The First Steps Are a Doozy

These aren't really SteelyKid's first steps, just the first ones I got on video:

She routinely goes farther than that, more confidently than that, but the big lunge at the end is awfully cute. It's hard to get her really good walks on video, because she always seems to be on the verge of disaster, either by falling and hitting herself, or by walking toward the dog while she's chewing a bone, or heading some other place where she shouldn't be....

From what I understand, the terrifying phase should only last another twenty years or so.

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Yep, no steering, no brakes . . .

When we lived in rural Alaska, one of the prime entertainments at the yearly crafts fair/festival thingie was the 'baby walk.' People put their toddlers on stage at the school auditorium and coaxed them to walk from one side to the other.

Very well attended event, and all the walkers were cheered enthusiastically, whether they made it across or just sat down in the middle or went in the opposite direction or whatever; it was such a small town everybody knew all the babies anyway.

Thanks for sharing these cute videos.

Oh, sweet baby, and you haven't even marked your first birthday yet!!!! She is most definitely an "early" Orzel, unless her Grandma & Grandpa Orzel have proof that you and your sister were early. Somehow, Chad, I think I remember you taking your time.................

By Aunt Marie &am… (not verified) on 02 Aug 2009 #permalink walking toward the dog while she's chewing a bone...

'She' means the dog, right?


By Wilson Fowlie (not verified) on 04 Aug 2009 #permalink