Thursday Baby Blogging 020509

This week's Baby Blogging is in honor of SteelyKid's continued growth: she had her six-month checkup on Wednesday, and has now officially exceeded the weight limit on the bassinet attachment to her porta-crib. We've had to lower her all the way down to the bottom of the crib, where she can look out at the world through a greenish mesh screen:


She's very happy about this. Emmy isn't quite sure what to make of it.

The other big development of the week is her new bouncy seat:


This was purchased last weekend, after seeing her in the jumperoo at day care, bouncing up and down with a huge smile on her face. She loves this one, too, and will grin and coo and bounce happily up and down for quite some time.

(I haven't put batteries in the lights-and-music keyboard thing that's behind her in this picture. There are limits.)

The metal fence around the jumper is a hexagonal "play yard" that we picked up at the same time, to keep the dog away from her while she's in the jumper. Emmy definitely does not approve of this, as she would be much happier having the freedom to lick SteelyKid's face more or less constantly.

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I really love these posts. Your baby is awesomely beautiful.

I've been enjoying these posts. My son is about three weeks old now, and it's nice to have some idea of what to expect in the next few months.


If she keeps that up, a basketball scholarship may be in her future!

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 06 Feb 2009 #permalink

From Emmy's perspective, not only is Steelykid a confusing puppy, she's also a mouth-level supply of human food.

The fence is also going to be handy when Steelykid starts applying the concept of "Mine!" to her toys.

By David Owen-Cruise (not verified) on 09 Feb 2009 #permalink