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Paul Z. Meyers

Posts by this author

December 10, 2007
My daughter works at our small town movie theater, and she's got the inside scoop: apparently the locals are boycotting The Golden Compass. Attendance is down, almost the only people going are university students, the owner has had calls from people in the community complaining about the movie.…
December 10, 2007
The inimitable Peter Irons has been hot on the trail of the Nathaniel Abraham case, the ditzy creationist who is upset because he got fired from an evolutionary biology lab. There are some interesting tidbits below, specifically the fact that Abraham claims the job ad did not make reference to…
December 10, 2007
They keep catching me on my bad days!
December 10, 2007
OK, astronomers and physicists, get to work. This movie is supposed to be a refutation of modern science, but it's full of bogus claims like, 'Since 98% of the sun is hydrogen and helium, the earth ought to be 98% hydrogen and helium.' There is a lot of similar trivially idiotic nonsense, all…
December 10, 2007
The belts and straps and chains slipped that day! I had no idea there was a cameraman hanging around at the time. It's a nice T-Shirt anyway.
December 10, 2007
As Sheril hinted earlier, there is now a formal call for a science debate by the presidential candidates. A CALL FOR A PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Given the many urgent scientific and technological challenges facing America and the rest of the world, the increasing need for…
December 10, 2007
The Fall semester is winding down — this is the last week of classes — so it's time to start thinking about the Spring term. Ugh. I don't want to. This term has been driving me sufficiently insane as it is. But anyway, if you're a student thinking about all the money you'll have to be spending on…
December 10, 2007
Scienceblogs is expanding in a new direction — they've opened a new counterpart, Scienceblogs — Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik. Take a look; it's got the familiar Scienceblogs layout, and it's got a new collection of bloggers, and it's all in German. Very cool! I can only stumble through the titles…
December 10, 2007
The UMM Freethinkers are having a meeting tonight, at 7PM, in Imholte 101. Our very own Michael Lackey, professor of English and author of African American Atheists and Political Liberation: A Study of the Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Faith(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), will be giving an informal talk on…
December 10, 2007
But you haven't, have you? He's still around, and still occasionally trying to get comments past my filters here. He has a blog — Evolution Is Finished, with one article with no real content, and a few comments, mostly by John A. Davison. He's still whining repetitively at ISCID. He was going on…
December 10, 2007
There are some rational people in Florida, as Robyn Blumner's column makes clear. Not only does she mock Texas for their foolish harrassment of Christine Comer, but she goes on to point out the disastrous consequences of Republican religious meddling, and that Huckabee is going to be more of the…
December 9, 2007
This is weird. Am I dreaming that I'm blogging what I'm dreaming about? Or am I blogging that I'm dreaming about what I'm blogging about? (hat tip to Adam Cuerden)
December 9, 2007
It would seem like sweet poetic justice if James Watson were found to be 1/8th African, but I'm afraid I don't quite believe it. This is news coming from a company called deCODE genetics, an Icelandic outfit that analyzes an individual's racial background on the basis of various genetic markers.…
December 9, 2007
Two serious shooting incidents this weekend — one at Ted Haggard's old church in Colorado Springs, another in Arvada, Colorado — is awfully troubling. No word on motives yet, but I hope the crazies aren't erupting into random violence against each other. (I'm getting a lot of email about this, but…
December 9, 2007
I'm giving my students a take-home exam tomorrow, and one of the questions references this paper: Stoleru D, Peng Y, Agosta J, Rosbash M (2004) Coupled oscillators control morning and evening locomotor behaviour of Drosophila. Nature 431:862-868. I'm just providing the link here to simplify finding…
December 9, 2007
Then you might want to read this—it looks like it was a trojan horse for a spammer. I notice that some of the more web-savvy bloggers edited out the sneaky code when posting it, but the rest of you might want to look back at the code. (hat tip to Coturnix)
December 9, 2007
Cruise the web starting with these most excellent entry points. Carnival of the Godless #80 Friday Ark #168 Carnival of Education #148 Skeptics' Circle #75 Revere's Sunday Sermonette — there hasn't been enough outrage at the unconstitutional vileness of Romney and Huckabee. Now tell me…
December 9, 2007
Would you care to attend Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church for a morning? Philip Bloom has a short documentary in which he used a hidden camera in the Phelps compound. It's as you might expect: raging howls of a sermon, condemnations and hatred, people hoping that millions of others die and go…
December 9, 2007
Here's a useful formula devised by Jessa to evaluate creationist hate mail, called the Creationist Rant Absurdity Phenomenon Index: CRAP Index = M + 10(µ + Ω + I) + 10(F + σ + ρ) + (H)(1.0 x 106) Where: M = number of words in all capitals µ = number of misspelled words Ω = number of superfluous…
December 9, 2007
Arthur C. Clarke turns 90 next week — so go leave him a birthday greeting.
December 9, 2007
One Day You Will Learn Everything About Santa Claus. That Day Remember Everything The Adults Have Told You About Jesus.
December 8, 2007
There are a few novelties in this one: a) it's in Florida, not Texas; b) it's a creationist in the department advocating creationism; and c) she didn't get fired for writing it. You can read the whole thing at Florida Citizens for Science, but here's the stupid part. The science standards that are…
December 8, 2007
Here are a few ideas. Myself, I don't have a “Mohammed”, but I have decided to call any trip to the bathroom a Hajj.
December 8, 2007
Here's an interesting take on The Golden Compass: it's a Protestant movie. I can see that.
December 8, 2007
This is an amusing reversal. Connecticut Valley Atheists put up a Winter Solstice sign in the town square, in the same place that was reserved for Hanukkah displays and nativity scenes, and while some people think it's just fine and fair, others are freaking out. On Friday, a town crew erected a…
December 8, 2007
Hey, somebody went to the Cephalopod Appreciation Society show in Seattle — and Tikistitch came back with pictures! I love the idea of suede squid draped decoratively about the house, but at $2500 each they are a little bit out of my price range. She has also discovered a Japanese fashion doll with…
December 8, 2007
You really don't want to know what goes on inside a slaughterhouse. That way, you'd never hear about toxic pig brain mist. In a rapid-fire process that is noisy, smelly and bloody, severed pigs' heads are cut up at the head table at a rate of more than 1,100 an hour. Workers slice off the cheek and…
December 8, 2007
Remember that awful, nonsensical "Letter from Hell" on GodTube? It was a particularly contemptible example of the evangelical impulse — the message was that not only will you suffer horribly in hell if you are naughty, but all your friends will, too…and it'll be all your fault. Would you believe a…
December 8, 2007
I suspect that many reviews of this movie are going to begin with some variant of the sentiment, "I was disappointed." This one is no exception. It's just not a very good movie; it's one that packed in lots of miscellaneous detail from the book it is based on, but thereby threw away the core of the…