Fundraising Scam Not Enough to Keep NRCC in the Black

Uh oh, it looks like there's trouble in paradise. From Roll Call (subscription required):

Frustration among House Republicans over sluggish fundraising, staff strife and other internal operations at the National Republican Congressional Committee came to a head this month -- with Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) demanding that changes be made.

The tension reached a boiling point in early September during a meeting between GOP leaders and NRCC Chairman Tom Cole (Okla.) that resulted in Cole threatening to resign from his post.


Cole, whom sources described as defensive and taken aback by the meeting and its tone, told Boehner that he would resign his post before he would fire top staff, and as of yet no such staff changes have been made.

It looks like that even with Cole's ongoing fundraising scam (the Congressional Order of Merit), the Republicans are struggling just to keep their heads above the water. According to the article, while the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) had a net worth of $18.9 million at the end of August, the NRCC was in the red by $2.35 million.

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So what have they done with the kickbacks from their cronies? You'd think there'd be tithe or something...

Unlike Hillary Clinton, I don't see Tom Cole giving back any of the money he has raised in this scam that is openly sanctioned by the Republican Party.