ScienceBlogs One Millionth Comment Party in London

As ScienceBlogs prepares to receive its one millionth reader comment, ScienceBloggers are planning parties around the globe in celebration of the event. For our readers in London, Mo Costandi (Neurophilosophy), Ed Yong (Not Exactly Rocket Science), Selvakumar Ganesan (The Scientific Indian), Kara Contreary (Pure Pedantry), and I have planned a party on Saturday, 20 September. So, if you are in the area, please come and join us at the Calthorpe Arms, a pub near Russell Square and King's Cross (see details here,) from 7:00 pm until close. ScienceBlogs has given us $100 per blogger ($500 total), and we're going to use that money to provide food for everyone and then pay for drinks until the money runs out. So, if you want to drink for free, try to show up early!

It is by no means necessary to RSVP, but if you do think you're coming, let me know by email or in the comments section to help us plan how much food we should order. Also, if you haven't already, make sure you enter the Millionth Comment Contest for your chance to win a very sciencey trip for two to NYC.

Update: Ed Yong can no longer make it to the London party, but the rest of us will still be there.

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On Saturday, 20 September, Mo Costandi (Neurophilosophy), Selvakumar Ganesan (The Scientific Indian), Kara Contreary (Pure Pedantry), and I hosted a gathering at the Calthorpe Arms in London to join others in celebrating ScienceBlogs' one millionth reader comment. In addition to footing the bill…
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I'm pretty much just commenting to enter the contest.
I'm glad you're back to blogging. Maybe this crisp Chicago air has re-inspired you, or maybe it's the transient aura of Obama in the city... either way.

By Meredith M. Clancy (not verified) on 12 Sep 2008 #permalink

Me too! Hope to make the party on the 20th.

By Malcolm, FCD (not verified) on 12 Sep 2008 #permalink

Hey Nick - I'm hoping to be there. If London's Open House Weekend doesn't knacker me out.

I'm hoping to make it too - and have proposed a transatlantic party-to-party skype/iChat call with at least one of the American parties happening the same day. Does the Calthorpe Arms have wifi??

Yes - self and better half are planning to be there if we survive the Open House w/end.

By Mary Parsons (not verified) on 16 Sep 2008 #permalink

Nope. We just have 100 US dollars per blogger to work with... so the earlier you get there, the more free drinks you'll be able to pack in!

In regards to wifi, I'm not sure, but I'll try to find out.

See you all there.

wish i could! congrats!

Nooo! I missed it. Sometimes being on holiday is really annoying. I hope it was fun. (Long-time lurker, by the way.)