Presidential Hoops Challenge

Barack Obama will be visiting Schenectady next Tuesday, and local notables are suggesting things he might do. Particularly notable was this:

Assemblyman Jim Tedisco, R-Glenville, a basketball enthusiast like Obama, suggested that some hoop should be organized for the occasion.

"I'd like to challenge him to a two-on-two game .â.â. at the new YMCA in Schenectady," said Tedisco. He floated Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, D-Manhattan, or state Supreme Court Judge Barry Kramer as possible teammates.

Given that Tedisco is a Union alumnus, and was at one time a regular player in the noon hoops game at Union, I have the perfect venue in mind. They could swing by campus at lunchtime, and play in the field house (even with the President of the United States playing, I'm not sure we could get permission to use the good court in the Viniar Center).

I also notice that Tedisco didn't suggest a teammate for Obama. Normally, I would volunteer, but my busted ankle is still a little sore. I can suggest a number of faculty and staff players who might be good choices, though, and I'd be happy to ref.

Give me a call, Mr. President-- we can make this happen. Yes, we can.

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I love the idea of challenging the president to a game of hoops.

This is how all policy should be determined.

LeBron James for president!

By Drivebyposter (not verified) on 08 Jan 2011 #permalink