust lightly with dry mustard, dust heavier with brown sugar, then dust lightly with paprika. Roast fish with reflected heat from wood fire, for at least 20 minutes, or until margins are golden brown. Serves about 2.

It [religion] was seen to be dominated by fanatics with haywire morals.

*Recalls what Petey wrote on the Crackergate thread*

*looks at sentence Petey wrote.*


are you SURE you're not completely fucking insane?

If you really aren't, how can you say that knowing that YOU are one of the reasons religion is viewed as being populated with nutbars?


I have a clear idea of the horrors in the world. I remember as an impressionable youth watching the an old horror movie from 60's. It was The Evil Dead (which was on of the founding members of movies categorized as "Video Nasties" in the UK, a group that was rightly censored) and it featured, among other things:

1. Possession by spirits
2. Enforced decapitation of a loved one possessed by said spirits
3. Abandonment of loved ones in trouble to said spirits, a terrible betrayal
4. The rape of a woman by a tree
5. Obscene images and gore

It was entirely secular in nature, as most films are, and there wasn't a hint of redemption.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Janine, Insulting Sinner. Thanks. I forsee some serious headphones time going through that channel. The first place I saw Tom Waits was as Renfield in the 1992 version of Dracula. The first place I heard him sing was in the Primus song Tommy The Cat

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Ichthyic, thank you for that link. It was fucking fabulous!

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

It was entirely secular in nature, as most films are, and there wasn't a hint of redemption.

There's your problem. Stop looking for Catholicism in secular texts.

If you really aren't, how can you say that knowing that YOU are one of the reasons religion is viewed as being populated with nutbars?

i'm starting to think we really need to stop insult nuts like that... i like nuts, they're tasty and nutritious

Pete Rooke #363 wrote:

Yes, the problem with religion in the west is largely that of bad marketing. It is associated with fanaticism in the same way that science was caricatured by Shelley in the 19th century.

I disagree -- religion on the whole is very well marketed. Most people separate "fundamentalists" and those with "false religions" or "poor understandings of God" from true religion (the one they follow themselves.) Due to the way it's promoted, religion is closely associated in most people's minds with morals, charity work, inspiration, and meaning in life. It is usually only the atheists who take care to point out that the supernatural beliefs are the only things that are specific and unique to religion. The other things are valuable in and because of this world, not any hypothetical other one.

Science, on the other hand, is publically associated with the products of science -- and especially technology -- and the fact that its real value lies in its method is often ignored or brushed over.

Thanks, Patricia. I'm gonna try that one. Sounds scrumtrulescent!

I may even resist the temptation to use my fancy-schmancy new immersion blender, which I have been using to puree just about everything possible lately. It's just so much fun!

I have a clear idea of the horrors in the world. I remember as an impressionable youth watching the an old horror movie from 60's. It was The Evil Dead (which was on of the founding members of movies categorized as "Video Nasties" in the UK, a group that was rightly censored)

Please explain how the making and selling of the movie The Evil Dead is worse than stating that it's more important for a 9-year old rape victim to remain pregnant and possibly die from said pregnancy, than to have her abort the said pregnancy and attempt to live a normal life.

Pete Rooke.
Evil Dead=1981.
Evil Dead=Fiction
As far as redemtion goes, well, we got "Army Of Darkness" out of the deal.

By Bruce Campbell… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

It was entirely secular in nature, as most films are, and there wasn't a hint of redemption.

now I understand that it's easy to confuse the bible for a campy B-list horror-movie, but that's STILL one of the dumbest things ever written. why would there be "redemption" in a horror-movie!?

Have you ever thought about how, after the moment when you die, one day will go by, then one week, one month, one year, one decade.

And then a century, a millenia, a million years, a billion.

And that's just the tiniest fraction of how long you're going to be dead.

Religion on the other hand accepts even those on the edges of society

And fucks them even more. Mental illness developed - no extra charge.

You need no education.

Thinking skills discouraged.

The poor are welcome.

Because God needs all their money.

Black or white....

Separately, of course. And now with less slavery!

