Thursday Toddler Blogging 012011

There have been a bunch of times in the last couple of weeks where it was brought home how big SteelyKid has gotten compared to Kate, so this week, we have a Mommy-for-scale photo:


The stylish headband SteelyKid is sporting is from today's Tu B'Shevat celebration at the Jewish Community Center, where she goes to day care. (Learning a whole new set of holidays is an unexpected bonus of sending her there; happily, this one isn't major enough to close the JCC, which happens a lot...) The kids made these this week, and she's been talking about her band for a few days now, so she was very happy to bring it home.

You can kind of see Appa in the background of this, but here's another version that includes a better look at Appa:


Of course, while it's a better Appa photo, SteelyKid is making a silly face... You can't win 'em all.

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