February 15, 2011
He's the Man Who Sees Dead People, which I guess means he wasn't able to see the live people who thought staying at home and washing the dishes would be more entertaining than watching a 'psychic' wank on stage.
(via Craig Crockett)
February 15, 2011
I have concluded that Jerry Coyne is the Imelda Marcos of evolutionary biology. I want to see a photo of the boot wing of his palatial mansion…or maybe he has a dedicated Boot Garage attached to his home, accessed by a fireman's slide and a bullet train?
I confess to some disgraceful philistinery,…
February 15, 2011
Those two wretched words are "faith" and "homeopathy". Please go kill it. Kill it, then burn it, then piss on the ashes, then use the ashes to fertilize a field and grow a tall stand of grass, then burn that, and then use the field as a fecal lagoon where you toss the waste from raising pigs, which…
February 15, 2011
My university is running a year long open seminar called Asking the Big Questions, in which speakers are brought in to more or less informally discuss ideas with an audience. This year's theme is "faith and spirituality".
Anyway, they've brought in people to discuss Chinese philosophy, Wicca…
February 15, 2011
John Beddington, Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK government, has had enough and isn't going to take it any more. He's urging a more vigorous response to the creeping woo.
"We are grossly intolerant, and properly so, of racism. We are grossly intolerant, and properly so, of people who [are] anti-…
February 14, 2011
It's amazing how many videos of human sexual behavior you can find on the web. Try it; type in a few well-known keywords, and you'll have no trouble finding plenty.
I'll just leave you with this one.
February 14, 2011
I thought I had more than enough Valentine's videos queued up for the day, but then this one was mentioned:
Who would have thought that a video with puppets about a mummy would be the most romantic entry of the day?
(via Neil Gaiman)
February 14, 2011
I racked up a series of courtship videos for Valentine's Day — actually, my wife picked them all out, so now you know something about her taste in porn — and I got email from a few people mentioning that they're all alone today. So here's a lonely ant for the community thread.
(Current totals: 11…
February 14, 2011
People are still whining at me about Martin Gaskell, the astronomer/old earth creationist who didn't get a job at the University of Kentucky. I'm afraid you're not going to convince me; I wouldn't hire the guy under any conditions, because he endorses very bad science.
How bad? Well, read his…
February 14, 2011
Would you believe I still get email about cracker abuse? At least this one is novel in its tone.
So-Called Atheists a.k.a RUBES a.k.a. LAMESTREAM ACADEMIA PABLUM asks: "Why is so-called defunct ''Christianity Strain'' the prime target of Satan…
February 13, 2011
My wife will be relieved when I tell her I don't think I'll make chocolate covered squid for her. It's not that I'd be unwilling to try such a concoction, but 1) I have doubts that that combination of flavors is particularly copacetic, 2) she isn't a big fan of seafood in the first place, and a…
February 13, 2011
Ray Kurzweil is a genius. One of the greatest hucksters of the age. That's the only way I can explain how his nonsense gets so much press and has such a following. Now he has the cover of Time magazine, and an article called 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal. It certainly couldn't be taken…
February 13, 2011
Hi, Ben!
Ben is my neighbor, and I think he's on his way to being a good skeptic. He found this book at the library book sale and had to share it with me — although he had a hard time holding back the laughter as he tried to describe it, and now that I've read it, he's right…it's hilarious.
We are…
February 13, 2011
I don't know what it is, but the kooks who write to me either don't know what paragraphs are, so that I get a dense knot of disconnected sentences, or they use a peculiar pattern of quirky line breaks that makes sense to them, I suppose, but not to anyone else. Arvin is one of the latter. He likes…
February 12, 2011
It's been a long and busy couple of days, participating in the Darwin Day events at Southern Illinois University, but it was worth it — in addition to having a splendid time and many great conversations, I got swag!
After the talk at SIU, I traveled home by way of St Louis and met the skeptics…
February 12, 2011
I'm so sad. It sounded so charming: "This special evening begins at 6:00 PM with an inspiring message about love and the biblical view of marriage from Creation Museum founder, Ken Ham". If only I could learn about romance from a sleazy fundamentalist atavism with a neck beard.
Sadly, some people…
February 12, 2011
The happy mob needs some basic physics, and here's Mr Deity to explain it all to you.
(Current totals: 11,849 entries with 1,275,154 comments.)
February 11, 2011
I think. Mubarak finally woke up and noticed that nobody likes him, and has resigned. That's the good news.
The bad news is that power has been turned over to a military council. Shouldn't a stable state have a plan for managing succession and change that is entirely civilian?
But for now it's…
February 11, 2011
I have been disastrously distracted, and the thread to end all threads is overdue for a reset. Contemplate this: a 23 year old Steve Jobs about to appear on television…and he's nervous.
If only I felt nauseous before my talks, maybe I'd be a billionaire today. Isn't that how causality works?
February 11, 2011
I know. That's crazy. But I have no choice. Go vote.
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Atheist Revolution
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Matt Dillahunty
February 11, 2011
It will soon be Valentine's Day, and it's not just the bipedal mammals that turn to amorous thoughts. TONMO has a fabulous series of photos of courting and mating Abdopus aculeatus — here's one small sample.
Your mission for Valentine's Day is to get together with your partner and do your best to…
February 9, 2011
Wow, Ken Ham has been touting all the jobs his Ark Park will bring into Kentucky, and he's already advertising. Isn't that great? Look what opportunities are available:
Job Opportunities in the United States:
Constituent Data Administrator (CDA)
Guest Services Coordinator
Public Safety Console…