But Rookie! What of The Evil Dead II? Groovy!

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I have a clear idea of the horrors in the world. I remember as an impressionable youth watching the an old horror movie from 60's.

You're fucking kidding. You learned about nastiness by watching horror flicks? I learned about the nastiness of the world by having nasty stuff happen to my personal self. I daresay the same is true of most of the people here.

Rooke, you need to do a whole lot of growing up.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I am especially fond of fish curries at several NYC Indian restaurants, but I don't have their ingredients handy.

Wish you all a good night. Am off to hearing some superb Beethoven shortly (It's the 9th symphony performed by the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. For the rest of the program, you can look under calendar at: http://www.carnegiehall.com ).

Anyone with outstanding complaints about Ken Miller's beliefs should contact him after looking for his e-mail address here:


By John Kwok (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Janine, Yep, you're right, the Rookie's peter probably qualifies.

I'm working on a theory about liplessness and the connection to limpdickedness. Research so far includes watching the mass quantities of "educational" videos from BYUI. Major stumbling block though--I've made it all the way to end of a video yet, though I did like the lipless wonder expounding on the five tips for avoiding masturbation.

Kudos Janine for links to some fine music. I keep getting off-thread to dip into Dear Prudence. Also, Pixies and bacon go well together.

Oh, how the self-righteous twist themselves into knots when they can't deal with people who speak what they actually feel without sugar-coating it.

Fuck them.

By Blue Fielder (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Poll: Is J*hn Kw*k for real?
Yes or no.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Pete Rooke #385 wrote:

It was entirely secular in nature, as most films are, and there wasn't a hint of redemption.

What, a movie about spirits was secular?

No, that is supernaturalism. It is not the form of supernaturalism you ascribe to, but it's not "of the natural world."

Secular humanists and other scientifically-minded atheists are just as against the theology of Wicca, New Age, Spiritism, and whatever-the-heck this movie 'represented' as they are the more traditional religions. It's not a matter of whether they think the religion does good or represents nice values, but whether the supernatural parts are true. No. They're not. This movie was obviously fictional on many levels.

One can be an atheist and believe in the supernatural, technically -- but that doesn't make belief in "spirits" secular.

And that's just the tiniest fraction of how long you're going to be dead.

Well, I was dead for about 13 billion years and it wasn't too bad.

If you wanna see something without any redemption, take a look at Left Behind: the Movie.

And in Army Of Darkness the "incantation" Ash utters in the haunted graveyard: "Klatu Verata Nicto" caused no small amount of deja vu. Wondering where the hell I'd heard that before. At first I thought it was from some MST3K episode, then I caught part of The Day The Earth Stood Still late one night. And it all clicked in a very satisfying "Ah-HA" moment

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Anyone with outstanding complaints about Ken Miller's beliefs should contact him after looking for his e-mail address here:

and if we really have outstanding complaints about YOUR "beliefs", John?

should we just wait for another driveby?

Bone Oboe, perhaps you should check out Down By Law. A fun little prison break movie.

By Janine, Ignora… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Perhaps I have a skewed perspective then, but religion in the UK is almost non-existent in public life. I study religion at KCL and even here most people are decidedly negative about religion. Cults are studied from a sociological perspective and then this perspective is applied to the monotheisms. Actual theological minutia is dismissed as largely irrelevant. So religion is seen as a phenomenon that can be studied. The distinction between proper religion and the cults is continually blurred.

Also, science cannot be taken removed from the technology that arises from it. When opening up the horizon to the curiosity without limits it is inherently dangerous because it is impossible to discover a priori only the good. The good and bad come together and once discovered cannot be unlearned. It is unleashed upon all of us without our consent.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I go out for several hours, taking my granddaughter to the Rainforest Cafe and when I get back, I find this thread that has gone nuts!

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Sven: Yes, absolutely for real. So irritating.

Lowell - An immersion blender! Oh, the envy. :)
If you do a search of this blog you'll find some postings for French Pumpkin soup that would tickle that blenders fancy. Try the pumpkin name Galeux D' Eysines .

