Belated Toddler Blogging 082710

Many apologies for posting this week's cute toddler picture twelve hours late, but we had a little bit of a meltdown last night, thwarting my plans to get a cute picture after SteelyKid had her bath. She's cutting some new molars (I swear, she's part shark, with all the teeth she's getting), and it's hard work being a toddler on the go.

She woke up cheerful this morning, though:


This is her taking a break from her new favorite pastime, watching old Sesame Street and Muppet Show videos on my computer, to mug for the camera. YouTube is a wonderful thing, by the way.

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The blurriness is because I just woke up and doing things like adjusting someone else's camera were kind of beyond me. Also I may not have been wearing my glasses yet, I can't remember.

Actually, it's an auto-focus camera, so it's not directly your fault. I think it was probably focussing on something out toward the edge of the frame that I cropped out of this shot. It does that sometimes.

Thanks, I thought it was my glasses! LOL Great pic, even if it's a little blurry. If you have decent photo editing software you should be able to fix that by using the sharpen edges tool. I do it all the time.