Goodnight Moon, Good Morning California

Here's the clip from my live-via-Skype appearance on tv in Sacramento this morning. Unfortunately, the Chateau Steelypips Internet connection slowed way down for some reason, and Skype froze up then dropped the call. But we did get a few minutes of me talking about Goodnight Moon and SteelyKid.

The field of view is oddly cropped, so I keep disappearing behind their chyron, but it was still fun to talk to them. And they did show the cover of the book after we got cut off, so that's all to the good...

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I like how solving a problem in a book about the moon makes you an astrophysicist.

I also LOL'd at the "astrophysicist" description, not to mention the struggle to pronounce it off of the teleprompter.

Don't you love it when all the crap at the bottom of the screen covers up the single item of any significance in the video being shown? It reaches a new level of irony in HD when the side bars are blank ...

By CCPhysicist (not verified) on 21 Nov 2010 #permalink