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

AWESOME a Recipe thread FINALLY.

Here's my recipe for Texas Beer and Gun club Cowpigen, feeds one picnic/target shooting.

You cut open a cow, and pull the guts out, then shove a pig inside of it and staple it back together.

Put guts aside for later, then you drink some beer.

Then you steal a cement mixer, and drink some more beer and and try to shoot some bottles off the nearest fence.

Then you dig a pit, which requires taking a break afterward because it is really hot in Texas, so you drink some more beer, maybe a couple of shots of tequila, and try to talk some of the girls into taking their tops off. If that doesn’t work, give them more tequila.

Repeat until successful.

Then you throw some old tires in the pit, glaze them with a medium octane gasoline and flambe them from a safe distance of a couple feet or so.

Then you try to shoot some bottles off the fenders of the cement mixer waiting for the tires to get going real good, trying not to breath the fumes too much because you might get sick and throw up too soon.

And then

Oh yeah drink some more beer.

Then you throw the cow with the pig in it into the back of the cement mixer, drink some more beer, drive the cement mixer so that the barrel is situated over the flaming tire pit, then put the barrel in gear and rotisserate that sunuvabitch until it smells done or the cement mixer catches on fire and explodes.

I think you make sandwiches with it, but I’ve never remembered this far into the recipe because I’m either in the blackout stages of an alcoholic stupor or being rushed to a hospital.

Bone Apetite

Lynna, just took a quick look at your site. I guess I will have to read. About the only western travel writer I have read is Edward Abbey.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

The distinction between proper religion and the cults is continually blurred.

the difference between "cult" and "religion" is age, pervasiveness, and durability. in other words, a religion is a cult who survived its founder.

This little snippet has me wondering--I'm probably wrong, in which case apologies in advance--has anybody ever seen GiL and Owlmirror together in the same room?

Who the what hey now?!

I'm not sure if I should be more offended at being accused of claiming that God is Love, or for asserting that the KJV is the best translation there is.

I mean, really now. Standards, I has them.

By Owlmirror (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

By secular I meant it lacked the soteriological elements of religion

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

scooter, ladies and gentlemen: scooter.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Wild hair. I did apologize in advance.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Bone Oboe, perhaps you should check out Down By Law. A fun little prison break movie.

Seconded - and it has a Tom Waits soundtrack, and Tom Waits!
Another great new movie is In Bruges.

Cults are studied from a sociological perspective and then this perspective is applied to the monotheisms. Actual theological minutia is dismissed as largely irrelevant. So religion is seen as a phenomenon that can be studied. The distinction between proper religion and the cults is continually blurred.

by jove, I think they are actually trying to hammer some sense into that thick skull o yers, Rookie!

ya see, the only thing separating a "cult" from a "religion" is the tax-free status.

Re Waits
The album Small Change is great. Every track is win.
Especially Bad Liver and a Broken Heart.

Tax Religion.

Also, science cannot be taken removed from the technology that arises from it.

Of course not, the technology shows the validity of the scientific method. We are all currently using the 'proof' that science works.

Open thread? Yay.

You know: Miracles actually do happen and prayers do work. Everytime a miracle is about to occur, there is quantum mechanically a chance for it to happen or to not happen. If you are a non-believer you will always end up in the universe not experiencing the miracle.

Just Poeing. ^^

Oh, and actually water doesn't flow according to hydrodynamics but is guided by little fairies. How else do you explain that a river from all possible paths from a mountain to the sea it always takes the way through a valley? If it was guided by chance, shouldn't there be water flowing along ridges?

Scooter - So that was you in the boots, chefs hat and spatula at Sturgis in '93'... that explains a lot.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Pete Rooke #410 wrote:

Perhaps I have a skewed perspective then, but religion in the UK is almost non-existent in public life.

Perhaps we do have different perspectives: in the U.S. religion's crawling all over public life, though of course it depends on where you live. I don't see that there's anything inherently hostile to religion in approaching it as 'a phenomenon to be studied' -- it's a neutral approach. That may be why you consider it an example of poor marketing. Neutrality breaks the spell placed on the idea of 'sacred' things that cannot be approached except with willing belief.

