links for 2009-04-15


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Kieran Healy's Weblog - Elementary Particles "Particle physics has been in the doldrums a bit lately, so they could do with some interdisciplinary reinvigoration. Also, their research budgets remain quite large." (tags: social-science silly physics blogs) Crooked Timber » » Necrotrends: The…

I've deleted the four other copies of this post that prompted Bob's remark. I really hope this was a one-time glitch on the part of, or some kind of server hiccup.

You missed one. There is a copy of this post with the timestamp 09:33, in addition to this one.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 15 Apr 2009 #permalink

I think Delicious is having issues, their popular page is still down, and now the site has a little message on it.

nihilistic_kid's backstory is interesting, he links to an article of his called The Term Paper Artist which is actually much more interesting than the one mentioned here...