Also, science cannot be taken removed from the technology that arises from it. When opening up the horizon to the curiosity without limits it is inherently dangerous because it is impossible to discover a priori only the good.

Science is a method, and a search for truth (or, rather, likelihood and probabilities of truth.) It is one thing to talk about limiting technologies and their effects -- war weapons, or pollution. But limiting science itself because there are things we should not know is making a choice to deliberately blind oneself to truth. Religious people ought to be wary of this, because it's generally not what they claim to endorse.


and the veracity of the central truth claims.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink


Was it you who mentioned growing hops?

My limbo-wife & I are putting in a garden in Vegas and we need some shade for it. A verdant vine sounds nicer than plastic shade cloth.

And bacon.

Posted by: Jadehawk | March 14, 2009

The distinction between proper religion and the cults is continually blurred.

the difference between "cult" and "religion" is age, pervasiveness, and durability. in other words, a religion is a cult who survived its founder.

Does this mean the Scientology is no longer a cult?

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Meant to say I had *never* made it through a BYUI educational video yet. Takes a strong stomach to put up with that brain-deadening swill. But I need to know, living amongst the brain-impaired as I do. They have a video for how to dress in a Godly way -- moderate shoulder pads are recommended for women (complete with demo of same being inserted in jacket). They have a video for everything.

Most comments on this thread put Barb right up there at the top of the list of scary-and-sick at the same time, but I recognized her, in a way. Barb is the incarnation of my neighbors. Yes they are like that. Yes they talk like that. Yes they do put a damper on life in general. Doesn't matter what flavor of swill they're cooking, it all comes out the same.

The good and bad come together and once discovered cannot be unlearned

Why do christians want us all to stay stupid?
But, didn't we decide to chose knowledge soem time ago?
I forget. How did that work out?

Pete Rooke
"The distinction between proper religion and the cults is continually blurred."

Oh, come on. That's just too easy.

By Kitty'sBitch (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Scooter, keeping the order in which you shoot and drink straight is key to keeping out of the hospital. Actually it's pretty much one or the other. Actually it's precisely one or the other.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

By secular I meant it lacked the soteriological elements of religion

Pete, what part of we don't care what your opinion is don't you understand? I will explain it to you words of one syllable or less. You are dumb and a clown, hence a troll. End of Tale.
Go away, or we will vote to ban your ass. Your choice. If you go away for a couple of weeks we will forget about you during the voting.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Then you throw the cow with the pig in it into the back of the cement mixer, drink some more beer, drive the cement mixer so that the barrel is situated over the flaming tire pit, then put the barrel in gear and rotisserate that sunuvabitch until it smells done or the cement mixer catches on fire and explodes.

Oh man, I'm just now getting over a massive respiratory infection and that just sent me into a 5 minute coughing fit because I was laughing so hard.

The distinction between proper religion and the cults is continually blurred

Of course, but it's hard to deny that all religions are merely cults that have caught on.

Favorite Waits: the early, live Nighthawks at the Diner. Second, Raindogs. Marc Ribot, hell yeah.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Does this mean the Scientology is no longer a cult?

I wasn't aware whatshisface died, but hey, it's all the same to me. Scientology isn't any more insane than Mormonism, or Catholicism.

Pete Rooke #418 wrote:

By secular I meant it lacked the soteriological elements of religion

Well then say that, because that's not what "secular" means. Otherwise, it's confusing.

People who are in "cults" generally do not think they are in cults, but in a genuine religion. You could not differentiate between them and 'proper religion' without actively endorsing a particular kind of religion as real.

Though I suppose it depends on how you're defining a 'cult.' Some definitions separate cults by evidence of extreme control -- and the fact that the leader claims to have an exclusive revelation, or is God in person.

BMS - Yes, we grow hops for making beer, and as a shade vine. Two varieties, Mt. Hood and Nina. You will not be disappointed in the growth rate (amazing!) and beauty of the plant. They are the only thing we've found to grow faster than grape vines - but then I've never seen kudzu.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

and the veracity of the central truth claims.


because there is so much "veracity" to "goddidit".

or should we examine the veracity of Joseph Smith's claims for starters?

you're in so much denial it hurts my eyes just to look on.

Hey, Janine. Thanks for the visit. Fun and games in the great outdoors.

and to Pete Rook, WTF! Religious propaganda has been slow off the mark according to you? Please, I live in a state where all that stuff is foisted on me daily and, unlike you, I don't even have to go to the "secular" movie theater to be grossed out. I get it with basic cable even if I don't want. My local NPR station cuts out regular NPR programs to air "Devotionals." You can tell what the Profit in SLC has been cogitating about by watching the billboards change along I-15.

Scooter, keeping the order in which you shoot and drink straight is key to keeping out of the hospital.

Drinking can lead to utter these last words: "Hey, guys, watch this."

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Pete Rooke wrote (regarding the difference between cults and religions his cult:

and the veracity of the central truth claims.

So, you agree with us, Pete - there is no difference. What's your support for a claim of veracity? Come on, enlighten us.

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

@443: That was in response to this:

When opening up the horizon to the curiosity without limits it is inherently dangerous because it is impossible to discover a priori only the good. The good and bad come together and once discovered cannot be unlearned. It is unleashed upon all of us without our consent.

Good and bad are subjective. I, for one, welcome the future.


Thanks! I shall pass that on to limbo-wife (I won't be home in Vegas for a few weeks now so she's shouldering the gardening on her own in the interim).

Grapes don't work so well here in the desert, at least not for us (we who call plants brought home from the nursery "wictims).

Kudzu - that shit's ebil! It practically eats trees in the South. Strangles 'em like a boa constrictor.

in other words, a religion is a cult who survived its founder.

that sentence is proof that i've been away from anglophone countries for too long. that was supposed to be:

in other words, a religion is a cult that outlived its founder

in other words, a religion is a cult that outlived its founder

Jadehawk's really back. YEA! Love the snark.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Because Tom Waits for no man...(Covers head with arms and hands.)...The Piano Has Been Drinking. It is truncated but you do get Martin Mull and Fred Willard.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

DID YOU KNOW that hops (Humulus) belong to the same family (Cannabaceae) as Cannabis?

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

DID YOU KNOW that hops (Humulus) belong to the same family (Cannabaceae) as Cannabis?

Well, that explains its use in beer. Hic.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Okay Pete Rooke (And I still think that sounds like a porn-star name), I know you've shown yourself to be a stupid bloody git, but why keep making it all more ridiculous?

Yes, the problem with religion in the west is largely that of bad marketing.

I'd say their marketing is fairly good when all that they're purveying is a bill of goods. And even then, the goods advertised could never be delivered in the real world.

It is associated with fanaticism in the same way that science was caricatured by Shelley in the 19th century.

Religion is associated with fanatacism because of religious fanatics making outrageous claims, performing outrageous actions, and generally acting like the fucktards they are.

Now science is held as the great moral exemplar of our times and one only has to think of dynamite, carbon emissions, small arms and nuclear weaponry to realize that it isn't all good.

You're arguing apples and oranges here. Who said that science has anything to do with morality? Science is a tool and is not in itself good or evil. Religion, on the other hand, claims moral superiority (and IMO fails miserably to deliver).

Religion on the other hand accepts even those on the edges of society. You need no education. The poor are welcome. Black or white...

You obviously haven't been visiting the right churches. Or rather, you haven't been visiting the churches where those sorts of people are kindly persuaded to seek spiritual solace elsewhere.

It was seen to be dominated by fanatics with haywire morals. In reality the religious today do an extraordinary amount for people on the edges of society: the poor and the forgotten.

Implying, I think, that we atheists think nothing of those people; that they're best left on the edges of society to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. Bullshit! (I hope I haven't offended your pristine sensibilities with my language.) You're a fucking shill for the religions that have brought strife to the world for ages, and have held back human development in the name of their gods in order to control the masses.

Guess what, Pete. We're sick of the shit, and we're going to keep pointing out the miserable failings and outright lies of your religions until they slink away to die in a corner somewhere. The numbers of people who actually believe in your sky-fairies are shrinking, and that has the religious CEOs scared shitless because that means less money in their pockets, and less power for their pulpits.

I believe the example used to justify the definition focused on particular sects for the most part and on particular behaviour. Charismatic preachers, statues (there is a disturbing habit among my co-religionists to hold certain figures as quasi God like beings - e.g. Mother Teresa, weeping statues etc.)

Ultimately, though there is no cult of personality at the heart of Christianity. The knowledge of the heart and scripture is enough to guide one towards the truth.

Kobra, consider:

It has never been easier to wipe out all of the human race. One call from Obama to central command an it can be done.

Why privilege knowledge above all else?

PS The proportion of people who wish me banned is not significant. I make a contribution here and I don not believe that I deserve any such insinuation.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

'Tis Himself.
I had seen a video clip of two guys doing the William Tell thing, with a revolver. The receiving end guy tells the sending end guy "If you screw this up, I'll kick your ass."
And I thought "Hey dude, if your buddy screws this up you'll be the first to know and the last to be able to do anything about it."

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Some definitions separate cults by evidence of extreme control -- and the fact that the leader claims to have an exclusive revelation, or is God in person.

by your definition listed above, since Sung Myung Moon claims himself to actually BE Jesus Christ, it must be a cult, right?

our federal government would beg to differ, having granted the Unification Church in America tax exempt status, and even inviting Sung Myung Moon himself to utilize government facilities for religious rites.

Beer is a lovely way to store grain long-term - I heartily endorse it!

The workers on the great pyramids were, apparently, paid in beer! (Or so said the guy on Modern Marvels...)

The knowledge of the heart and scripture is enough to guide one towards the truth.

then it's idolatry instead of a personal cult figure?

sure sounds like a cult to me.

Hey, come on - we haven't had a recipe since the yummy egg and bacon pie, and Crucified Trout (I'm trying both).

Scooters cow in the cement mixer requires too many felonies. ;)

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

I make a contribution here

puking on the floor might indeed be considered "a contribution".

typically those doing so are shown the door.

you've moved up two notches in my list today, Pete.

Yes it is a shame that religous observance is so lax in the UK. We had many centuries where this was not so. They were universally happy, back then, without science or medicine or human rights of any sort - and enlightened rulers who enforced tolerance with just a friendly smile.
To find anywhere as free as we were then I think you have to look to Africa today, where secularism has yet to poison minds and religion rules in totally harmony.

Ultimately, though there is no cult of personality at the heart of Christianity.

for a christian, you seem to have very little practical knowledge of christianity


Kobra, consider:

It has never been easier to wipe out all of the human race. One call from Obama to central command an it can be done.

All the more reason to push science as far as it can go so we can disperse into the rest of the universe. It's easy to wipe out a planet, but not thousands of planets in different parts of the galaxy.


why do you call it "Crucified Trout"? I assume for the same reason that you call communion wafers "crackers"; so as to be as insulting as possible.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

requires too many felonies.

Oh god, now we'll be deluged with cat recipes. They're illegal, you know.

OK...463 comments...no one will read this far through anyway, so I'll take a swing.
Lemme see...
Aw fuck it.
I was gonna try for some pure denial of Occam's razor and just say something like, 'well, there might be some over-arching consciousness directing it all...some Prime Mover...who's to say that the totality of energy and matter is not steering in some Spinozan fashion after al?l...'
But I can't.
Even if no one reads the thread this far down, I just can't do it.
Curse, little ape man.
Later you will walk like that because you're drunk.

So, rookie, CHRISTianity is not about a personality? Good to know.
You may add may name to those who wish you banned. Though, you do make a contribution, by giving me a few laughs, like in this case.

By Insightful Ape (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Prophet = Profit. It's *all* marketing. Priesthood = Penishood. It's all misogynistic folderol over a vaporous nothing.

The wonder that is this blog inspires me more each day.
Pogues and and Tom Waits in the same thread, smothered in bacon and dripping with sarcasm. Be still my heart.

Ahead Snark factor 7 Mr. Sulu ..

Tax Religion.

name the six quarks

Top, Bottom, Strange, Funky, Widdershins, and Bashful.
What do I win?

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Posted by: The Rookie | March 14, 2009


why do you call it "Crucified Trout"? I assume for the same reason that you call communion wafers "crackers"; so as to be as insulting as possible.

Hey! I resent that! I am the insulting one around here! Just look at my name. Patricia's job is to flounce.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Hi all.

Since this is an open thread, and since my previous post on this subject was lost in the general hubbub, I thought I'd take the opportunity to repost this interesting little article on the BBC news page:

Atheists call for 'debaptism'


"The recent change in European legislation has led to religious beliefs not being challenged at all, and there's no limit at all on what anybody can claim as a valid religious belief.

"I think it's important that more people speak out and say they don't subscribe to the historic beliefs of the Church."

I thought it was interesting anyway. I'm thinking of getting debaptised myself. And I reckon the more people know about this, the more they will queue up to totally disassociate themselves from a church that is rapidly sinking into the mire. So, pass it on!

OK - as you were.

By Elwood Herring (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

"Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

Pete Rooke wrote:

I make a contribution here and I don not believe that I deserve any such insinuation.

Indeed. You remind us of exactly how much religion can warp and limit the human mind to ignore logic, evidence and common sense - and that freeing the world of the kind of thinking that leads to its continued existence is a goal worth working towards.

It has never been easier to wipe out all of the human race.

You mean like your kind and loving vile, hate-filled monster god has already done once and intends to do again, to rapturous (no pun intended) applause from you and your sick, repugnant kind?

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Pastor Pete is offended that a recipe contains the word "crucified."

Pete, the Internet may not be for you. You probably shouldn't be in university, either. Shit, if you're that easily offended you should probably be in a fucking monastery or something.

@432 Does this mean the Scientology is no longer a cult?

Well, they do have tax-exempt status.

Aargh! - Damn blockquote fail AGAIN! Do you have to blockquote every flamin' paragraph or something?

The blockquote should have ended with the word "church". The rest is my own opinion.

By Elwood Herring (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Ichthyic #459 wrote:

by your definition listed above, since Sung Myung Moon claims himself to actually BE Jesus Christ, it must be a cult, right?

Yup, I think it meets several of the definitions. The mass stranger-to-stranger marriages would be another mark against it. A 'cult' is a subset of religion.

Here's a list I posted once before, when we were on the same topic on another thread(from Robert Lifton)

5 Signs of a Cult

1)Totalism - This is an us against them philosophy, which is used to achieve complete separation from the past, which is portrayed as filled with the satanic or unenlightened.

2) Environmental Control - Everything that perspective recruits see, eat, and do every waking minute is carefully manipulated.

3) Loading the Language - This is the jargon of the cult, which take the form of quick easy phrases and statements that only have meaning to the cultists. Such jargon encourages isolationism and cloning.

4) Demand for Purity - All actions are judged by the cult’s definition of purity, which is crafted by the leadership to suit their needs. Such definitions are applied in an absolute, black and white, manner. Anything is acceptable in the pursuit of this purity.

5) Mystical Leadership - The cult leader endows himself with a mystical mantle, often an agent of divine powers on Earth. Confession and denunciation to the leader are ingrained. The victim acquires a pawn-like attitude, wherein devotion and obedience to the leader supersede standards of morality or self-preservation, even unto choices of life and death.

Wow, debaptism! First I've heard of getting debaptized. Now there's a ritual I could get behind. Good excuse for a bacon extravaganza as the after-party.

why do you call it "Crucified Trout"? I assume for the same reason that you call communion wafers "crackers"; so as to be as insulting as possible.

*breathe in*

Now that I've got that out of my system, you may resume being "the insulting one," Janine.

Aargh! - Damn blockquote fail AGAIN! Do you have to blockquote every flamin' paragraph or something?

Elwood: In essence: yes. Here's how I do it if I'm quoting more than one paragraph: Delete the spaces between the period of the last paragraph and the first letter of the second. Now insert into that point two break tags, like this: <br /><br />. Surround the entire block with the blockquote tags, and then you're all set.

Cousinavi talks about the ape man and than The Insightful Ape speaks. It has to be done! Now I am getting kinky.

By Janine, Insult… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink


Grilled Stuffed Mushrooms


6 medium crimini mushrooms
1/8 Vidalia, Maui, or other sweet onion, small dice
1 clove garlic, minced
olive oil
1-1/2 Tbsp (or so) Worchestershire sauce
1 to 2 Tbsp beer, darker rather than lighter
1/4 cup crumbled bacon
1/8 to 1/4 cup store-bought breadcrumbs
Grated stinky hard cheese
salt & pepper


1. Remove stems from mushrooms and chop fine.

2. Heat olive oil in small (6-8") iron skillet over hot coals. Add onions & garlic; sweat for a few minutes then add chopped mushroom stems and bacon.

3. Cook until onion is soft. Add worchestershire and beer and sizzle until most of the liquid is gone (just a minute or so).

4. Remove from heat and stir in breadcrumbs and stinky cheese.

5. Spoon mixture into mushroom caps. Place caps in skillet, "roast" in grill NOT over the coals, until the caps are soft-ish.

6. Sprinkle w/ stinky cheese.

And a recipe for everyone:

1. Heat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.
2. Put the chickpeas with the nuts and seeds in a small pan.
3. Add the lemon juice and just enough water to cover them, along with a generous pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper.
4. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5-6 minutes, then drain.
5. Spread the mixture on of a flat oven-proof tray. Mix the chickpeas in curry powder and olive oil. Bake for 20-25 minutes, shaking them occassionally to mix them. Make sure they don't burn.
6. Serve at once, or store in an airtight container.

It is ethical (vegetarian), delicious and good for your digestive system.

By Pete Rooke (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Missing Alan Clarke, RogerS, and facilis from that list.

Posted by: Feynmaniac | March 14, 2009 5:28 PM

Survivor : Pharyngula

Simon - Must agree to speak to a psychiatrist and provide proof of session. Failing that, simply agree not to breed.

Facilis - Swear on the Bible not to bring up his "proof" for the existence of God through "logic" ever, ever again.

Alan Clarke - Explain how if the universe is indeed only 6,000 years old and all the stars we see are in a 6,000 light year radius why the universe doesn't collapse ?

Barb - Watch and discribe in detail an episode of 'The L Word'.

Already covered way upthread. Almost 500 posts without our glorious leader. Not bad.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Pete Rooke #457 wrote:

Why privilege knowledge above all else?

Because (good will + ignorance) is not as good as (good will + knowledge.)

That doesn't mean that knowledge is better than good will. But without knowledge, good will can be very dangerous indeed. Remember what "the road to hell" is paved with...

My vote for banning J. Kwok. The grounds of assholish tiresomeness alone suffice, even given the evil creepiness of the "Barbara" replicant.
From his comments elsewhere ("pro-science" "Republican" at PT), if he is ever on the same side as I am I want there to be at least one more side.
Let him smug someplace in Wingnutburg, where smugness is is the bizarro-virtue.

By Sioux Laris (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Everything I do is inspired by God. I know this because I just got an email review saying, "Everything you do must be inspired by God." I'm relieved, really. Because earlier, I had my doubts.

Pete - You idiot, that isn't my recipe.

On the other hand, yes I do mean to be as insulting as possible about the made up bullshit crucifixion. Damn near every fucking gawd man ever dreamt of was crucified.

You should try it!

*flounces off*

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Everything I do is inspired by God. I know this because I just got an email review saying, "Everything you do must be inspired by God." I'm relieved, really. Because earlier, I had my doubts.

Damn, you mean it really isn't me that's trying to tell Pete Rooke what a stupid bloody git he is?